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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. Some facts for you and others like you to inwardly digest........... Messenger RNA, or mRNA, was discovered in the early 1960s; research into how mRNA could be delivered into cells was developed in the 1970s……… https://publichealth.jhu.edu/2021/the-long-history-of-mrna-vaccines
  2. I forgot to mention that I had a great night out on Sunday, at the Blue Beach Cafe and Restaurant, which is actually on the beach for those who don't know it!! It was the owner's birthday and along with the "normal" flow of customers, there were many of her friends, making the place almost full (say 90% full). There was a small band playing and the music was not too loud and it was good to catch up with some friends I knew, as for many it has become a regular meeting place. I have got to comment on the "wait staff" (not sure what they're called these days!) because they were fantastic in amongst the hustle and bustle, always smiling and delivering mountains of great and tasty food on time, and on their feet for hours, and the whole thing ran like clockwork. Later on the kitchen staff came out for a break and a drink and deservedly so. So congratulations to them and also to the owner/boss who makes sure that everything is "shipshape" in the place. Couldn't fault the evening and that was evidenced by the amount of red wine I put away, which slowed me up somewhat the next day. Having said that, I wouldn't have missed the evening for anything.
  3. That will be proven very shortly as he has already opened his big mouth in trying to defend his actions and lies, so don't cry when all this comes down on him like a ton of bricks..........and richly deserved too.
  4. You'd better hurry, otherwise you'll miss that magic coach that is going to take you back down the rabbit hole to the land in which you well and truly belong. Pure fantasy and you are in your element there.
  5. I was meaning the piano exit by Derek and the Dominoes which played at the end of the movie "Goodfellas".........sorry.
  6. I used them about four years ago to renew my British passport and they were great, no problems whatsoever.
  7. Sounds healthy and where did you buy the Spanish almond fig cake??.........just what I could eat in the morning!!
  8. The last few minutes of Leyla by Eric Clapton...........piano and guitar. Superb.
  9. As has been said many times before, trump is as dumb as a bag of rocks (evidence his professor at Wharton School). He inherited a huge fortune and has blown a lot of it on bankruptcies and failed businesses, e.g. TRUMP HAS FILED FOR SIX BUSINESS BANKRUPTCIES and has had many failed businesses:- The Trump Taj Mahal in 1991 Trump Castle Hotel & Casino in 1992 and Trump Plaza Casino 1992 Trump Plaza Hotel 1992 Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts in 2004 Trump Entertainment Resorts in 2009 Not forgetting other failed businesses….. Trumped!, Trump Steaks, Trump Network, GoTrump, Tour de Trump, Trump Airlines, Trump Vodka, The New Jersey Generals, Trump Mortgage, Trump: The Game, Trump Magazine, Trump Ice and not forgetting Trump University!! And I very much doubt that any of the posters on this thread have been that unsuccessful in their business endeavours. Notwithstanding that, despite all "the good things" (lol) that you admire in the poor excuse for a human being, I for one, and I'm sure many others, would do anything to be a different person than trump because he is a vile, self-centred, spoilt child–like creature, and no amount of money can change his disgusting personality or low IQ. However his poor dumb followers (he has said he likes those types of followers) still continue to pour money into his dwindling coffers and one has to wonder at their IQ for doing so. PS. Forgot to add that he steals from Charities and so called "Universities", or at leat the poor "students" therein.
  10. Taking a lead from bignoc, who can determine the character of a person by looking at a pic........well this pic certainly shows up the low life, dumb MAGA goombas in their true colours. I would pity them, but they are happy in their cultish ignorance and stupidity. Sad, so vey sad.
  11. I, and I would suppose many others on this thread, feel really sorry for you when you post nonsense like this. You are to be pitied. And as for your comment, "This is all political no question. She hates trump to the core", it should be pretty obvious to you from the comments you see on the forum, that many posters hate trump to the core because of what he is. No other reason.
