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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. Sorry but I couldnt get the sound to this downloaded........but you didn't miss much as it is gibberish!
  2. A very rare photograph of George Washington as he prepares his fighter plane for the battles of Lexington and Concord in April 1775. The Lexington Airport was under siege by British troops, but George Washington and his fighter pilots were able to regain control of the airport. Source: Trump University
  3. You just can't help yourself can you, so I think some words from a song by the Doobie Bros might apply to your particular post, perhaps slightly rearranged, however here goes........ "No wise man has the power to reason away what a fool believes". So many of us sane and rational folk posting on here really don't stand much of a chance using truth against the MAGA/trump believers!!
  4. I think some words from a song by the Doobie Bros might apply to this particular post, perhaps slightly rearranged, however here goes........ "No wise man has the power to reason away what a fool believes". So, many of us sane and rational folk posting on here really don't stand much of a chance against the MAGA/trump believers!! ????
  5. A trump supporter gives his reasons..............
  6. I have had an all plastic electric kettle (sits on a base) for over 4 years here and is made by Sharp. Used many times daily and never had a problem with it. I have always been wary of the metal cased ones as although they are supposedly "double-insulated", so was the Fridge a friend kept getting shocks off!!!! Go figure.
  7. I have just downloaded 17 episodes of "The Prisoner", starring Patrick McGoohan (it was from the mid/late 60s) and am looking forward to watching it/them after all these years. I always thought it was a classic series.
  8. Back onto the issue of the prostate, I read this article, which seems to offer some hope for sufferers of prostate cancer:... Prostate cancer: An emerging surgical alternative shows promise in older men Like a lumpectomy for breast cancer, this treatment, which is called focal therapy, spares healthy tissues. https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/prostate-cancer-an-emerging-surgical-alternative-shows-promise-in-older-men-202308092963
  9. A couple of my favourite westerns are: Pat Garret & Billy the Kid, Jeremiah Johnson and of course Tombstone!
  10. BPH has been mentioned many times on this thread, and although this post is not actually about Rezum, it is about BPH, which is probably why many people are seeking treatments like Rezum. You see, I came across a pop-up advertisement on a website I was perusing and it was for "men who were suffering from BPH" so I clicked on it and decided to read what it was all about, even though there is a video clip, and what I heard (and read to a certain extent) was a complete and utter load of nonsense, which would appeal only to those who knew nothing about BPH or the very gullible. This is supposedly by someone who has been "cured" of BPH with the help of a "Dr Wesley" and in the nonsense this guy spouts he uses terms about "fear of losing my manhood" and other terms which really had nothing to do with BPH. Now here's the rub – – he is spruiking some capsules called "Urinoct", which are expensive (in US dollars) and what they actually contain is: – fish oil, vitamin A and vitamin C!!!! Combinations which no doubt many of us have taken in one way or another over the years for various reasons or another, but certainly not for BPH. Please don't get taken in by this load of nonsense, because it's a scam.
  11. We know he is so popular because he appeals to the folk who are not that bright and this sums it up perfectly......telling the rubes that he is fighting on their behalf, and they believe it:- "In speeches, social media posts and ads, Trump has repeatedly declared the prosecutions a political witch hunt, and he has cast himself as a martyr who is taking hits from Democrats and the government on their behalf. “They want to take away my freedom because I will never let them take away your freedom,” Trump told the crowd at a campaign event in New Hampshire on Tuesday. “They want to silence me because I will never let them silence you.” Lorraine Rudd, who attended Trump’s appearance in New Hampshire, said that after his third indictment last week, in a point-by-point 45-page account of his efforts to overturn the 2020 election, she felt that she, too, could be wrongly prosecuted. “If they can do it to him and take him down, they can come for me,” Rudd, a 64-year old Massachusetts resident, said. She said she firmly agreed with Trump’s false claim that he won the 2020 election. “What, am I next?” she said. A bunch of sad people who still believe the rubbish about the 2020 election being stolen.....how dumb can they get? Oh dear, oh dear.
  12. Love this post, but the trumpies don't as they do not like FACTS!!
  13. I wortked in Nigeria on an oil production platform, with occasional stints onshore, just at the end of the Biafran war, and food was very scarce and often we didnt know what we were eating, apart from seeing the weevils baked into the bread! On the rare occasions that we had meat, none of us could identify what exactly it was, although someone suggested it could be human flesh as over a million people died in that SE State!!!! Whatever the food was, despite the lack of hygene, I never once got the runs!! Nor do I here.
  14. "I am amazed you post so much and know so little". I agree with you Danderman123, it's been astounding to see the amount of ignorance from the trump cult supporters on this thread, and other threads for that matter. However is it plain ignorance inasmuch as they really don't know, which would fit with the type of people he likes to target as his main audience, or wilful ignorance because they are purely trump supporters?
  15. Aha, I don't get how their brain works............an oxymoron on many levels, @Berkshire!!!!!!
  16. Compliance to industry and national safety standards in Nigeria in 1970 Chomper...........not a chance, but they were ok and looked no different to what I've seen of these.
  17. I stayed in similar accommodation when I was working offshore for a couple of oil companies, and there is nothing wrong with them – – clean and all amenities provided, so what's to complain about? "Genuine" asylum seekers will be afforded a home in the UK, whilst the others should be sent back from whence they came.
  18. If that is the case he's going about it in a strange way................Articles from the NZ Herald and NY Post. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/donald-trump-cheers-the-defeat-of-megan-rapinoe-and-the-us-womens-football-team Trump Cheers the Defeat of Rapinoe and the U.S. Women’s Soccer Team The former president taunted a U.S. team after its defeat on the world stage.
  19. Well done on a great career to date, and your experience and intelligence stands out like a beacon amongst the posts of the trump rubes. Keep up the good work.
  20. I too have been caught out by the satirical comments, and I think it's because the trumpies are capable of such abject stupidity and comments, that when someone (like you for example) posts satire, it's hard to differentiate between what's been made up what those goombas have said. That's why I was caught out when someone quoted from a publication called "The Onion", because I'd never heard of it before and it was only when I got onto the website and Google that I realised it was a complete spoof, and a funny one at that.
  21. Just watched the movie, "King Arthur" (2004) and thought it was good. It wasn't based on the Arthur myth/legend that we all came to know/be told about, but on a supposed Roman version. Plenty of action, blood and guts, although Clive Owen (IMO) didn't quite fit the bill as Arthur, and Keira Knightly was about as out of place as a ham sandwich in a synagogue, although did get better as the film progressed. Amazing scenery and special affects though, so a good evening's entertainment all told. PS. I liked Clive Owen better in the movie, "The International".
  22. Never heard of it before.........but a little Google search has put me right!! Satire at its best and sorry that I didn't know it. Duh!! But then again as @candide said, "not impossible" with the trump/MAGA IQ and mindset. You mean it could be that's it was not sarcasm? Not impossible.
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