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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. Therein lies the rub.........was it sarcasm or did the poster actually believe what he wrote??
  2. Humour??? Am I missing something? These bogans obviously believe the nonsense they are spouting! Sad.
  3. I will be watching them at home here at a time convenient to me!! I have signed up for STAN Sport (OZ) so can watch a replay when I get up in the morning.
  4. Found it........have been looking for that post, so, sorry that it seems to be out of "sync" with what is currently being discussed. BUT IMO it really does point to why trump has the support that he does and the description of a typical trump supporter fits to a "T". Also interesting to note that some folk in the GOP are also of low IQ...........; "Jewish space lasers" and "Krakens" immediately spring to mind; and as for the rubes "dancincg" at a trump rally. Well that says it all.
  5. Many points to ponder in that post as I have noted, but then again lawyers will do what they will, but many a case has faltered on their "misguided" beliefs........after all the trump lawyers fought 60 cases on their misguided beliefs and look where that got them!
  6. I wondered why those points hadn't been bought up before, especially when some of the trumpies have been denigrating/accusing Hunter Biden, yet there it is in plain sight, that Donald Trump Jr and Jared Kushner were "influence-peddling" and seemingly acquiring monetary favours because of whom they supposedly represented! Yet this is the first time I've seen it raised, so, well done @Walker88. Off on a tangent, but related, just a couple of days ago Donald Jr was speaking at a Republican rally and part of what he was saying related to getting Donald senior voted in again so that he fight/clear out the "deep state"! Now I don't know if Jr actually believes this, or if he is saying it to appease his father, but it could well be that he is just as dumb as his father and does believe it, and for those who are not quite clear what this relates to: – According to an American political conspiracy theory, the deep state is a clandestine network of members of the federal government, working in conjunction with high-level financial and industrial entities and leaders, to exercise power alongside or within the elected United States government. You have probably seen this conspiracy theory rubbish being repeated on far right wing social media which tries to implicate folks like Bill Gates, George Soros, Tom Hanks and others in their nonsense.......but to their supporters it is real.....even the part about drinking the blood of babies.......enough said. So does the US really need numb-nuts like this in charge??
  7. Some of those people shouldn't be allowed to breed...........!!
  8. I've been following it since the first post and although aspects of it have become a little tedious, I have certainly learned a lot because there are some very learned and intelligent posters on the thread, and those don't include the right wing nut jobs, because I haven't seen a decent post from any one of them. There appear to be posters here who have worked in government departments in the US and certainly know a lot more about how it works than us "mere mortals" do, so I look forward to reading their posts. As another poster has said, if you don't like what you're seeing then don't look at it!
  9. Watched up to episode 3, then gave up on it..........slow moving and unexciting so didn't watch any more.
  10. I think you've cracked it Jingthing.......let me explain:- All the while we've been conversing/debating/communicating with trump supporters on these threads, when this video clip shows us what we are up against. There is absolutely no use in trying to debate with trumpies especially if those in this clip are indicative of what we rational, sane, intelligent people are up against, because they are beyond hope and don't seem to have the intelligence of a pickled squid. So quoting facts and figures at them is something they won't comprehend, as we've seen from many posts. In this video clip, the trumpies are along the lines of a human subset, not yet fully formed in the grey matter area, or the understanding of the difference between right and wrong and truth and lies. The doozy has to be the trumpie stating that he likes the orange crook because he doesn't tell lies!!!! Now what planet do you suspect this guy comes from?
  11. Plenty to hate about that corrupt, dumb POS........so not unwarranted!
  12. Don't ask me why, but I had an urge to download and watch the move, "Mamma Mia (2003)". Always liked the music of ABBA and this movie was fantastic and brightened up my whole evening. So glad I watched it.
  13. This sounds like the old "Rabbit hole" nonsense that the conspiracy theory nuts were putting around a while back, and there are some dumb people out there who believe it. Pizza with a baby topping anyone? Never ceases to amaze me how easily led/gullible some people can be. You should be a writer for "Masters of the Universe" or something similar because this stuff is surely space cadet material. I feel so sorry for you.
  14. With so many dumb posts on here, I think the following would apply to that particular poster............."I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you". Rubes, rabbit hole, MAGA nonsense.
  15. Nice post but you are wasting your time replying to the rubes as they are not "the sharpest knives in the drawer" as can be seen from the replies from the thread's foremost trump supporter:- -What for? He didnt do anything (about trump). -I don't anything real here. All fake trumped up charges. He didn't cause the riots. All he did was question the election results (yeah right). -Just facts. Millions of people tell lies. Why arent they in jail? 99.9% of people lie. (this one is a doozy). -The whole thing is political. They waited 3 years. ????
  16. Not so much the Russians, but certainly the Chinese and Indian folk.........just to put you right!
  17. In that case we think alike, but my main beef is with the Chinese who not only walk in the middle-of-the-road, but walk on the road when there is a pavement, and I have mentioned as much in the thread, "Patong – The Wake", and detailed how I clipped one with my wing mirror because they wouldn't move out of the way despite my sounding the horn – – I can only assume they are plain stupid.
  18. Pointless wasting time trying to converse with trumpies like this because, quite simply:- Rational arguments don't usually work on trump/MAGA supporters. If they did there would be no trump/MAGA supporters.
  19. You have nothing better to do than troll? Now you can see what level the trumpies operate on.........unbelievable.
  20. It appears that the House Republicans' own much-hyped witness today testified that he never heard of President Biden discussing business with his son or his son's associates, or doing anything wrong," he said. "House Republicans keep promising bombshell evidence to support their ridiculous attacks against the President, but time after time, they keep failing to produce any." Hunter Biden's attorney Abbe Lowell said Archer's testimony confirms that he "did not involve his father in, nor did his father assist him in, his business" and that any interaction between Hunter Biden's father and business associates "was simply to exchange small talk."
  21. I noticed a couple of women milling about in the "very small massage shop, in a row of similar size shops" that was up for sale for 400,000 baht, and was told that these two women had bought the place for 250,000 baht, and at this time of writing they were cleaning the place up a little, taking posters off the wall and so on. They obviously thought they got a bargain, but I predict it will go the same way as the last one........ and "poof" their dreams will disappear in a puff of smoke (or similar). It seems like the old saying which goes something along the lines of, there's always a bigger fool waiting in the wings, will come pass..........and I just hope they can find another fool when that time comes!
  22. Watched a BBC iPlayer doco called, "Shadow of Truth" and although it drags on a bit through 5 episodes, it really is astounding and shocking in equal measure. Would you trust the police and legal system after watching this?
  23. You are taking my words out of context, and when I say the best Aussie tenderloin, it's the one which I buy in Tops, the best they have, so I buy it. The other alternative I have used is Villa Market. As for the Wagyu, I know that it is purposely marbled, but it doesn't appeal to me one iota. Having said that the second pic of the Australian Wagyu tenderloin with a lot less marbling, does appeal to me, but as I said, I don't eat a lot of meat these days, and if I do, mainly it is a slow cooked beef (or in some cases pork tenderloin), done with lardons, onions, carrots, plenty of garlic and red wine, some herbs and beef stock along with some tomato purée. A hearty meal and befitting a gutsy Australian red wine. Your comment about "being happy with cheap beef" is very far wide of the mark.
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