  12. Therein lies the problem, firstly because that phrase, a "normal balanced diet" was coined many decades ago and what was probably the case in those days, certainly isn't now. I will give you an example, I don't eat fish and never have done; the only fruit I eat may well be some blueberries on a breakfast cereal, and then rarely; my vegetables will sometimes consist of a light salad to accompany an Italian meal (for example) and I don't cook vegetables myself. Furthermore, having a very pale skin, means that I stay out of the sun. So the word "normal" means different things to different people as does "balanced diet" so in itself it is meaningless, this especially in this day and age when pesticides, chemicals, preservatives and who knows what, go on and into the food we eat. Who knows if we are consuming the right vitamins and minerals, and I certainly don't think I am, so vitamin tablets are, IMO, a necessity for someone like me.
  13. The Male Cycle finally explained (1) When I was 13, I hoped that one day I would have a girlfriend with big tits. (2) When I was 16, I got a girlfriend with big tits, but there was no passion, so I decided I needed a passionate girl with zest for life. (3) In college I dated a passionate girl, but she was too emotional. Everything was an emergency; she was a drama queen, cried all the time and threatened suicide. So I decided I needed a girl with stability. (4) When I was 25, I found a very stable girl but she was boring. She was totally predictable and never got excited about anything. Life became so dull that I decided I needed a girl with some excitement. (5) When I was 28, I found an exciting girl, but I couldn't keep up with her. She rushed from one thing to another, never settling on anything. She did mad impetuous things and made me miserable as often as happy. She was great fun initially and very energetic, but directionless. So I decided to find a girl with some real ambition. (6) When I turned 30, I found a smart ambitious girl with her feet planted firmly on the ground, so I married her. She was so ambitious that she divorced me and took everything I owned. I am older and wiser now, and I am looking for a girl with big tits.
  14. Brilliant post @Walker88, many thanks from a level-headed non cult poster! ????
  15. This is for @SunnyinBangrak, not that it will make any difference to this trump cultist:- Here are the facts about Trump’s loss in the last presidential election: Biden’s victory over Trump in 2020 was not particularly close. He won the Electoral College with 306 votes to Trump’s 232, and the popular vote by more than 7 million ballots. In Arizona, a six-month review of ballots in the state’s largest county, Maricopa, that was commissioned by Republican state legislators not only affirmed Biden’s victory but determined that he should have won by 306 more votes than the officially certified statewide margin of 10,457. In Georgia, where Trump was recently indicted for his efforts to overturn the 2020 result there, state officials led by both a Republican governor and secretary of state recertified Biden’s win after conducting three statewide counts. In Michigan, a committee led by Republican state senators concluded there was no widespread or systematic fraud in the state in 2020 after conducting a monthslong investigation. In Nevada, the then-secretary of state, Republican Barbara Cegavske, and her office reviewed tens of thousands of allegations of possible voter fraud identified by the Nevada Republican Party but found that almost all were based on incomplete information and a lack of understanding of the state’s voting and registration procedures. In Pennsylvania, the final certified results had Biden with an 80,555-vote margin over Trump, or 1.2 percentage points. Efforts to overturn Pennsylvania’s election failed in state and federal courts, while no prosecutor, judge or election official in Pennsylvania has raised a concern about widespread fraud. Wisconsin, a recount slightly improved Biden’s victory over Trump by 87 votes, increasing Biden’s statewide lead to 20,682, or 0.6 percentage points………..but did not uncover evidence of widespread voter fraud in the state, leading the Republican co-chair of the audit committee to declare that “the election was largely safe and secure.” The state’s Assembly speaker, a Republican, ordered a separate review, which a state judge said found “absolutely no evidence of election fraud.” Trump was repeatedly advised by members of his own administration that there was no evidence of widespread fraud. Nine days after the 2020 election, the federal Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency issued a statement saying, “The November 3rd election was the most secure in American history.” The statement was co-written by the groups representing the top elections officials in every state. Less than three weeks later, then-Attorney General William Barr declared that a Justice Department investigation had not uncovered evidence of the widespread voter fraud The Trump campaign and its backers pursued numerous legal challenges to the election in court and alleged a variety of voter fraud and misconduct. The cases were heard and roundly rejected by dozens of courts at both state and federal levels, including by judges whom Trump appointed. Many of the claims Trump and his team advanced about a stolen election dealt with the equipment voters used to cast their ballots. None of those claims was ever substantiated or corroborated. CISA’s joint statement released after the election said, “There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes or was in any way compromised.” Records of internal communications at Fox News unearthed in the case showed that the network aired the claims even though its biggest stars, including Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson, as well as the company’s chairman, Rupert Murdoch, did not believe they were true. Dominion and Fox News settled out of court for $787.5 million. That should put the record straight, but the trump cultists will dispute it. So sad.
