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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. Actually I agree with you and my post was really about a TURP and I experienced none of those side effects after mine, neither did a couple of friends who had it done.........and my urologist was also very experienced. As for Rezum, plenty of posts on that.
  2. Now that's an interesting post, because an old Australian guy I spoke to just a couple of days ago was rattling on about how Clinton was corrupt, then how Obama was corrupt, and when I mentioned Trump, he said he wanted trump to be elected again because of all the good he did – – yeah right! He also just about mirrored what was in this post. Then just yesterday a dumb English guy I know, uttered similar things, so they must have been getting this rubbish from some sort of right-wing media outlets. Quite amazing what these numb nuts will soak up and believe.
  3. I'm with you on this one, in as much as simplicity and peace of mind are of paramount importance to me, so I keep 800K in the bank here, to ensure that everything goes smoothly (provided Bangkok Bank get their act together with regards to producing the required printout to present to immigration). HOWEVER, now that I have discovered peer-to-peer lending in NZ, where I'm currently earning more than 6.5% and could earn up to 9%, maybe I have to give this some more thought! Decisions decisions.
  4. Absolute and utter poppycock and codswallop again........not difficult to see how trump's lies found fertile ground in amongst the MAGA crew.
  5. The link in this post from @fredwiggyis informative........ Latest stats for whoever thinks..................https://www.pulse-clinic.com/sexually-transmitted-diseases-stds-in-thailand
  6. So you missed out on some aspects of your education in your schools/uni??? "That Ukraine mess is entirely owned and instagated by US"...........along with your understanding of geopolitics? Not worth reading any more of your misguided posting rants.????
  7. I've had this happen a few times and it's bloody annoying, however if you can bring up the Lazada website on your screen, before logging in, try to pick a product from their search bar, then click on the "buy now" (or whatever it is) and that will take you through to another window onto which you can then sign into Lazada – – you don't have to purchase your particular item, but then can use the fact that you have logged in, to look at/purchase whatever you want – – worked for me a few times.
  8. Yes, I found the same in a couple of friends houses here, when they had some electrical problems and asked me to come round to check them out. I've also witnessed it on extensions being added to houses here, whereby the "electrician" will use up any spare cable laying around the place, to complete a circuit, thereby making it damn near impossible for anyone to know which cable is which when it comes to the outlet. Luckily enough I was a bit cautious with the house I first bought here, and wanted to change the large old-fashioned wall mounted circuit breaker in the bedroom, so I got the girlfriend to go downstairs to the distribution board and switch off the breakers one by one, and when that didn't work I told her to turn off the main switch on the distribution board, thinking I would be okay.........but I decided to just check the circuit breaker with my volt meter, only to find it was still live, despite all the power in the house being turned off!!!!! Turns out the builder had tapped into the main cable coming from the outside pole to the distribution board (using tape and twisting the cable), so this particular circuit breaker and air con would always be live! Check, and double check – – it may save a life.
  9. That is exactly how this works.........you simply fall asleep!
  10. No medicines required, only Helium and a small plastic bucket!
  11. Agree with your comments entirely Rimmer, and something I meant to add in my post: – when I first started work at the age of 15 we had a German guy working at the place and I had seen some footage on the television about the concentration camps and the horrors therein, so I asked him about it (yes I know, probably not the best thing to do, but was young and stupid) and he said that the German people knew nothing about those camps. Now that was the very same argument that was proposed in the film by the german defence counsel, however was "shot down" by Richard Widmark, and many years later I read an article which followed that argument, and not only did it mention some of the things/events as spoken by Richard Widmark, it added to the "argument", by adding in the fact that many German people in the cities and towns were responsible for turning in the Jews to the Nazis, so they obviously knew what was going on, and for me the same thing was noted in both arguments – – the trains, the railheads, the herding of many hundreds if not thousands of people must have been seen by others.
  12. I did the same as you and moved here at the age of 58/59, and the only thing I had some difficulty selling was my wine collection, so I had to drink a couple of cases of it, not that I minded because it was very highly rated wine! Like you, I have no regrets, as I have settled here and enjoy living alone and conversing almost daily with my Thai daughter, and have made some Thai friends here, so I'm happy to stay for the rest of my life.........however, should I want/have to move back to New Zealand, then I can, and having invested wisely, I can buy an apartment in central Auckland, which is on Maori leasehold land, for about $100,000 for a 10 year lease, and that will see me off this mortal coil, leaving me enough money to spend, a health service to take care of me, and a suitable lump sum for my daughter. Sorted, as the saying goes.
  13. I believe that living alone is an option, just the same as living with a partner is; whatever suits. I do know of guys who stay in toxic relationships, because they know nothing else, or even how to fend for themselves, so living alone is not what they want, and I also know of guys here who are very "needy" and have to have a partner, because without them they are lost. Different strokes for different folks.
  14. I watched a truly remarkable film last night, which I was able to pick up from BBC iPlayer, and it was called, "Judgement at Nuremberg". It has been described as: One of the most Powerful Films ever made. It has been three years since the most important Nazi leaders had already been tried. This trial is about 4 judges who used their offices to conduct Nazi sterilization and cleansing policies. Retired American judge, Dan Haywood has a daunting task ahead of him. The Cold War is heating up and no one wants any more trials as Germany, and Allied governments, want to forget the past. But is that the right thing to do is the question that the tribunal must decide. It was made in 1961 and covered the Nuremberg trials of 1947, and I won't spoil the ending for you, because it was quite remarkable what was posted at the very end of the movie. Aside from that, the acting was excellent, with great performances from Spencer Tracy, Burt Lancaster and Maximilian Schell (who put in a truly remarkable performance). Also included in the cast were Richard Widmark, Marlene Dietrich and Judy Garland, to name but a few. If you have never seen it, then you are missing a masterpiece.
  15. And OGS was not as good as he thought he was, in fact he was a disaster as a manager, and stayed far too long!!!!
  16. Downloaded and watched an old Clint Eastwood movie, "The Gauntlet" last night and had seen it many years ago, but enjoyed it second time around.
  17. Well you did better than I did on that score, because although I was interested in it and managed to watch the first 12? episodes, I started to get a bit bored with it, mainly because for me the whole thing became very formulaic, especially with the "back stories" being much of a muchness. So I sneakily got onto Google and found a précis of the whole series and satisfied my curiosity that way, so I got no further than episode 12!!!! Agree with your comment that "the writer was asking too much of the viewers imagination". Exactly.
  18. Ah the irony, but this will be totally lost on the trumpies!!
  19. Thanks for the info delgarcon as I wasn't aware of that, however I have to say that I liked all of those movies and have watched "Love Actually" and "Four Weddings and a Funeral" two or three times over the years – – all delightful movies, and Richard Curtis is a very talented writer and producer!!
  20. Isn't the dumbo holding the Bible upside down?? Surely a sign that the devil is in him. LOL!!!!!!
  21. Yet the previous White House incumbent, was able to stand up and tell somewhere close to 30,000 lies, yet people still defended him and paid no attention to the lies and rambling of the plump orange one. Go figure.
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