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Everything posted by Chivas

  1. Cant really see 300 Baht (so around £7) being added to the ticket price becoming a barrier to visitors Obviously absorbed within the ticket price, added to the 700 Baht departure tax that the vast majority didnt actually realise was there anyway as time as gone by these last years... Pretty much a non event I'd dare to suggest
  2. Again the question has to be why would anyone for inbound transfers use anyone other than Transfer(wise) proven time after time to give the best bottom line
  3. Agreed reference last sentence but for about the 247th time (thats not aimed at you Scuba as such) it makes absolutely no difference what you put as the reason for sending as regards the landing time It is entirely down to audit control for Transferwise should a financial investigation into a client be required by a judge for any number of reasons for example money laundering Any differential in landing times is purely coincidental no matter what some claim......If Wise are entering a code on the transfer to make it easier for expats to show monthly income thats excellent but it still makes zero difference to the landing time It doesn't chaps I assure you. After 37 years in finance I do know a little bit lol
  4. Always does and always will....I have no axe to grind and further to my earlier post on the thread every 3 months or so I re run Wise against various providers and Wise always comes out on top Not only that of my last god knows how many transfers every single one was absolutely instant in landing in the SCB and the one that didnt took an outrageous........2 hours lol Wise every time bar none Cost speed and bottom line
  5. Wise is the only company who operates at full Interbank rates. There is no other. Combine that with relatively low fees and I defy anyone to find a transfer of £5000 (as an example) from another provider that lands with a better bottom line (edited to add not including opening special offers for new accounts) You'll be there all day trying. Purely because even your own bank doesn't remit at interbank but relies on landing TT rates which are always lower Fixed fee yes with most UK banks but you'll need to send well into 5 figures before the bottom line is better in catching up I tried with £15,000 not long ago using the indicated TT rates for SCB for that day and still Wise came out ahead
  6. RBS or Halifax in UK to SCB Immediately lands in SCB apart from just 1 occasion where it took two hours or so..... by the time I've entered the 6 digit number into app money has already landed Even sending on a Saturday was instant.
  7. Yep and the absolute easiest way (even without depositing) is just use the bill payment facility all the bank apps have and send 25 Baht to your mobile phone account
  8. Out of interest Baht is dropping again against the USD and has pushed Sterling to 45.71 interbank off the back of it currently at the time of post
  9. lol well I suggest you actually read this time the bottom of the screenshot..................... Someone in the interim has sent me a PM saying that a £2350 transfer inititated via swift had been put on "hold" on the 4th January (in hindsight because his bank was not one of the listed three) Lets wait and see how it unfolds before you have a kneejerk reaction doubtless because your bank is not named Failing that start your own thread fella
  10. No...thats clearly (in my opinion) relating to all inbound transfers Doubtless some using swift etc etc can confirm or deny in the coming days
  11. Its completely out of control in the UK and Hong Kong and I suspect Thailand know full well the shight is about to hit the fan in very short order... I suspect the Hospital is aiming for a fine balance of critical care as opposed to simply no care
  12. I've just done a small (ish) transfer just profits from Crypto that I send monthly. By the time I had logged into SCB app (knowing from past experience its instant) yep it was already there So just the time its taken me to enter 6 digits into the app. Superb service. Time after time I wonder what on earth some are doing to claim such delays
  13. Yet again I ask the very same question. Its no good remotely claiming what you do when the reality is different Now I've just gone to Truemove unlimited for 30 days and certainly not a quick speed per se I might add. The cost is clear and even shows the short code to obtain it....over 900 Baht
  14. Make a jail sentence mandatory (worldwide) on the spot, car confiscated and watch the cases drop over 6 months as it gets plastered across social media of people jailed Same with using a phone. Immediate confiscation of car or bike on the spot. Fannying around with ifs buts maybe's sick grannies and buffalo's with 5 legs Hit em hard bang em up. Job sorted. ????
  15. We desperately need a right wing back.....how many times did Royal have the ball at his feet yesterday in that 1st half without delivering a decent cross No matter what the likes of Skipp Winks Sanchez Dier and increasingly Højbjerg should be nowhere near the 1st team Sonny is at his best when cutting in from the wings and delivering. Work in progress from Conte though and he'll know the weaknesses
  16. Twice I have in Thailand both with foreign bank cards. Both times Halifax intervened and refunded without quibble within 48 hours. Once 100% in a Kasikorn ATM opposite Alcazar in Pattaya. Edited to add and whilst the figures were relatively low ever since I never keep more than £300 in the Debit card linked account and transfer in from side account when it gets low Worse case scenario no more than £300 can go walkabout
  17. Chivas

    Internet wifi

    I'm not being funny (genuinely) but why does anyone need more than 15 to 20 down More than quick enough for any purpose. Christ back in the UK I've only got 4-5 down because of old external wiring to the house but still streams everything normally 4 times that speed isnt quick enough ??
  18. lol why have you deliberately moved the goalposts. I'll make it more clear for you. The "reason" for the transfer makes not one iota of difference as regards the amount of time it takes to land
  19. There has been multiple threads about the 50k limit landing in Thai banks from whatever source this last couple months and delays/refusals As for the "reasons" for transfer it makes not the slightest difference and is purely for Transferwise's audit trail should they be asked to provide details of a clients finances at a later date for investigation purposes I do notice the whining about delays does come from USA nationals though more often then not
  20. Does ITV player play out of interest ?? If it does will install it
  21. You're missing the point albeit not deliberately As @ThailandRyan said above the country is known worldwide for its prostitution "status" Now remove the blight of Pattaya Patong Patpong etc etc from the map and over the course of a generation Thailand gains another 15 million annual visitors currently deterred by that sleazy image
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