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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. I watched a little gem of a movie last night and one that became available on BBC iPlayer just recently, called, "Official Secrets" and I don't think it's release was heralded with much of a fanfare, however I found it very enjoyable. It starred Keira Knightley, of whom I'm not a great fan, but she played the role (as it was a true story) very well, and Ralph Fiennes was excellent in the smaller part which he played, and Matt Smith was also a driving force in it. They were clips from various news programmes which showed George Bush, Tony Blair and Colin Powell orchestrating things, which put a lot of it into perspective. The ending was a surprise, and just before the final credits rolled, a few snippets of information were shown on screen and they justified what had happened in the movie.
  2. Great result for the ABs, although IMO not as good as last week's game against Ireland...........closer and with two classy sides playing great rugby.
  3. I renewed my retirement extension just a few days ago at the main Phuket immigration office and the list of requirements which has been posted by @phuketcouple was on the mark, although the young officer I was dealing with suggested that I should have come sooner because the bank stamp on the bank statements was 10 days previous, but that was because there was a holiday and a weekend in between me going into the bank and me receiving the printouts on the same day as I visited the office! A point here that I will make is that when I got there at 1 PM, there was around 35 people waiting to go into the office and quite a few Russian agents with stacks of passports to process, so I had to wait about 3 1/2 hours to get my ticket/receipt to come back the next day to pick up my passport – – which I did, only to find that the queue in order to get a re-entry permit had about 60 people in it (including sitting on seats inside the room waiting for their turn to be called) so I wasn't about to wait, and got the re-entry permit at the immigration office in Patong, waiting just five minutes to do so.
  4. Excellent idea and I have thought along similar lines to you...........but being Thailand, good ideas and common sense gain little traction here.
  5. I didn't know where else to post this, despite searching, so I will add/announce my own guidance with regards to immigration at Phuket........ It is packed with all sorts of nationalities, with many being Russian, and when I went there on Monday to try and renew my retirement extension, I had to wait almost 3 1/2 hours to be able to hand the passport in and get the ticket to come back the next day! What made it even worse was that there were about five Russian agents, all women, and between them they had approximately 35+ passports/paperwork to process and once they got inside of course, that one agent, delivering multiple passports and paperwork to the overworked staff added to the long wait outside of the office. It didn't help that one obnoxious Russian agent was arguing with the young woman who was checking the paperwork and wouldn't let it go, and I don't know what happened to her, but she was definitely holding up the other people! After my long wait I was looking forward to going back the next day to pick up my passport and get the re-entry permit, but the next day was even worse than the one previous, with a queue coming out from the re-entry permit office and snaking round the outside of the building, and the chairs inside of the office were full, so I estimated about 60 people in all waiting for re-entry visas/permits. I looked at that mess and decided it wasn't for me and thought that I might be able to get my re-entry permit at the Patong immigration office, which I have just done today, and now that I know that avenue is open to me, I will use it in the future. I can now see why some people use agents, even when they have sufficient money in the bank, because waiting for perhaps a total of more than seven hours, with two return visits over two days to Phuket immigration is not their idea of fun, mine neither. There was one noticeable stand out in amongst all of this melee, when one Russian guy carrying a plastic folder (full of passports and paperwork?) walked past everyone waiting for their turn to be called, went straight into the office, deposited the plastic folder on the desk, and immediately came out and left?? Only guessing here, but I would think the legendary "brown envelope" played a part in this........... So my guidance would be: – get to the immigration office at 8 AM in the morning, on both mornings, or if you are able to find an agent who will cater for your needs, then save yourself time, stress and inconvenience and use him/her. Not something I would have normally said, but then the old adage comes into play, "if you can't beat them, join them" (with regards to using agents that is). For the readers of this post, I do have the full 800,000 baht sitting quietly in my bank here.
  6. I downloaded and watched a movie last night called, "The Burial" and wasn't quite sure what to expect although it did get a rating over seven on IMDb. It was an enjoyable movie, based mainly in the court room, and starring Tommy Lee Jones and Jamie Foxx amongst others, and based on a true story. For me the intriguing part was the twists and turns in the court case, with one never being sure quite who was winning and who wasn't! Well worth a watch IMO, with a satisfactory outcome.
  7. I guess I owe a few people an apology after that comment, however I will put forward some mitigating circumstances for it........ I have some posters who decide to put laughing emojis on just about everything I post, and even if I posted that a family member had died, they would put a laughing emoji on it. I believe I know who they are, and on the one hand I usually dismiss them as idiots, but this time I went too far, so my apologies to those whom I offended. Also my post basically asked the question, "xylitol is a natural plant sugar – – so how would that help with sinusitis?". So that in itself should not have garnered laughing emojis IMO, but it did. Some quick research has shown that it can have a beneficial effect: "xylitol has been hypothesized to be beneficial not only for respiratory tract infections but also for the treatment of sinusitis". National Institutes of Health (.gov). Having suffered from sinusitis for many years, I tried saline sinus rinses and that worked extremely well for me. Once again, my apologies to those whom I offended.