  16. Interesting article: Multivitamin supplementation slowed cognitive decline in older adults, the COSMOS-Webopens in a new tab or window study showed. Compared with placebo, participants who took a daily multivitamin/multimineral supplement had significantly better immediate recall at 1 year (P=0.025) and across 4 years of follow-up on average (P=0.011), reported Adam Brickman, PhD, of Columbia University in New York City, and co-authors in the American Journal of Clinical Nutritionopens in a new tab or window. Multivitamins improved memory performance above placebo by the equivalent of 3.1 years of age-related memory change, the researchers estimated. The effect was more pronounced in people with underlying cardiovascular disease. Multivitamin supplementation slowed cognitive decline in older adults.docx
  17. I've not been out and about much over the past couple of months for one reason or another, but that changed when a friend came over from Oz, so we agreed to meet up for dinner and then "whatever". We went to the Norwegian restaurant, "West" in the Soi leading up to Patong Tower, as my friend was a keen meat eater and they do serve a very good piece of medium rare steak, so we settled down there for the evening with his bottle of wine and had a nice meal and a good chat as we hadn't caught up for over a year. I thought we might go along to Blue Beach, however he was keen to visit Molly Malones, because he hadn't been there for many years and neither had I, so MMs it was. It's quite a large long bar and had a five piece band in it, and they weren't loud at all, which was good because we could hear ourselves speak, and there were about 18 people in there all told, all enjoying the music, and the band had a Filipino singer who was very good and even better was the tubby lady Filipino drummer – – excellent. My friend from Oz encouraged me to get up and sing a song, so I did, in fact I sang two and they went down very well, according to the punters in the pub anyway! A couple of nights later we repeated the night out and this time ate at the Italian restaurant in a small Soi opposite Soi Sea Dragon, "Amena e Core" and that was excellent, and we repeated the Molly Malones experience, mainly because he was going home the next day and wanted to see it again, and of course he enjoyed it. On the subject of dining out I went to Blue Beach Restaurant and Bar on Friday evening to catch up with a couple of friends, and as always the food was great and I really enjoyed the chicken schnitzel and that with a couple or six glasses of wine set me up for the evening and as I wasn't feeling too special, I trundled off home at about 10:15 PM. A couple of things to note are that the roadworks in the middle road are coming along appallingly slowly and I don't think the engineers have got any idea as to what they are doing, which means that traffic gets diverted along the beach road and also Nanai road, which makes it almost impassable at sometimes during the day. The constant banging, crashing and renovation of the little "recreation area" which sits alongside the Chang Residence has now ceased because they have replaced the leaking roof and cleared out all the collapsed crap inside of it, and rumour has it that there are going to be some beer bars built in the place??? One would have to wonder at the wisdom of this move, but there again it is pointless trying to figure out the whys and wherefores of events here in Patong. The Chang Residence itself (hotel) hasn't had any signs of life for at least three years and I have been told that the electricity was cut off a long time ago, so what's going to become of this, who knows. Also what was previously an Italian restaurant and guesthouse, called "Loft" just around the corner closed down many months ago and someone has resurrected that, and I saw a lot of wooden furniture bits and pieces being torn out, and some new TVs being put in, so I'd suppose the guesthouse part is going to be up and running again. As regards the restaurant, well it's not the most inviting place, sitting right alongside the road, and they have renamed it something absolutely stunning, startling and inviting, and it's called, "Nice to Meat you"............yeah right, that's going to draw the punters in!!! I've often mentioned about the planning, or not as the case may be, which goes into these places, however suffice it to say that right opposite this Italian restaurant is another small restaurant which