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Everything posted by Chivas

  1. The fun and games and tales of woe will be hitting forums 24/7 for the next 3 months. Let others iron out the system and wait until the new year
  2. Appreciate you're an American but as a Brit you'll get offloaded without the visa if its beyond 30 days I've detailed couple times before the battle I had with Emirates out of Gatwick back in 2006 over that exact same problem. It took me getting the Head of Station for Emirates involved and lot of extremely polite discussion and signature on an indemity form to finally let me board Nothings changed if you're departing out of the UK. Its an airline issue not a immigration issue with a border refusal resulting in airline fine.
  3. Well very few are going to do it that way around from any country. Visa could be declined for any amount of reasons or delays. People are simply not going to book a fully refundable flight direct from the airline at 2-3 times an agents fare Just prior to typing that BA came in at £1869 economy fare (fully refundable direct from airline) as opposed to consolidated non refundable at £565
  4. Yes absolutely...instant on the last 3 transfers of which the last one was on a Saturday morning
  5. So how come the last time I did a transfer on a Saturday morning the funds were in SCB within 5 seconds (early September)
  6. Its surging in the Uk with infections the worst in the world and infection rate more than the rest of Europe combined simply because we have a "populist" catastrophic clown running the show namely the Johnson
  7. All the data deals on Truemove appear to have certainly gone up since last time I was in the country February 2020 I'm wondering if the short codes of the past which I've got for previous plans will still actually work Back then I was getting "always on" data for a month (at lower speeds) for 199 plus Vat ( existing Sim from last 8 years is still active)
  8. I'm genuinely astonished at the reactions in the form of emoji on this thread My response of a permanent ban rather than 5 years was met with derision. When I make the point that no one bar hospitalisation should be even 30 days over visa duration that to is met with amazement We have a forum full of individuals who think its routinely acceptable to break visa rules not by say 2 days but by a month or in the case of the OP 1 entire year Someone tell why anyone should be even 30 days over visa validity bar hospital/jail ?? 30 days why ????
  9. Quoting myself from the original post and 7 to date are confused or sad lol...I can only assume people think its acceptable ! What is about even being 30 days over on your visa that is not "reasonable" to absolutely everyone let alone a year ?? Theres zero justification bar hospital. None whatsoever
  10. 5 years is not long enough. Persona Non Grata indefinately Theres zero excuse for absolutely anyone to be on overstay (and lets be generous) for more than 30 days unless hospitalised etc There really really isn't. Thailand are far too soft on this
  11. Seeing as the UK has the current worst record in the world for daily infections I'm at a loss as to how we are included !
  12. Am afraid whilst the sentiment is good on paper brokers (the world over) will always push the Insurers who pay the highest commissions... I should know having spent 7 years in the industry Sometimes they happened to coincide with the best policy anyway but it was rare
  13. Chivas

    TV Mucho

    Yes appreciate thanks. As I said I hadnt logged into the site for 18 months. I got hold of them via messenger and they said about the recordings over the 7 days with 50 hour maximum (more than enough) Seemed to have come down in price paying monthly at 5.99 Euro
  14. What happened lol I logged in as hadnt actually done so since March 2020 as outside of Thailand to find the catch up service no longer exists ?? Apparently you can watch Live still but the whole idea was the catch up service for me Are there any others providers of that style of original service ??
  15. Lovely little troll there fella albeit its hard to grasp with the lack of English on display ????
  16. The biggest problem Thailand has is their overriding sense of their own importance Until they actually grasp that they are just one of many countries that tourists flock to and act accordingly they are going to see very small inbound tourist numbers
  17. Yep they simply do not grasp that until you can turn up at Suvarnabhumbi with a just a vaccination certificate, passport and a smile than 99% are not coming
  18. Almost certainly something or someone has triggered an investigation. We get blase sending cross borders totally oblivious that HMRC (if you're a Brit) get to see them every single time. 99.99% of the time they go unchecked
  19. I have to laugh yet again with posters claiming the delay time on arrival of monies are down to the reason you list for sending it in the first place ! Guys thats solely to do with anti money laundering should you ever find yourself under investigation at some point in the future !! Its makes NO difference lol what you put !! Its purely for Transferwise Adminstration purposes and complying with regulations ! If you get different time spans its got sod all to do with Noi and her Buffalo's lol
  20. That worked extremely well.....I wont state the obvious in that it did indeed transfer immediately but what I liked about the SCB app was that it was click on the icon of receiving bank and enter just the account number. Under review it tells you the account name (without you entering it) which obviously confirms the account number is spot on Recommended SCB..... Greatly impressed a classic KISS method
  21. Thanks Crossy..... Doubtless they could send a code. It was more a case of me saying yep it will be with you today via the app (or 3 days etc) Appreciate your response
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