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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. Pure unadulterated nonsense. The time it takes for a coffee to cool down from hot to drinkable is minutes, mainly because the cup absorbs some of the heat. Secondly whoever made the comment that staff shouldn't have to smile at customers obviously has not run a business which depends on customers and repeat business, and just about every service organisation deems this to be part of "excellent customer service". Having said all that, I agree with @steven100and on that note, I have visited both the recently reopened Starbucks in Patong (Jungceylon) and the Coffee Club and not only is the service abysmal, the food is mostly grim, and the amount of times I have received the, "no hab" from staff when I have asked for pepper or indeed "equal" (sweetener) is unbelievable and when I ask them if they can order some from Bangkok for the next time I visit, I get a blank stare and they walk away – – and the result is: – I don't go there anymore!
  2. I posted this on a similar topic here.............. A poster said; "Easy, if you want to rent a motorcycle you have to provide a valid motorcycle licence? No licence, no rent". That's how it should be, but in a country where the baht rules and one can buy one's way out of just about any situation with a handful of currency, then that won't work, sadly. In addition, many of the BIB can't read English or other languages and wouldn't really know what they were looking at; i.e. the licence could have expired years ago, but they wouldn't be able to read it anyway! There has to be a better/more enforceable way.
  3. That's how it should be, but in a country where the baht rules and one can buy one's way out of just about any situation with a handful of currency, then that won't work, sadly. In addition, many of the BIB can't read English or other languages and wouldn't really know what they were looking at; i.e. the licence could have expired years ago, but they wouldn't be able to read it anyway! There has to be a better/more enforceable way.
  4. Now that is a load of hogwash, and you know it, because the actual purpose of a "Fact Check" is just that, what trump says is compared to the facts, and the majority of the time they don't match at all, mainly because he is a compulsive liar. However with a view such as that which you stated, it becomes clear why the MAGA tribe don't know the truth from lies, because they don't want to, so settling for trumps lies suits their agenda. Such a sad group of cultists.
  5. OOPS......sorry about that!! The poster has (I think) a similar name to you......my bad, and I hope the Xatral XL is working for you. All the best.
  6. I can sympathise with you, because as far back as I can remember I never had the sort of stream which one could envy, and standing next to someone in the toilet who was "peeing like a racehorse" made me very aware of my condition. Now, some 55 years later my bladder has stopped working and like @MJCM on this thread, I have to use a catheter every night, but if I'm lucky during the daytime I might get a dribble to ease the pressure. Now to get onto the point – – many of the medications mentioned on this thread are to deal with BPH/enlarged prostate, so as that doesn't seem to be your problem, I don't know how much use they would be to you. Has your urologist recommended any medicine for your condition? As an aside, my urologist gave me Bethanechol tablets which were supposed to "stimulate" my bladder – – but all to no avail I am afraid, however may well be worth asking your urologist about these?
  7. Just another thought, a guy I know sold his house by putting a large for sale "flag" (large banner) on the outside of his fence and he got quite a few enquiries from that, and eventually sold it that way. Good luck.
  8. "If it comes down to biden vs Trump, I bet Trump takes the cake home". Yes you are quite right, trump would take the "take-home" for the amount of lies told, no doubt about that.
  9. Lots of truths in your post, as I have bought and sold a couple of houses here and have friends in the real estate business, and for them it's mainly about getting a listing, whether or not they have a firm buyer. As far as I can recall, the commission these days is around 5% (if you're lucky) however I introduced a real estate guy I know to a friend of mine when he was selling his apartment, and I left them to it because I didn't want to be seen to be "part of the deal", which I wasn't. However when I telephoned my friend to see how he got on, he wasn't going to take it any further because the agent wanted 10% commission!! I do know friends you have sold items on Facebook, as well as one who has rented two large houses via that medium, so it's worth a try and costs nothing but time.
  10. The link provided by another poster, which listed the "fact checks" on trumps speech should be enough to convince any sane person that trump lies, but it would seem that once trumpies have joined the cult and gone down the rabbit hole, they can't see just how much of a low rent circus clown trump is. He will always lie, it's what he does best and he knows that his supporters like to hear his lies, although the problem being that they are not intelligent enough to see them for what they are, and this post fits that category. Simply unbelievable that this huckster can fool so many people, but then again there has to be some inherent problem within these people to want to believe him??
  11. I did and he is a compulsive liar and he cannot change that. And how you can deny that he is a liar, when the fact checks are plain for all to see, and they can be backed up, shows so much about you and other trump fans......so sad.