closed down due to lack of business, and just around the corner is a small coffee/waffle/cake shop which also closed down due to lack of business, and if you follow this road round just about a hundred metres, you will find two very small bars attached to the side of Makro, which have done very little business in the many times I've been past, and then further round the corner, one I mentioned a short while ago which replaced the "Ting Tong Bar", "The Hurricane Rock Bar", has a scarcity of punters although the owner has now put five bar girls in the place to try and bring in the customers.......hmmm. Further up Nanai I noticed that a very large double concrete bar (colour light blue) on the corner, which has had several owners over a short period of time has opened up again and whereas the last owner was a French guy, I've no idea who the new one is, but again it's sparsely populated on the many times I've been passed, but then again it's got two bars directly opposite competing with it for business, and one of them, "The Rock Bar" has a good reputation for camaraderie and food. The whole of Nanai seems to be struggling one way or another and I forgot to mention that further south just past a long-standing massage parlour, a beer bar has reopened called Mojito, after it had been closed for nigh on a year, and just down from that another beer bar attached to a massage parlour has closed, and I believe that was a joint venture between an older farang and a Thai woman.... A friends massage shop in Soi Banzaan has had a new bar built next to it, which has taken the place of the bar called, "Canada House", which was part of an unfortunate incident of the owner's girlfriend, hanging herself in a shop opposite. Of course that put a hex on that place and it has had no business since, although I noticed yesterday that the frontage had been taken out and the whole place was being redecorated, and according to my friends in the massage shop, it was going to be, it was going to be, it was going to be.........yes, a bar and small restaurant, immediately opposite the Canada house bar, and almost immediately opposite another bar, which is just a few metres away from another restaurant and bar, which is...........I'm sure you get the picture. And to top the lot, just a few metres along from the outside of this place there are two or three food carts which seem to do pretty good business, so the competition is extremely high! Last but not least, although I walked up Bangla a couple of days ago, I didn't notice anything spectacular about the Tiger Complex which is supposedly being rebuilt, but which is still covered in tarpaulins, but I did notice that Soi Sansabi was absolutely packed with people and vehicles of one description or another, and I believe I can say that this is the most crowded I've ever seen it in a "low season", and the people were of all nationalities. Jungceylon is all but finished and it's good to see people and colour back in the place although as I said previously I would love to see a "Subway" open up there again. Having said that, I do most of my shopping in Big C, and just occasionally in Tops in Phuket Central, so plenty of opportunity to look around for what I want. So, onwards and upwards, and I will be so pleased when the engineers have found a way to repair the water pipe in the middle road, because at the moment it looks as if they are clueless.
  18. Absolutely spot on Walker88........the only problem is that the trumpies can't figure that out!!! And as for the statement, "Don't insult my intelligence ..............." Well that from a trump supporter is an oxymoron; intelligence and trump? No way.
  19. I should feel sorry for you right wing trump cultists, but I don't because trump liked the poorly educated as his supporters, so he's got what he wanted......how proud you must feel. And as another has said, the trump mugshot that looks "good" to the MAGA cult, looks ridiculous and funny to non MAGA and intelligent folk. Trump is a sad excuse for a man so what does that make his followers?
  20. The trump pic was done like this for a reason.......to convey the fact that they are dangerous and are threatening! That's all that dumpy Don has got left.
  21. This calls for a "reaction" icon of "Nonsense" to be added to the threads. IMO it's the only way to combat such rubbish.........or maybe the new reaction icon could be "Rubbish"?? Seems about right!
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