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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. Intersting info on prostate cancer treatment........just for info but looks promising! Hope for the future. Could men with advanced prostate cancer avoid chemotherapy? Radioligand therapy offers a potential alternative. But only approved for certain cases. When we think about radiation therapy, we typically picture treatments directed at tumors by a machine located outside the body. Now imagine a different scenario — one in which radioactive particles injected into the bloodstream find and destroy individual cancer cells, while leaving healthy cells unscathed. The drug One such "radioligand" is already available for certain patients with prostate cancer. Called Lu-PSMA-617 (trade name Pluvicto), it carries a lethal payload of radioactive atoms. The drug binds with a cell protein known as prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA), which is abundant on most prostate cancer cells but absent on most normal cells. After sticking to that protein, Lu-PSMA-617 delivers its radioactive cargo, and then the targeted cell dies. https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/could-men-with-advanced-prostate-cancer-avoid-chemotherapy-202401083005
  2. An interesting Article on supplements (vitamin tabs etc) Supplements aren’t nonsense — here’s why they make a difference after 50 https://www.nzherald.co.nz/lifestyle/supplements-arent-nonsense-heres-why-they-make-a-difference-after-50/JQWYGBM55NDSVJ3AZEML4P6BKA/
  3. He is only a sample of one Earl, and I can assure you that the USA is looked upon as a "partner" by NZ, even sharing the "five eyes" intelligence/defence relationship....... "The Five Eyes alliance is an intelligence network established post-World War II between the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Its genesis lies in the post-war 1946 UKUSA Agreement, intended as a cooperative arrangement for sharing signals intelligence (SIGINT)". I am a New Zealander and have absolutely no problem with anyone from the US, apart from Trump and his idiot followers.
  4. Still waiting with bated breath...........?
  5. There is also one not far from Hua Hin which is supposed to produce good wine, so a friend and I visited it and undertook a small wine tasting before deciding to buy any of its wine. Well, according to write-ups, I expected great things, but alas this was not to be, because the wine was about 4 (if that) on a scale of 10, so wasn't worth bothering with, although it was supposedly their flagship wine, a Syrah/Shiraz! There is also one a little south of Chiang Rai, which I meant to call into when I was passing by, but completely forgot. Having said all of that, I have yet to taste a good Thai wine, and even though Night Black Horse imports grape juice from overseas in order to ferment and bottle it here (I believe) it certainly wouldn't replace any of my regular wine here, because the quality just isn't there. PS. Forgot to mention that the Thai wine at the Hua Hin vineyard was priced upwards of 700 baht some 9 yrs ago......far too expensive for what it was.
  6. Couldn't have happened to a more deserving case. Also, a friend of mine has sent me a clip which purportedly shows Palestinians carrying a dead man, supposedly killed by the IDF, on a stretcher to his burial, when an air raid siren goes off, so they drop the stretcher to the ground and run off seeking shelter – – and lo and behold, a miracle happens, the "dead man" gets up from the stretcher and also runs for cover. Hamas up to its old tricks again, and when I see protesters in the UK holding up flags which say "Free Palestine" I would love to add on the end of that, "from Hamas", because that's the reality of it, and I can only hope that more Hamas terrorists are wiped from the face of this earth.
  7. Wait for it.........you still might not!!!
  8. You post such absolute rubbish/nonsense that one has to wonder if you are quite "the full quid", or that you are so full of love for the orange clown, that this obscures your view of reality. Or maybe you fit into the category of voter education that Trump prefers????
  9. Hmm......you have talking birds at your place!!! On a serious note, I'm thinking of getting some of these to put along a wall which runs outside of my apartment, because for some unknown reason a couple of large cats seem to like walking along the top of this wall and at 3 AM in the morning they make a hell of a din with their meowing, and I have been woken up many times by this noise, and I have to do something about it, and this could be the first effort.
  10. Yes I wondered this myself, because they could make one hell of a killing with this "shampoo" if they were to buy industrial washing-up liquid in very large containers, very cheaply, then mix it with the kaffir lime and on sell the product........just a thought!
  11. The knock-on effect could be felt in countries like Australia, South Africa and Chile, where low-end winemakers have been mixing fruit juice/fruit with the wine mainly to get over the tax/duties payable in the likes of Thailand, with some exporting it in bulk and others in bottle and cardboard casks. I look forward to seeing the end result with the better class wines coming down in price, and I will do my bit to assist the government in making up the shortfall, by buying more and expensive wines!
