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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. Hmmm.........I fear that United will get a hammering tonight, and luckily enough friend of mine here who is a Liverpool supporter doesn't phone me up to rub it in! Thinking about United, it's not just ETH who is the problem, although IMO he seems to have the personality of a pickled squid, because thinking back over all of the previous managers, there really hasn't been a quality one amongst them except maybe David Moyes, and OGS was a disaster. If you consider the above plus the poor signings they have made over the few years, you will realise that there was no plan in place to be able to build a team which could challenge for trophies, and no one with any sense/capabilities to recognise talent when they saw it, or for that matter, and importantly, how they could mould these players into a cohesive unit. A shambles I'm afraid.
  2. Let's hope that's the way it plays out Candide......so they come up with nothing and some sanity prevails.
  3. Oh dear you've really got it bad, poor soul.......have you tried meditation?
  4. I've had some beautiful farmed venison in New Zealand, and foie gras in France, with probably the best steak I've ever had being in a restaurant in St Petersburg, USA. I do like Thai food, and occasionally cook it, and I do like the flavours and the taste of chili in it – – as for anything to do with British food, well maybe my taste buds were ruined by my mother's efforts, which were nothing short of awful/disastrous hence the reason I haven't eaten it in years. As someone else has said, "it is all subjective" because people's palates are different and whereas some folks like spicy food, others don't and so on.......
  5. I hope all goes well for you John.
  6. So looking at the above, it would seem that although the GOP are wetting themselves in anticipation of a successful impeachment, there is a long way to go yet, and as it stands today "they have achieved a vote to authorise an enquiry, which is not the same as voting for impeachment". So they have the go ahead for a fishing expedition only!!! How will this play out, nobody knows, apart from the fact that the rest of the world must be laughing at this charade and at the fact that there are still people supporting the habitual liar and Cockwomble, trump. What a mess US politics is in.
  7. From what I read in the NZ Herald, property prices are on the up.......so don't despair!!
  8. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful................The best I have ever seen, thank you @Walker88
  9. There are still rednecks, the "poorly educated" and gullible who will buy this rubbish.........so he does appeal to certain sector of US citizens. Sad, so very sad.
  10. and why is a turkey involved? I don't think trump is involved in this particular "celebration".....Lol
  11. Thanks Jai Dee and I will investigate that wine at Wine Connection here in Patong, because it's many years since I've actually been to Hua Hin.
  12. I've had more than my fair share of Aussie wine over the years, and a couple of decades ago, or so, an American wine critic called Robert Parker sampled some of the Australian wines with high alcohol content and thought they were brilliant, and gave them great write-ups, and then the high alcohol wines became de rigueur (unfortunately) and along with their tannins can cause headaches. I've had a few 15% ABV Aussie Reds, and they can be a bit harsh on the brain cells, especially as they sometimes can be so delicious/tempting, that one puts away more than one should!!! The everyday drinking Aussie Reds with slightly lower alcohol come from south-east Australia from the Riverland area and this is the main area for the cask wine and cheap drinking plonk, although they can produce some fairly good wines, and "19 Crimes" comes from this area I believe. Many wines mentioned on here already are actually "fruit wines" and that's because they are mixed with fruit juice or fruit, and have to be labelled like this, although Montclair seem to get away with missing this off of their casks and bottles. A basic rule of thumb would suggest that anything below 450 baht a bottle is suspect with regards to fruit wine and someone mentioned a Rhône wine at a good price, which began with the letter "B", however unfortunately that wine is also mixed with fruit juice. If you are drinking wine for the alcohol buzz, then the quality of it matters not, so fruit wine/cask wine/2 L bottles/cooking wine will do, however if one wants to really savour and search the wine for the taste of "blackcurrants, blackberries, black fruits, plums and so on" then one has to pay for the privilege, and that's why I've started moving up the table as regards price on red wine, because I'm getting older and need to spend a bit more on myself.
