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Everything posted by Chivas

  1. Why would the visa be denied if all is in order ?
  2. Yep same as those 2 New Zealand morons already persona non grata for life no matter what the outcome of their court case As with this idiot lock him up and deport for life upon release....he'll soon be utilising his excess energy on the Ukrainian front
  3. You can bet your Bottom Dollar that before 2024 is out there will have been a complete reversal and all will be forgotten as in a bad dream
  4. It is pandering to the snowflakes and increasing costs ! I rarely if ever drink alcohol on flights. Have just done 16 hours in the air without one. If it shaved £'s off the economy fares than bring it on
  5. At current rates and fares I'd say its around 100.000 Baht extra to fly Biz over Economy London Bangkok return In the interim you enjoy landing 20 metres in front of me and I'll happily wait 30 minutes in the normal queue with my 100k 😁
  6. Jesus wept goddam coffee has just gone spraying all over the laptop lol
  7. You're about 3 days too late since I subsequently responded to that Try and keep up
  8. Stop you at Boarding gate for what exactly lol....its a final boarding card check ? I'm not exactly sure how many times I've flown London Bangkok but around 170 times ish and I've never had anyone on final gate looking for Visas in passport, proof of onward ticket or more recently Evisas
  9. Yes very hit and miss I came in on Etihad and Singapore one way in last 6 months and absolutely no interest was taken (or requested) of my Evisa on both occasions As far as ground handling were concerned they were simply not interested. In Singapore's case there was "no one" to take any interest in the first place as all self automated check in ! Quite bizarre I agree
  10. Yet you were incapable of answering the very basic question What is Prep on a wet Thirsday in the UK.....??
  11. What the hell is a Prep Nope I havent googled it lol One of them turbo sex toy squirmy rabbits from Beach Rd ?
  12. Is that the "full" story in the OP ??
  13. Just had a quick look at Trivago encompassing hotels where I know the prices looked at Songkran dates and nightly rates are virtually identical as last month and earlier March Where do they drag these reports up from !
  14. Clearly that went right over your head and is currently floating somewhere around Koh Larn..........
  15. Go down Soi 6 and you'll find another 700.....................
  16. Yeah just like the morons who claim 1 pill of Ecstasy/MDMA or 1 gram of coke or 1 Yaba pill is "normal" and personal use only It aint fella. Lock the sods up no excuses no packdrill. Drug abuse (ohhh its only personal use) costs the UK £65 Billion a year to fight and resist enough for 30 new hospitals Why shouldnt Thailand take the same stance and I am very pleased they do
  17. Quite right shut at 10pm Pattaya should do the same more than late enough for normal people...................................
  18. Funny guy ehhhh This is the same Schwab who boast they refund all overseas local ATM charges at 220 Baht a time When I pointed out that if someone did it 30 days a month that would amount to a refund of $183 a month (at current rates) everyone went quiet from the Yanks onboard When I then politely Emailed Schwab myself knowing full well it was a crock of shight Schwab themselves said yes but subject to a fair usage policy How unsurprising lol Nothing is free fella and I guarantee the rate applied from your precious Schwab transfer will reflect the supposed "free" element ! Put a recent real time transfer up showing all elements and we'll take a look against say Wise
  19. Nope lol Thats a one year graph let alone close to 18 year high !
  20. I'm still waiting for him to explain how he's managed to find the holy grail of foreign exchange dispatch.....
  21. I wouldnt be remotely bothered about the corresspondants fee but solely what rate is applied to the received amount Assume it will be Telegraphic Transfer rate You're missing the "landing fee" as well normally 300-500 Baht You dont mention how much you're sending albeit you mention the lack of Wise account which obviously lands at interbank somewhat higher than TT but also with increased fees depending on amount
  22. No idea what you're on about Scan the passport check the boarding card....Check the Evisa print off against what the IO is viewing on sceeen Fingers thumbs.....smile....passport stamped and away you go Unless the Thai Immigration have now a complete criminal record check of potentially 8 Billion people that approaches the booth (impossible) then tell me what else they can check Just a standard periodical Thai announcement and nothing more
  23. I would be attending your embassy in person and speaking directly to the consulate section. Clearly you dont want to be inadvertantly picked up in the interim with no valid visa or passport but Embassies are not in the business of making further problems for themselves Sorry for your loss but am not being harsh when I say whats thats got to do with being frankly an illegal in the first place for years...thats clearly deliberate
  24. Perfect response Nothing in OP was remotely valid as regards any "new" checks
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