  12. You make a good point Tug, because you are quite right, trump doesn't debate, he just shouts out the same rubbish that he has memorised over the years – – so here's something to consider: – if he were ever asked a question out of the blue which he hadn't memorised over and over again, which he does with his lies, I doubt very much whether he could answer if it required any sort of critical thinking. He is a huckster and low rent showman, and he appeals to his audience, because of that.
  13. I have to agree with that statement, because, "drinking loads of water" and only going for a pee once at night and once in the day is not normal. And this last few days the OP needs to go two or three times in both night and day time, which would probably be "more" normal for a 75 year old with an enlarged prostate, so perhaps things have returned to normal as has been suggested? For the record, I would love to be able to pee normally or anywhere close to it, rather than using my catheter before I go to bed because my bladder has stopped working! And again for the record, although Dr Charuspong is undoubtedly a good urologist, with a great bedside manner and speaks good English, he could offer no suggestions/solutions as to why my bladder doesn't operate at all? So don't build up your expectations if you do go to see him.
  14. Jeez....... thanks for posting the link, because it was an eye-opener for me that he could tell so many lies in such a short space of time, and you know the most disconcerting part of it is that he believes all that rubbish/those lies – he really does. It is surely the sign of someone who has lost his marbles and who can't tell truth from fiction, or indeed reality from lies, and how anybody on this forum can refute this, belongs in the same rabbit hole as trump and his supporters – absolutely unbelievable. Perhaps time for some psychoanalysis for the poor thing.
  15. Nothing much; tried it a while back and it caused a few problems on my PC, so I uninstalled it PDQ. Below is what a reputable testing organisation said about it: – CONS: Mixed scores in independent lab tests Mediocre scores in our hands-on tests No protection against dangerous or fraudulent URLs Failed against modified ransomware samples Slow full scan Stay away from that one @roger101
  16. Slow start but IMO it turned out to be a good movie and mirrored what actually happened to many Afghanistan interpretors, although this wasn't an actual event as far as I know. Enjoyed it.
  17. Most of the jobs that these folks do are those not wanted by Americans and despite what you might think, similar instances happen in other countries. For example, Thais working in Scandinavian countries, also in NZ when the fruit picking season occurs, and Filipinos do likewise. They start off as seasonal workers and can find full-time employment if the company so wishes it and the government allows it. I suspect this is less about your cry that, "taking away jobs from American citizens is crazy", and more about being able to have a dig at Biden's policies.
  18. It is used as a preservative and in addition sulphur is used in the vineyard and orchards to kill pests and fungal diseases, and is often added to the finished product as a preservative!
  19. Missed the point old chap......... it's not about whether or not US voters agree or disagree with me, it's that millions of them still believe the lies he tells, including that the election was stolen. Can't get away from the fact that he is a narcissistic compulsive liar, yet millions believe him, that's what is unbelievable.
  20. Very possible and these are just a few.......... Processed meats including sausages and burgers. Soft drinks, fruit juice concentrates, carbonated drinks, cordials and vegetables juices. Dried fruits and vegetables. Wine, beer and cider. Pickled foods and vinegar. Guacamole. Dehydrated vegetables such as dried onions.
  21. And still the answer is 42. Best explanation we've got!!
  22. Agree and I found this quote which IMO applies to this case and the MAGA fanatics trying to pin something on Joe Biden........... "The worst waste of time is arguing with the fool and fanatic who does not care about truth or reality, but only the victory of their beliefs and illusions. Never waste time on arguments that don't make sense. There are people who, no matter how much evidence, and evidence we present to them, do not have the capacity to understand, and others are blinded by ego, hatred and resentment, and all they want is to be right even if they are not".
  23. You did mention earlier on that you worked in a damp basement in the UK (?) and that's when you think your condition started, so have you ever considered a fungus/mould to be the cause of your lung condition Simon?
  24. But still no response about him/his welfare on AN?
  25. Two different viewpoints to this story, and I can add a little something to both of them. A young man here who was helping out at a friends bar went into the Army and came out of his time, much changed, with a better attitude towards others and towards work, and he is now married with a young child and is a nice, polite young man. On the other hand when I was looking at renting a large house in an area just outside of Chiang Rai, which consisted of many of these larger houses on a few acres of land, all with manicured lawns and small gardens, and I commented on this, and the person showing us around, said that the whole area belonged to a General and that he would get soldiers to come and do the gardening and keep everything in good order – – so I wondered if that was "part of their training" or if they were just employed as lackeys for the general?
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