  13. Sorry to ask again, but what is the name of the shop?? I believe that Bluport is the name of the shopping mall.
  14. Well the interviewer asked what was necessary to end the war and the Israeli spokesperson told them. Hatred or not, the solution is there for all to see, plain and simple, and if Hamas do not agree to surrendering, then they will reap the catastrophic results of the war they started and the death and misery that they have brought upon the Palestinians. That is the way forward irrespective of the degree of hatred between the two nations, that being the case, I sincerely hope that Hamas are wiped out completely and if the poor Palestinians suffer whilst this is being undertaken, then they should look to Hamas to blame, not a country which was attacked by the terrorists. I have said what I believe is a solution.
  15. That is getting too close for comfort but the Scots have a word for trump......"Cockwomble"
  16. It has to stop asap There was an Israeli/government/military spokesman last night on BBC World News, and he was asked about the carnage, and a possible ceasefire or an end to it all, and I liked his reply: – "the war can stop now, after all it was not started by Israel, all Hamas has to do is to surrender and give up their weapons, and it will all be over". Simple really and I fully support his viewpoint.
  17. Thanks again and where can I buy it here in Thailand??
  18. This is so true and both sad and amusing.....................
  19. Hi again SM........message shortly on the way.
  20. That's a good recommendation LC and one which I will seek out as I do like the Primitivo grape and when combined with the sunshine and heat in southern Italy/Sicily, then it should be very much to my liking I suspect. Many thanks.
  21. I have been drinking and collecting wine for over 50 years now, and it has been a hobby of mine for that time, hence the reason I have toured many vineyards in France, a few in Australia and New Zealand, sometimes at the invitation of the vineyard owners. I did contribute to a very large thread here when it was Thai Visa and that went on for many pages, but unfortunately they banned the mention of wine?? Anyway going on what others have said, IMO the "19 Crimes" is a fair bottle amongst the cheaper ones although it's not that cheap these days, and although the Chilean wines are a bit cheaper, and I've tried many of them, I really can't get to grips with their "averageness". Nowadays I buy my wine from importers and get it delivered to my door and my favourite at the moment is an Appassimento from southern Italy, as well as one from Wine Pro, because they are full-bodied, well-made and a huge cut above the average everyday offering. I won't touch any wine with fruit juice in it, or even fruit additives of any description because they give me a headache, so I have resorted to asking restaurants here, which only have the "Mont Clair" type wine, if I can take my own bottle of wine along, and they allow me to, with a 200 baht corkage charge – – fine by me. PS. I regularly consumed almost a bottle of red wine every night up until just recently, now I have cut back to about half a bottle followed by a glass of Portuguese Port! I have also taken to buying the more expensive wines as I reason that at the age of 76, I deserve to drink good wine!
  22. Use Helium gas which is used to blow up balloons. Check in the internet how to do it.......it is my "departing this mortal coil" solution; not messy and painless. Good luck with whatever you decide.
  23. I needed cheering up today because I went to see old friend of mine who is seriously ill in hospital, only to encounter his two daughters who had flown in from overseas ostensibly to comfort him, but in reality to discover what their inheritances might be, and in the process giving his wife of 25 years so much stress and a really bad time, and so sad to see her under this much pressure. When I got home very late from this, I needed cheering up so I re-watched an old favourite of mine called, "The Greatest Showman" and yet again I was absolutely blown away by the choreography in this movie, not to mention the moving songs and the plot (loose as it may be), and it brought tears of happiness to my eyes, because it is an uplifting movie, and yet again, I fell in love with Zendaya!!
  24. I downloaded and watched a movie called, "The Promise" and I think it was a recommendation from someone else on this thread, but whatever, I enjoyed it. I had no idea about the Armenian genocide by the Turks, so after the movie I did a bit of research and it was truly shocking what happened, yet Turkey refuses to accept responsibility for it. I won't go into more detail because if someone wants to watch it, they will get an idea of my shock and horror at what actually happened. Later on I watched a movie called, "The Autopsy of Jane Doe", mainly because I couldn't remember much about it, but not disappointed, so worth a watch if you haven't seen it before....stars Brian Cox.
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