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Everything posted by Chivas

  1. @KannikaP What are you confused about this time ?? Baht in light of the Asean crisis was floated to find its own level in 1997
  2. Sterling is heavily down against the US Dollar on one side of the pairings and is the sole reason our Sterling/Baht rate has diminished (Sterling/Dollar) x (Dollar/Baht) is the number crunch. Movement in either pairing effects the bottom line Baht itself is the weakest its been for around 5 years it should be added at around 34.30 give or take
  3. This thread really does highlight the need for Thailand to drop all their immigration requirements bar the Covid vaccination upload
  4. I'm not advocating anything illegal I'm just saying with more emphasis perhaps that anyone who "completely" burns their bridges with their home country frankly needs their head examining I will give one incredibly easy example of retaining your/our "status" within the UK......It is incredibly easy to remain on your GP's patient list (one of the be all and end all of proof for the DWP) by interacting online with GP I'm not resident in Thailand and never would do (happy 6 months a year fine by me) but I havent seen my own GP here in UK for 11 years even though I've had hospital treatment for some fairly serious stuff.....I interact "deliberately" with them once a year basically to ensure I remain on the patient lists in the first place (no agenda simply dont want to be removed by inaction).......point being you can do that from anywhere in the world Moving on as I mentioned it few weeks ago expats use "boatmail" or similar services for physical letter communications To me burning our bridges is just insane...
  5. Incorrect Who choose to drop anchor in another country ?? You or the Treasury ?? Or are you claiming you didn't know in the first place ?? Nothing to do with moving the goalposts......vast majority in my opinion didn't actually sadly realise is the actual correct answer
  6. Yet again myself (and many others here) would offer that same message.....why on earth completely burn your bridges with the UK
  7. Depends how much you're talking about because the obvious way which doubtless others are currently thinking is give him/her your Debit card Frankly it goes on worldwide on a daily basis
  8. Virtually none of the codes or more importantly the price within the thread match the official site I acknowledge codes from the past will (likely) work Out of interest the one I used for years pre covid has gone from 200 a month to 350 plus vat obviously https://www.true.th/truemoveh/site/upgrade_option/prepaid?shelf=data_prepaid
  9. Would be handy if you could update the thread when you have time perhaps Thanks
  10. Nice one Cyril..... (yes I know lol) Seriously thats what I wanted to see on the thread...thanks
  11. Thailand is requiring what I posted above in the screenshot....In fact the insurance requirement is now chopped in half as well
  12. There you go.....that was from May 1st for 6 months and insurer was from Thai Pass Website Age appears to be immaterial
  13. I just did a 6 month premium check to cover the Covid Insurance needed by the Thai pass.....Its actually at the higher level still of $20,000 rather than 10k so premium may come down as well Now need to be clear this is Covid coverage only so nothing else....purely Covid only 6 months was 2,750 Baht so around £63 give or take At £10 a month (scam or not) its hardly a deal breaker ??
  14. So to be clear for myself the insurance coverage within the uploaded document needs to show $10,000 of Covid related insurance and all the rest is irrelevant as to what level ??
  15. Serious question no agenda because since Covid reared its head I have not come to Thailand Whether its $50k $20k or now the further reduced $10k are you/we obliged to use the insurance companies that were shown under the Thai pass website ?? Just doing few weeks ago a sample premium and the recommended Thai pass insurers premium was 6.2 times higher than if I had used my normal insurer out of the UK and it should be added that this had 100 + multiples of coverage compared to the Thai one ??
  16. I've screenshotted my earlier post rather than quoting as to do so will not show the Emoji Does anyone fancy telling me why 3 people (so far lol) would be "confused" ! ????
  17. Am surmising that over the next couple weeks all will become clear as the same question will be asked over and over
  18. Its not difficult is it. Vast majority are vaccinated normally and vast majority carry insurance on trips. Hardly a problem to upload the 2 documents Very easy I'd imagine
  19. Not started yet until May 1st Give them chance to update the websites at least !
  20. Well spotted albeit hardly likely to discourage users Still the only remitter (that I'm aware of ) that works off full interbank
  21. Yep had the same overnight At the moment is £5.37 for a flat £1,000 transfer Will have a look next week see what its changed to.
  22. Dear God buddy give it up please It doesnt matter what you put as the reason for transfer but I'll spell it out for you yet again (50 times ?) It. Is. Audit. Control.
  23. Chivas

    TV Mucho

    Ok perfect thank you thats what I imagined it was....
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