  8. Not so but then it really doesn't matter in this case! Adult human urine is not sterile. “Sterile Urine” and the Presence of Bacteria - PMC - NCBI
  9. It was a great game of rugby which reminded me of the games of old, and this one didn't have too much in the way of referee interference, because he did let the play run wherever possible. The fact that the All Blacks were down to 14 men on two occasions makes this win for them even more special because they hung on and battled away regardless of them being a man short. Several of the players had been "bad mouthed" by the NZ press in recent times, but all of them gave everything they had and it all came right at the end. Well done the ABs.
  10. I see that this post of mine was given three laughing emojis, so for the numb nuts who did this, you might want to look up xylitol, because it is indeed a natural sugar alcohol, and can be used to assist in weight loss in place of normal cane sugar. Of course, the lowly educated wouldn't know this, hence the emojis.
  11. Xylitol is a natural sugar alcohol found in plants........how would that help?
  12. Israeli forces say they’ve uncovered evidence of brutal killings: ‘They cut heads of children’. Some good posts on this thread and others relating to it, and I have changed my stance a little bit, inasmuch as Hamas is a terrorist organisation whose avowed intent is to kill as many Israeli people as possible and wipe out Israel as a country. It is not fighting on behalf of the Palestinian people, who IMO do have "an axe to grind" against the Israelis, but to achieve its own ends, which I've already stated. They have committed atrocities and will continue to do so I believe, however they consider it to be a war in which anything goes, and the sad part about it is that this is the truth in just about any wall that's ever been fought. The French slaughtered young boys who were nothing more than drummers and servants in the Battle of Agincourt; the Americans slaughtered women and children in "the Sand Creek massacre" and "Wounded Knee" and later on in Vietnam at Mai Lai. The British set up the first "concentration camps" and imprisoned Boers in horrendous conditions, with many dying. In Nanking, the marauding Japanese committed horrendous atrocities, including impaling babies on the end of their bayonets and parading them around the streets; the dropping of the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was not aimed at armaments factories, but intended to destroy the morale of the Japanese, killing many thousands civilians in the process; the Nazis murdered Jewish men, women and children in concentration camps............. and so it goes on. Although what we are hearing about the Hamas incursion into Israel is saddening and sickening, it follows the pattern of many other wars and incursions of this type. Who knows how it will end, but as others have posted, and newspaper reports have said, what is the aim of this for Hamas?? Unfortunately asking Palestinian civilians to leave Gaza is very difficult as there will be many Hamas infiltrators and amongst them, only to start elsewhere. Perhaps razing Gaza to the ground, irrespective of the cost of human lives, will be the end result, who knows, but this madness has to stop. PS. I was in Nigeria at the end of the Biafran war and estimates say that over 1 million people were killed in that "war" and starvation by the Government was a major factor in those deaths, with babies and the young being major casualties. Innocents killed through starvation with no regard for the lives of the defenceless, so it seems that war in all its forms covers atrocities, no matter what.
  13. Well, good to see that you agree with those people who don't like trump, and who you call the "Hateful 8", but here's another perspective on it.......... I don't suppose it would have occurred to you that these so-called "hateful" people actually like trump, because if he wasn't here and doing what he has been doing, how would they be able to laugh and point fingers at him and his followers: – I mean they can laugh at him suggesting that he can "grab puxxy" because of who he is, then they can also laugh when he is found guilty of sexual assault (or was it rape?). Then of course he boasts about his billions of dollars, until the courts find out that he doesn't have anywhere near the amount he says he does, mainly because he's been lying about his property sizes and valuations. On the subject of lying, tens of thousands of them are online and in video clips for all to see, so that gives the world and posters on here a chance to see exactly what sort of person he is. He says he is a successful businessman however he has had bankruptcies in the number of double figures (and some), and during a couple of these he screwed the everyday American workmen from receiving their wages. I doubt the everyday American would support him if he is found guilty of sharing secrets with foreign government agents, which at the moment appears to be the case, so perhaps more to laugh and point fingers at in a while to come. And the other thing worth laughing about is how he grifts money off his poor rubes, whilst still maintaining his lie about being a multi billionaire, but that's not surprising because he has actually stated that he loves the "poorly educated" so he obviously appeals to that sector. So maybe these people should be called the "Happy, Joyful 8" because trump and his supporters are the gift that keeps on giving. Or the grift that keeps on grifting!!!!
