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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. I know.....it was a joke on the basis of what happened to start this whole thing!
  2. One person says they didn't have sex, whilst the other one says they did! Now who would you believe; the fake blonde with the large boobs, or Stormy Daniels?
  3. I feel sorry about some of the responses you've got from your post, just as you said you would, however, kudos to you for posting and giving some background as to your marriage/partnership, and long may it continue – – best of luck to you both.
  4. It has certainly been a problem in two pumps on which this has happened to me, once the leak was at the bottom of the tank which had rusted through, and another time it was the fact that one of the toilet cisterns was continually (albeit slowly) allowing water to run into the toilet and thereby reduce the pressure on the pump reservoir, so it kept on pumping.
  5. I have been to Manila a couple of times on conferences, and didnt much like it, but there have been times over here when I have thought that Palawan would be a nice place to stay/visit. And I agree with your sentiments about food, because as long as I can access any food from a market or supermarket, then I can cook it to my liking, as you say it's not rocket science. Also, as I am a wine aficionado, I wonder what the price of wine is over there?
  6. Therein lies a problem, because any food which is different to that which is found in its natural state is actually "processed" and that includes cereals like wheat, corn etc. I think what most people understand by the word "processed" is food like sausages and smoked meats etc, whereas just about any food can be processed in one form or another, and usually is. And as I said earlier, I don't know anybody who has this type of diet...... Fruit, vegetables, legumes (e.g. lentils and beans), nuts and whole grains (e.g. unprocessed maize, millet, oats, wheat and brown rice). At least 400 g (i.e. five portions) of fruit and vegetables per day (2), excluding potatoes, sweet potatoes, cassava and other starchy roots. The Mediterranean diet looks to be one of the healthiest around, and I often wonder if I shouldnt go over and live in that part of the world!!!!
  7. Finished watching "The Devils Hour" last night and was deeply disappointed that IMO it became a bit of a tangled mess towards the end. Started off well and then lost me further on along the way.
  8. Same here at the Big C supermarket where they will buy a cheap suitcase (or two) and pack it full of dried food, even noodles etc to take back home?? I often look at their trolley and see the type of dried food they are buying and my immediate thought is that if they continue eating this type of rubbish, then they won't have a long life!
  9. I certainly don't and I know many others here and overseas who don't either. We hear a lot about “a balanced diet” but where does the term come from? It dates back to the 15th century and the Italian humanist Bartolomeo Sacchi, aka Il Platina, who could be said to have written the first bestselling diet book, De Honesta voluptate et valetudine. What is balance diet according to WHO? A healthy diet includes the following: Fruit, vegetables, legumes (e.g. lentils and beans), nuts and whole grains (e.g. unprocessed maize, millet, oats, wheat and brown rice). At least 400 g (i.e. five portions) of fruit and vegetables per day (2), excluding potatoes, sweet potatoes, cassava and other starchy roots. So I don't know anybody who follows that necessarily, not only that of course is the fact that pesticides and insecticides, growth hormones and all sorts of other "sprays" are used on the plants we eat these days. So IMO, "a balanced diet" could well be something very few of us achieve. PS. There is a lot said/published about vitamin tablets/supplements etc and a few of the studies I’ve seen do suggest that vitamin supplementation can work in some instances, and I did have an article from a study done just recently, however I seem to have lost it in rearranging my files (damn).
  10. Thanks, no not my wife now, but was my girlfriend for a couple of years!!! PS. They never did find Shergar!
  11. "Biden" has committed alleged crimes of receiving brides from foreign enemies of the USA. So you think that Biden should be put on trial for bigamy, is that what you're trying to say??
  12. My oh my, what a sad bunch of trumpies. I never thought that he had supporters who lacked any grey matter or commonsense................But he does!
  13. On the subject of famous racehorses, I was living in Sussex (England) when Shergar was stolen and of course it was all over the newspapers and was the talk of the town so to speak. The day before the horse was stolen I had met a new lady and decided to take her out into the countryside and have a nice meal at a country pub, trying to impress!! We ordered a steak each, along with all the accoutrements, and although the meal looked lovely, the steak was tough, and during the course of the dinner, the conversation led to where we thought Shergar was.....and I quipped, "I think we are eating him". She wasn't impressed!
  14. Above is my experience when using the BBank letter for immigration.
  15. A country like the USA should come up with a few great candidates........ And for me that is the crux of the matter, because even though Trump is a lying crook, the US now has Joe Biden as president, and to be honest, I don't think he is worthy of the role because of his age/senility, and I would dearly love to see another Democrat in that role. Overall the US has what I call the "Hollywood movie star" conundrum – – – "Slim Pickens" (read Pickings) for a presidential candidate and certainly nut jobs like MTG don't belong anywhere near any position which involves rational thinking. Getting off topic here, so apologies and hope that the orange clown gets his due comeuppance shortly.
