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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. When pigs fly You are asking the impossible of trump supporters, because they still believe his lies about the election being stolen, so they live in an alternate universe, and the oath keepers are just another bunch of nut jobs who are either too dumb to see that they're being taken for a ride, or just plain simpleminded.
  2. It is still a lively place for the recents and newcomers, but now being here for nearly 17 yrs it has lost its appeal for me........as the song goes; "The thrill has gone"!!
  3. As a bit of a time filler I downloaded a documentary called, "Fall of Japan in colour" and I was surprised because there was so much about it I didn't know – – for instance the US and allied fleet which sailed in the Pacific to liberate some of the islands and also sail into the Philippines was the largest ever. The film/doco was shot by an English photographer who became friendly with Gen MacArthur, so he got all the scoops so to speak. It did show the bombs dropping on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and I remember going to the Nagasaki peace Park a few years ago, and it was both jawdropping and almost unimaginable, and it made me feel very sad and fearful of what we can do to one another. Having said that, I do remember watching doco a few years back which also showed some awful scenes about, "The rape of Nanking" (by the Japanese) and also reading the book which had some really gory pics in it – – newborn babies on the end of bayonets for example, and pregnant women sliced open (won't say anymore because I'm sure you get the picture). So it appears that humans from any race are capable of unthinkable atrocities.
  4. This is a good suggestion because the research I have done, albeit not too much, does suggest that a doubling up of antibiotics can get rid of MG. And although I'm not a fan of fluoroquinolones, having had a bad case of Achilles tendinitis after taking it for two weeks, as Sheryl has said, the percentage of people who it affects is very small..... What percentage of people have a bad reaction to Cipro? These serious side effects can happen in less than 1 in 100 people. Stop taking ciprofloxacin and tell your doctor or contact 111 straight away if you have: muscle weakness, pain or swelling in your joints or tendons. Side effects of ciprofloxacin - NHS www.nhs.uk https://www.nhs.uk › medicines › side-effects-of-ciproflo.
  5. The people who "openly advocated" not to raise the debt ceiling are probably in the same camp as the MAGA people, and just as unintelligent.
  6. Yes they do have a propensity for doing that, but they do much worse, as a while back before Covid, I was sitting in Starbucks and a Chinese guy took off his shoes, put his feet on the table and started to clip his toenails, with the discarded bits flying everywhere. So I alerted the manager who was absolutely mortified, and both he and I berated this pig, however putting feet on the table is quite commonplace for these mongrels, and several times I've told them to take them off the table. Add to that the woman who decided that her child needed a dump there and then, and let him do it just outside of the café, on the footpath and in full view of the patrons, when there was a toilet facility just metres away. I have no time for them whatsoever.
  7. Well I wouldn't know because I'm not a "left-leaning person", however if she feels like a banana then, she is a banana! But it's quite obvious that she's a nut job, so take from that what you will.
  8. There are some good multivitamins out there and Centrum is one of them, however there are plenty around if you care to look for them, however if you are following a balanced diet (whatever balanced means) then good on you.
  9. A very loud Klaxon horn might do the trick BTH, as this aparatus is almost as big as my car (Swift)!!
  10. Another study on Multivitamins has shown that they can be beneficial.................... "Multivitamin supplementation slowed cognitive decline in older adults, the COSMOS-Webopens in a new tab or window study showed. Compared with placebo, participants who took a daily multivitamin/multimineral supplement had significantly better immediate recall at 1 year (P=0.025) and across 4 years of follow-up on average (P=0.011), reported Adam Brickman, PhD, of Columbia University in New York City, and co-authors in the American Journal of Clinical Nutritionopens in a new tab or window. Multivitamins improved memory performance above placebo by the equivalent of 3.1 years of age-related memory change, the researchers estimated. The effect was more pronounced in people with underlying cardiovascular disease".
  11. A friend of mine has just returned to Patong, so I will be out on Friday and also Saturday because I'm attending winetasting function at the Sheraton Four Seasons Hotel, although hopefully I don't get carried away with the winetasting – – as is my wont! So there will be some more feedback, and even today I learnt a little bit more about Patong when I was shopping in Jungceylon. I was talking to a girl I knew from way back, because she was now "manning" one of the property booths, and she is a very personable Thai lady with pretty good spoken English, so hopefully she will do well. As we were talking along came the manager, whom I have also known for a few years, and I commented on the fact that a friend of mine had rented here very cheaply and he agreed that the rents were coming down, not only in hotels, but also for apartments and condos in Patong. I also asked if the Russians were still busy buying up in Laguna, and he said that it had died down quite markedly, and one of the reasons was their inability to be able to get money out of Russia, because apparently the Russian government was making it extremely difficult because they didn't want large amounts of money leaving the country at this particular time, either through transfers, companies or credit cards, so it seems like they are serious. All up, it makes it more affordable for the everyday tourist. However, whilst some of the Russians leaving is a bonus, I was very much reminded of the danger posed by the jaywalking Chinese, a couple of whom decided, along with their children, to step out in front of me without looking at all and when I screeched to a halt and tooted at them they turned and smiled.......firking idiots, and this is not the first time I've had this happen (many times in fact) so I wonder which is the lesser of two evils (or as Russell Crowe said in the movie "Master and Commander", the lesser of two weevils)?