  14. This stuff is okay for surface cleaners, but under no circumstances must it be ingested, and that has been made clear throughout this thread and also of course in the article below where four people were sentenced to several years in jail for selling it as a Covid cure, to be ingested. Furthermore, looking at the links you have provided involve such things as using a catheter inserted into the patient's trachea (nice procedure to have done!) And using terms such as "appeared to be associated" and "noting that they did not demonstrate a causal link between the improvement in patient conditions and the reduced viral loads". Nothing in these links for your post suggests that chlorine dioxide is safe to be ingested. A Florida man and his three sons were sentenced to several years in prison for selling more than $1 million worth of a fake COVID-19 "miracle" cure which they called "Miracle Mineral Solution" and claimed it cured a range of diseases, including COVID-19, HIV/AIDS, Alzheimer's disease, and leukaemia, among other diseases. The solution that they were selling contained sodium chlorite and water, which becomes chlorine dioxide after being ingested, the Times reported. All four men were found guilty by a jury in July after choosing to represent themselves in court. The sentencing came after a 3-year-long case that began in 2020 at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. The solution that they were selling contained sodium chlorite and water, which becomes chlorine dioxide after being ingested, the Times reported.
  15. I had a very interesting job which I liked very much, but the money was poor. After I came back from working on oil rigs in Nigeria, I was employed by the Loctite Corporation as a sales engineer, and I had no idea that adhesives came in so many forms and could be used for so many different applications. On occasion I would be asked to go to a company to try and solve a problem for them, whether it was on the drawing board or already in production, and Marconi Space and Development systems was one of those companies, trying to find a special heat resistant adhesive to be able to use on a window in a small rocket they were sending in space. Many others, but the most notable for me was when I called upon a company in Worthing, of whom I never heard, who were making loudspeakers and I introduced myself to the technical director and explained that we had a range of adhesives and he told me they had a problem with one particular part of the assembly, whereby they had to put the assembled part into an oven to be able to cure the epoxy resin, and that took 12 hours, so the whole production line was built around that 12 hour delay. Luckily enough Loctite had been doing some research on this and I procured a couple of the products and tested them with the technical director and we were able to produce adhesion that survived the "drop test" after five minutes of use – – he was amazed and excited and we went on to carry out more tests and that adhesive and one other I recommended have been used on Bowers and Wilkins (B&W) speakers ever since 1974. I loved the job as it always presented challenges ranging from the above to many other weird and wonderful applications. The money was poor, and having been used to earning good money overseas, I returned to Libya to work, but was sad to leave this job.
  16. I have to agree with you on that, having tried several VPNs and not being satisfied with any of them, I have now reverted to using Smart DNS Proxy and I'm very happy with it.
  17. I finally finished the series, "The Long Shadow" and it left me feeling very angry (I know it was only a television series, but it was a true story) because of the absolute stupidity and pigheadedness of the detectives in charge of the case, and for me it really didn't go far enough in exposing these idiots for what they were – – they should have been immediately dismissed from the police force and lost all rights to pension and other benefits because their negligence resulted in many more murders. They had the intelligence of a pickled squid and that's paying them far too much in the way of compliments.
  18. So trump is a doctor?? He is a grifter and has duped his followers............you included, as you recommended this on a post/thread a short while ago A Florida man and his three sons were sentenced to several years in prison for selling more than $1 million worth of a fake COVID-19 "miracle" cure which they called "Miracle Mineral Solution" and claimed it cured a range of diseases, including COVID-19, HIV/AIDS, Alzheimer's disease, and leukaemia, among other diseases. The solution that they were selling contained sodium chlorite and water, which becomes chlorine dioxide after being ingested, the Times reported. All four men were found guilty by a jury in July after choosing to represent themselves in court. The sentencing came after a 3-year-long case that began in 2020 at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. The solution that they were selling contained sodium chlorite and water, which becomes chlorine dioxide after being ingested, the Times reported.
  19. Best advice on the thread, so if @danoli49 is serious, then depending upon how much he wants to spend, visiting a few bars on Nanai Road should get results. I say this because I know a few bar owners in Patong, and I was surprised when talking to one of them a couple of weeks ago about a couple of bars which didn't seem to be doing much business and he commented that they were for sale, with no signage out front to suggest that. He also said that there were a few others in the same position, including in OTOP as someone else has mentioned. Apparently they didn't want to advertise that they were for sale for a number of reasons, which I will leave to your imagination.
  20. IMO much too small for a room, and I use them in the wardrobe and they work well.
  21. Just finished the JS series, "The Reckoning" and thought it was good, although not as good as some of the reports I read. Having said, that the man was an animal and an evil human being if that's what you could call him, and I thought Steve Coogan played him well with a lot of typical JS mannerisms. I am now three quarters of the way through the series, "The Long Shadow" and what has stood out for me was the absolute bungling by the police force, with hardly an ounce of brain between the bunch of them........how on earth such dunderheads ever got to be in such positions of authority in the British police force, is beyond me. On that point, it became terribly frustrating (for me anyway) watching these drongos try to go about their business, because they didn't have a clue.
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