  16. I agree with your point about lower traffic volumes in Patong, but can't speak about the other areas @Patong2, and just last night I decided to head out on my motorbike to buy some great wine from Aleena House, which is in the same Soi as Carlson's and Sweets, and was surprised how easy it was to get there, and back! Well there always used to be a certain madness around Song Kran, which is why I refused to go out on the days when it was in full swing, however now it appears to be reduced to one day only in Patong, which IMO is great. Seems we both like to do a bit of people watching!
  17. I have been wondering that myself for quite some time, as it is absolutely beyond my comprehension how anybody could vote for someone who is a proven liar, and has been convicted of stealing from a charity, as well as committing adultery despite proclaiming that he is "God-fearing" or similar – – all of which have been proven without a doubt. I've always maintained that I would vote for a candidate who represented my party/political viewpoints, but I draw the line when that particular candidate turns out to be a crook/a POS and has committed other unsavoury actions. So why do people support a person like this, and getting back to the main point of the OP's post, I would love to hear an explanation!
  18. You are right Sheryl, but for me, if I thought it would do some good I would travel to Australia, Hong Kong, India, Japan or Singapore to have the procedure, but then all to their own.
  19. From the web............. UroLift is considered as a treatment option for men who have prostate enlargement and the size of the prostate is 100 grams or less, which is why it is important to seek treatment early at the onset of symptoms. UroLift for BPH | Urology Associates of Colorado Denver Urology https://www.denverurology.com › urolift-for-bph
  20. Well LL, I think my predictions are a bit like the proverbial, "box of frogs" (i.e. all over the place) because despite seeing quite a few Russians and Chinese, and more Chinese now than earlier on, reports from friends who have businesses here are mixed?? A friend and his wife who rent out motorbikes have said that things have almost come to a halt, after a busy few months, and a very nice restaurant on the beach, although still busy, is nowhere near as busy as it has been. Managers of a couple of massage shops I know have said the same thing, which will not please the scores of massage ladies who appeared en masse almost a couple of months ago, and who can be seen sitting outside of the shops, sometimes 10 of them or more, waiting for a customer, and this was very obvious when I got a tuk tuk along beach road about a week ago. Probably a couple of hundred women sitting there looking a little forlorn. Some of the bars in Bangla have also seen a drop-off in business, and indeed, in one particularly popular bar, there were actually some spare barstools on Thursday evening – – probably a first for that place for quite some time. For me it brings back memories of a song from way back, "The Thrill Has Gone", because for me it certainly has, and has been that way for quite some time, as it was always a good place to meet friends and have a few drinks, not that I am a big drinker, certainly not a beer drinker, as I would only drink maybe half a dozen beers a month! And sit and watch the world go by. Now though, girls are pestering you for drinks because they don't get a salary any more (or many don't) and on many occasions you will buy them a drink and they won't even touch it, just leave it on the counter and walk away to talk to others, hoping to get another drink there – – all in the process of earning commission. And something which happened just over a week ago, astounded me, was when one of the security guards from way back recognised me and came over to say hello, and we had a bit of a chat and I asked him if he wanted a drink, which he gratefully accepted. Later on when I came to pay the bill I realised that this drink had cost me 200 baht (the same as a lady drink) which I thought was a bit on the nose, especially as the security guard had no affiliation whatsoever with the bar I was at! If ever there was a thrill here for me, and there was early on in the piece because I like partying and lairing up, it seems to have waned considerably. Perhaps the rebuilding of Jungceylon and nearby surrounds will help, but I'm not so sure...........
  21. I, along with a few others, did mention it about four years ago on a thread here, but then it wasn't available in Thailand, but was available in Australia, and one poster had it done in Australia and his results have been excellent according to his post. From what I can find out, it is also available in Hong Kong, India, Japan and Singapore, but from what I remember? it is best used on a prostate which is under a "certain size" (can't remember exactly what, but some Internet searching may bring up some results for you). I would have certainly had it done in place of the TURP which was carried out at Epworth Hospital in Melbourne and hasn't been altogether successful, with a few hitches along the way.
  22. I lasted about 10 minutes with it, and because it has turned into more of a "cartoon" movie it didn't appeal to me one iota. I wonder if I'm one of the last few folks to appreciate movies without the "special effects" treatment, and for me movies like, "Bridge of Spies", "The Railway Man", "Enigma", "Sully (which I watched the other night from iPlayer), "Shooter", "Tombstone", "Mr Jones"....and so on, are favourites of mine amongst many, many others of similar ilk. Never have been keen on the Marvel comics productions and have never seen a Spider-Man or a Marvel man movie in my life, and don't really want to!
  23. It is said that, "the truth hurts"......so suck it up.
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