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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. I don't usually watch foreign movies with English subtitles, however I thought I'd give one that I had seen, a try, and I was so pleased that I did because I really liked the movie. It is called, "The Girl with a Bracelet" and most of the action takes place in a courtroom in France and I'll try not to give too much away, but as you watch the proceedings, you realise that there is a shift in the way that the prosecutor conducts her case and what she focuses on, whereas the older defending counsel has her focus elsewhere. The acting was good, and the subtitles nice and large, and it was a well-paced movie, so it was an enjoyable evening for me. PS. Available on BBC iPlayer and probably elsewhere.
  2. Of course I hope we win at Wembley, but I fear for our chances because of the way that City are playing, so I hope it's not a right royal thrashing! Fingers crossed.
  3. Prostatitis - nonbacterial Chronic nonbacterial prostatitis causes long-term pain and urinary symptoms. It involves the prostate gland or other parts of a man's lower urinary tract or genital area. This condition is not caused by an infection with bacteria. Causes Possible causes of nonbacterial prostatitis include: A past bacterial prostatitis infection Bicycle riding Less common types of bacteria Irritation caused by a backup of urine flowing into the prostate Irritation from chemicals Nerve problem involving the lower urinary tract Parasites Pelvic floor muscle problem Sexual abuse Viruses Life stresses and emotional factors may play a part in the problem. Most men with chronic prostatitis have the nonbacterial form. https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/000524.htm
  4. Decided to jump back on the thread, even though I haven't been out for a while, and certainly didn't head out for Songkran as I gave up playing with water pistols when I was about 12 years old. However a friend of mine did, and whether or not he acquired his Covid infection on the day he went out, or shortly after is not known, however the poor guy was due to travel home to Malaysia to see his folks, so that put the mockers on that, at least for a while. I did venture out a few days later with a few friends, however, and had an enjoyable evening, ending up at Red Hot, which was nowhere near as crowded as it has been, but still had a fair contingent of Russians in the crowd, such as it was. On the way out, the Beach Road was busy with cars, vans and buses, nose to tail for at least half of the length of it, so my motorbike taxi man was not too pleased. As has been mentioned, the traffic situation in Patong varies considerably, however what has been an almost constant since the Chinese started coming back here, is the fact that almost on a daily basis I will see wobbly motorbikes driven by Chinese, with very often a girl on the back giving directions from her mobile phone, and IMO they are a danger to other traffic and themselves. Around and about: – I tried a newish and compact Greek restaurant only metres from my driveway on Nanai 6, and the food was great, and I will be going back for some more very shortly. The name of it is, "Santorini on Nanai" and it is just a couple of metres into Soi Nanai 6, and there is a good selection on the menu, so I ordered a moussaka and a Greek salad to take away, and there were generous portions of both, in fact I made a pig of myself that night, when I could have kept enough over for another day! On the subject of restaurants, and one which I have mentioned before, because it closed, the Italian restaurant which was known as, "The Loft Italian Restaurant" (on Nanai) has seen some building activity in the place, and a bar/restaurant would be a good bet – – time will tell. This is just another small business in the myriad of small businesses in Patong, which has seen its fortunes rise and fall with the tourists and the seasons, and looking back on this particular aspect of Patong, it has been an ongoing occurrence over many years – – one business closes and another one takes its place, and so on. All too often, the business that replaces the failed business, follows the same pattern of lack of planning and lack of business nous, so is doomed to follow the path of the previous one. Someone is making money out of it, and it's not the folks opening the new small businesses! A few of the smaller bars on Nanai are showing signs of a decrease in patronage, even though one in particular has had two or three hopefuls in "wifebeater T-shirts" waiting for it to open at around 11.00 AM in the morning. This is not a one-off though, and I often wonder why people will travel thousands of kilometres from their home to come to a place where they sit on a bar stool all day??
  5. This from a REPUBLICAN state, which supported Trump, who has broken just about every commandment there is, and some They are probably too dumb to see how hypocritical this is.
  6. Couldn't have happened to a more deserving character.
  7. Great clip, many thanks..........and what he got away with back then was amazing!! Its a wonder some "folks" haven't called for his shows to be deleted! I thought he was great.
  8. Perhaps I was wrong @placeholder, because I thought that when he was ordered to pay more than $2 million to charities because she had fraudulently misused their funds and paid some of his business debts with them, that this constituted a crime?? Sure it is the act of a lying lowlife, and he even owned up to misusing their funds, which unfortunately some jurisdictions don't see as a crime?