  12. I am investing in residential property Noob, but through two companies designed to 'protect" the investor via legal documents which mean that the company can acquire the property and sell it should the borrower default on an interest payment. Therefore the LVR (Loan to Valuation Ratio) is important, meaning that in the event of a default, when/if the property is sold there is enough to pay back the loan (my investment) and ensure some is left for the original borrower. I therefore look at properties with an LVR around the 50% mark. One of the properties I invested in was that of a retired person who had a house on a few acres of land and gained council permission to build a couple of houses on the land, however because he wasn't working anymore, no bank would lend him the money to build because he had no income, so in effect could not meet the bank's criteria for mortgage repayment, and that's when peer-to-peer lending can come into play because the money I put into it helped build a house, which was subsequently sold and the proceeds paid back my loan, and left the retired person with a profit. Hope that helps.
  13. Trying to answer the OP's question about the investing year ahead will have a different meaning for different posters I would suppose. Those with an overall long-term investment plan (because they are younger) will be different to folks like me in my mid-70s who try to focus on capital retention. To this end I am about to cash up the shares in the only two companies in New Zealand in which I have invested, and which have performed very well over the years with overall growth of around 200%, and average dividends of 5.5%, and focus on fixed interest in the main. For a two-year term deposit I can get 6% and for a five year term deposit 5.5%, so investing in those two TDs will provide a healthy interest amount, then a lump sum in a peer-to-peer lending company which at the moment is paying around 8% pa, then leaving some in a low interest bank account for emergencies/everyday use. Even if the interst rates decline I will have enough from interest and capital on which to see out my years. I have calculated that the interest alone from my investments, coupled with my country pension, should provide me with around 1.3 million baht per annum upon which to live, and as I've already taken care of the 800,000 baht needed for my retirement extension, I don't see any obstacles. That is going to be my investing year ahead, and tomorrow will be the first day when I put it into action by cashing up my NZ shares.
  14. As I still have a couple of months subscription on my Nord VPN, I tried it last night when wanting to view something on BBC iPlayer, but the BBC picked it up I was using a VPN, so no go........I switched back to Smart DNS Proxy and all was well, and I did manage to watch Bonnie and Clyde (again) after not seeing it for decades – very enjoyable.
  15. No, surely not, you have to be kidding me......doh!!!!!
  16. That is what Charles wanted to be........this from one of his "intercepted" telephone calls with Camilla. So only quoting the man himself!!
  17. This seems to be one major aspect of this "war" which some posters here seem to forget – – that Hamas has been waging war against the Israeli nation for as long as I can remember (in one form or another) and the most despicable thing about this war is that Hamas deliberately hide behind civilians, uses them as cover and uses hospitals and homes in which to hide and carry out their atrocities. There was one post I read a couple of days ago whereby someone was up in arms because refugee camp had been shelled – – but what they hadn't mentioned was that rockets had been fired at Israel from this very same refugee camp, by Hamas! So Hamas knows exactly what it's doing and IMO sees it as a win/win situation for them. They fire upon the Israelis from the refugee camp and know full well that any returned fire will also kill Palestinian citizens, but they don't care because that's great publicity for them (anti-Israeli that is) and in addition, it probably reduces the amount of Hamas deaths, so again a win situation. They are despicable terrorist organisation and should be eliminated, and all the while that the fighting is going on, the fat cat leaders are living in luxury in Qatar and Lebanon – – what a bunch of r--soles. Despicable and total elimination of them would be a gift to the world.
  18. "rational"................hmm, don't forget you are talking to poorly educated trump supporters, so "rational" and GOP is akin to an oxymoron.
  19. Yes, and he seems about as motivational as a pickled squid...........one of many poor choices for a manager, and of players.
  20. A wax dummy of a live dummy?? Should have made one of a tampon as that is what this twit wanted to be, to be closer to Camilla!!
  21. No surprise as you said.................got to keep the wealthy alcohol barons on side, with possibly a little "donation" or two to help out! Pathetic.
  22. Surely you don't believe that nonsense........or maybe you do? So perhaps the hundreds of thousands of innocent people who have been killed in Gaza & Ukraine, not to mention the millions in the DRC, Yemen and Ethiopia did not have these qualities, "tree of life are kindness, generosity, patience, peace, goodness, modesty, kindness, joy, charity, self control, faithfulness". Utter claptrap, and some.
  23. I would have to agree with that, and the "decision" to leave was fraught with misinformation from many fronts – – such a poor decision IMO.
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