  12. It's not all bad news because a friend of mine has just rented a room in a small hotel in Patong at a cost of 300 baht per night, which is the cheapest I've ever heard of here. Also on Facebook there appear to be some apartments and condos for rent around the 12 to 15,000 baht per month region, so all is not lost!
  13. Well trump has a strong lineage to live up to, and is so far doing it well......!!
  14. All in the name of god, of course...........a cult for pedophiles and perverts, no more, no less.
  15. Of course I could, but I thought I would keep it simple for trump supporters, in language they could understand.
  16. I downloaded John Wick 4, but couldn't follow it as I hadn't really closely followed the previous ones, and furthermore it became a stupid movie with lots of gunfire and swords, not to mention bows and arrows, with scores of people being killed, and again landed in the realms of the "stupid movies" IMO, so turned it off after about 15 minutes. I then started to watch a movie I had recently downloaded called, "Margin Call" and that was more to my liking, even though it wasn't a patch on one of my favourites, "The Big Short", but it did pass the evening away. Just a few days ago I decided to download the original "Mad Max" movie because I hadn't seen it, only the sequels, and I thought I was in for a treat, but it was a low-budget, badly acted pointless movie, IMO.
  17. If you want to go down that route, then just about anyone from the Dems could say that they feel threatened when they hear MTG ranting and raving as indeed she does. And I don't believe I saw Bowman ranting and raving, or indeed doing anything like it! Touché.
  18. True enough, but with his timing and tackling technique he was always going to be susceptible to injuries.
  19. I have just watch this and what started out to be relatively believable, then turned into something which was totally unbelievable and Tarantino-esque in nature, with a bit of Rambo and some other totally unbelievable movies thrown in, which IMO spoiled the movie, or at least what it could have been.
  20. My sincere thanks to both @HighPriority and @Patong2for the kind words/feedback and I particularly liked this "You make interesting observations and have a gift with language xylophone" – – trying to pat myself on the back. And I also remember praise from Patong2 a while back which was heartening. Maybe I'll try and broaden my scope a little and not base my posts around my nights out on Bangla, so I will give that some thought, as I do enjoy the threads I have to say. To answer a couple of questions from @Patong2.....I have no idea what is happening to Chang Residence, because as you probably saw, the ceiling in the "recreation/bar" area has completely collapsed and it looks like a bomb has hit it, when in fact it is probably because the roof has leaked so much, letting water in and the whole ceiling throughout has been devastated. I haven't seen any movement or lights on in the actual hotel part of the buildings, and I can only surmise that the owners have been going through some financial difficulties. Your point about La Drinkeria is well-made and although I thought it was quite neat and tidy/well laid out, I always suspected that they would struggle for custom, being where they were, and that turned out to be the case. So pleased that you liked the Greek restaurant Santorini and I must get back in there in the next few days. I sincerely hope that your "problems walking" are not too serious, however if you have to drive, then I can recommend the small restaurant called "Sea Salt" which is part of the "Diamond Cliff" hotel resort and you can be assured of a good welcome and great food. A while back I did mention a new Italian restaurant just next to where "Salute" was, just off Bangla, and it's called, "Anema e Core" and I've eaten there, and it is very good and not expensive and very much on a par with Salute. If you have a problem walking, then it is possible to drive into the Patong Beach resort hotel from the main road, park the car and amble on down to where the Soi containing that restaurant actually joins, so it's quite a short walk if you can make it. Ah, and you bring back good memories of the likes of Soi Crocodile and Two Black Sheep, which I nearly bought a share of at one time, but luckily sanity prevailed! And your mention of the Irish Times in Jungceylon, actually reminded me that there is a small band, led by the lead guitarist from a band way back in Soi Freedom, at Molly Malones, which is supposedly good and also invites people up to sing, so it might be right up my alley as the saying goes! So, once again thanks to both @HighPriority and @Patong2 for their kind words and support.
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