  9. I have to say thank you, "Hummin", because you have opened my eyes to something which I never knew about and I was really dwelling in the past (long time past) with my scant knowledge of nuclear waste, and so I did a bit of research and it appears that you are spot on with your post, so I take my hat off to you! If what is said in the link that I posted, which I think is the same as yours, then we shouldn't have a problem with nuclear power. Storage and Disposal of Radioactive Waste (Updated January 2023) https://world-nuclear.org/information-library/nuclear-fuel-cycle/nuclear-waste/storage-and-disposal-of-radioactive-waste.aspx#:~:text=The%20radioactivity%20of%20the%20wastes,be%20undertaken%20safely%20almost%20anywhere.
  10. Even when trumpies like you are shown the truth, you still choose not to believe it. So keep on living in your MAGA dreamworld as the truth seems to hurt you. Trump Pays $2 Million to 8 Charities for Misuse of Foundation Under a settlement, the president admitted he had used his charity to bolster his campaign and settle business debts. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/12/10/nyregion/trump-foundation-lawsuit-attorney-general.html And for the record............. Donald Trump loves to talk big about how great he is at business. His record says otherwise. Trump’s failed businesses: 1. Trump Steaks 2. GoTrump 3. Trump Airlines 4. Trump Vodka 5. Trump Mortgage 6. Trump: The Game 7. Trump Magazine 8. Trump University 9. Trump Ice 10. The New Jersey Generals 11. Tour de Trump 12. Trump Network 13. Trumped!
  11. I use the free version of "Format Factory" and you select a number of options. Very good.
  12. Well, that shouldn't be too hard to do, because he's committed enough of them!!!!
  13. Far too many mistakes for a club pushing for trophies and places.
  14. So we inject lethal radioactive waste back into the planet/earth which sustains us........has to be a better way.
  15. Well IMO, discussion doesn't actually take place on a forum like this, points of view prevail and it very often ends up with agreeing to disagree. I never discussed the lives of minors, but did quote from a report done many decades ago with regards to uranium mining, however, in addition, another poster has given a link to the destructive outcomes of uranium mining in Australia in more recent times. Finding a way to lessen the effects of fossil fuel in the atmosphere is really what I was aiming at rather than nuclear fission, and although there has been some progress in this field, much more is needed. Bioethanol is an area which is being investigated, and I'm hopeful that progress will be made in other areas which negate the need for nuclear reactors. For me it really comes down to the fact that we have a waste product from nuclear power that we don't really know how to deal with, and it has the potential to destroy life on earth, if not now, then potentially later, and I'm not comfortable with that. https://ehss.energy.gov/ohre/roadmap/achre/chap12_2.html#:~:text
  16. No the Russians who started the invasion of Ukraine and who cannot be trusted.
  17. Yes, I agree with your post and although I'm not an avid follower of the Mediterranean diet, I do include a lot of EV Olive oil in my diet, along with balsamic vinegar and raw vegetables (mainly raw broccoli) however I am far too fond of pizzas to give them up completely, although in fairness I do have the thin crust, wholemeal ones and on those I use onions, tomatoes, olives, artichoke hearts and anchovies amongst other things. And just so that I get my fair share of anthocyanins, half a bottle of red wine to help it go down! PS. I do try other diets/recipes and a lot of my recipes include pomodoro in one form or another, so I do get more than my fair share of lycopene!
  18. I do recall that the "Atkins diet" was all the rage a few years back, and although I didn't go on it myself, a friend did and when I enquired as to how it was going, he said he had lost weight but was fed up with eating so much meat, a lot of it?? How different is that to modern day diets, and especially the one that is being discussed here?
  19. A few decades ago, or should I say many decades ago, the big "thing" was about giving up items rich in dairy fat (as well as other fats), and that included milk, so I gave that up and used low fat milk, and have used it ever since, and now whenever anybody makes me a cup of tea with the "normal/full fat" milk, it tastes too creamy for me – – so I've stuck with the low-fat stuff and it suits my tastes now.
  20. Brand is named, "Foremost", in blue small or larger cartons. UHT milk don't forget.
  21. This isn't a surprise as NZ has been unable to get rid of rabbits and possums for as long as I can recall, despite so-called "eradication programmes" being in place for yonks!
  22. I only by the UHT milk in small cartons, and in Big C they have both the 0% fat and the 2% fat versions. Take your pick.
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