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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. It is said that, "the truth hurts"......so suck it up.
  2. 30+30+30 year leases have been ruled invalid by a Thai court, as has been posted, and if your "agreement" states this renewable option, then I fear that is also invalid.........I sincerely hope not for your sake, but then again you have said that you are prepared to "take any change on the chin" so you are prepared for such an event. Good luck.
  3. Slight correction needed here: – "Not sure if Trump thinks"
  4. If he had half a brain, Sittipol Muangsong, Chief of the Phuket Fisheries Office would be considered dangerous.
  5. Well, it has become a haven for bogans, drunks, cheapskates and the like, so it's not surprising that things like this are going to happen in Patong.......long ago it was mooted that Patong would become a "playground for the rich and famous", and although there are some of these types living on the island of Phuket, normally they don't visit the "hotspots" in the likes of Patong, quite possibly because of this type of thing.
  6. What do you expect, because it was posted by a trump supporter!! And on the subject of what to make of Kim Jong un and the weapons tests; I believe it's because he is being ignored, coupled with the fact that the vast majority in his country is starving, so in doing this he is hoping that one of the major powers will "negotiate" a deal to stop him testing his weapons, and provide him with funds and food.
  7. That is a high percentage chance of a long lasting and good result, so may I wish you all the very best on this new "adventure" of yours.
  8. Yes, I have often observed Chinese families walking 2/3/4 abreast on the narrow roads here in Patong, and despite going up behind them in my car and sounding the horn, they do nothing, so the best thing to do is to nudge forward gently and when they feel the wing mirrors on the car pushing against them, they get the message. As Benny Hill would say, "Sirry Iriots". Sorry, got off topic – – won't do it again!????
  9. This post has to be a "windup" and so far it has been the best laugh of the day, however I'm sure there are other unfortunates out there who may think the same way?
  10. Summary of the above, he is a cheat, a thief, a prolific liar and a grifter, but some people seem to like him.
  11. I too am often aghast at the silly and naïve beliefs I see here on this forum, and mostly to do with trump and associated fellows, because I didn't think that anyone could reach adulthood and still be so stupid. And as if that wasn't enough the latest rally of trump, "God, Guns and Trump" is so far off in cloud cuckoo land as to be totally unbelievable – – trump has proven to be so far away from God, what with cheating, lying, adultery, and even stealing from a charity that how anybody could favourably associate the two is a complete mystery. Appealing to those who like BS, have brain shrink and are bogans should be the trump catch cry........
  12. For those who don't know, Monural is Fosfomycin and although an "old" antibiotic it is being used more today because bacteria have not had a chance to build resistance to it.
  13. I had something similar with regards to a UTI which the prescribed antibiotics didn't clear, so I took the advice of the professors I contacted in London and Sydney and switched to a combination of Fosfomycin and Doxycycline and they did the trick. And new info with regards to prostate cancer.............. Fox Chase Cancer Center tests less invasive treatment for prostate cancer Mariah Taylor (Email) - Wednesday, March 22nd, 2023 Philadelphia-based Fox Chase Cancer Center is trying a less invasive treatment for prostate cancer that does not necessitate removal of the organ, CBS Philadelphia reported March 21. The NanoKnife System uses needle-like probes charged with electrical energy to kill malignant cells. The technology is part of a trial to determine whether the patient remains cancer free for a year or more, according to the report, and can eliminate serious side effects like incontinence or impotence associated with traditional treatments. "Here we're kind of balancing cancer treatment but also keeping the patient with good functional outcomes," Andres Correa, MD, urologic oncologist at Fox Chase, told CBS News. The treatment can only be used for certain patients with localized cancer with a treatment space under two centimeters.
  14. Good to hear your news@Shot and long may it continue.
  15. Yes I did this when I had my Panasonic breadmaker, but not deliberately I may add. You see very often after a dinner party or a night out I would fancy some fresh bread in the morning, so I would put all the ingredients in the breadmaker, set it for the morning and go to bed........only to find that when I went to get it out of the breadmaker it resembled something like a house brick. Due to a slightly inebriated state I'd often miss out the yeast component, or I would pour in far too much of another ingredient (like oats or millet) thereby ruining the end product. The lesson I learned was not to make bread after a few too many drinks!
  16. I've just noticed on another thread that the tourist numbers in Phuket have improved markedly and that by the end of the year they should be back to the high season norms. Just a couple of bits of information from a couple of friends, the first being a lawyer, who said that they had been fairly busy with the opening of marijuana shops (and similar) and the other piece of information from a friend who is living near Laguna, states that real estate is going very well there and many Russians are buying condos and villas with bags full of cash! (according to his friends in real estate there). That has been supported by a French guy I know here, who manages the small property booths in the likes of Jungceylon, where he said business is very slow, but is brisk in the Laguna area! So, as I said in an earlier post, some areas/businesses appear to be doing well, whilst others aren't.
  17. I had a Panasonic Bread Maker a few years back and it was great. Didn't bring it here with me though! Seems like Panasonic is available here but is expensive, but there are cheaper models available.
  18. I was told it was 2:30 AM LL, and when I left Red Hot at around 2 AM, it was still going strong, or relatively strongly compared to earlier in the evening. Soi Freedom still looks to be a Soi which is struggling for patronage, but Bangla itself was still pretty busy and I didn't go into Soi Sea Dragon to see if the gogo bars were open again, but a couple of friends did venture therein and said everything was back up and running again. Overall Patong is still struggling, but it's a struggle which seems to pit the haves against the have-nots with smaller shops/establishments under financial pressure and a few of them closing down. In fact a row of small shops in Soi Banzaan may soon have to be vacated because the building which houses the shops is being repossessed by the bank so the future of these businesses is uncertain. Into Nanai and the previous 555 restaurant/café which closed down about Covid time and which has showed signs of a resurrection, still seems to be stalled, and although the new owner has renamed it "Verdi", and there is a sign in the window asking for Thai workers/waitresses, nothing has moved in that place for months! Further down, the empty large store which was previously "Tesco Lotus" is being made into something else, but what, is not obvious at the moment. Even further down, the Italian restaurant called "The Loft" is still empty and looking like a very sad place, however that pales into insignificance when one rounds the corner to find that the very large social area of the "Chang Residence Hotel" looks like a bomb has hit it, because the ceiling has collapsed and inside it is un-inhabitable, and it has been like that for some time now. So on the one hand things seem to be looking up, but all is not as it seems I believe. Even the café's are nowhere near what they used to be, and the service at the "Coffee Club" at the front of Jungceylon is absolutely abysmal, and Starbucks at the other side of Jungceylon is only marginally better. I did hear from a former manager of the "Wine Connection" that the restaurant/wine shop would be open early May and at this moment in time the premises are being made ready for that opening. So obviously some of the larger stores are banking on a uplift in Patong's fortunes, but again, I believe Patong is still going through a bit of a rollercoaster ride in that respect.
  19. That's about my vit tablet intake and another poster has said that you don't need vitamin tablets if you have a balanced diet, but then again I don't have a balanced diet these days. I rarely cook vegetables for myself, nor do I eat much if any fruit (don't ask me why, it's just that I never fancy it) although I do have salads with many dishes I cook, and of course my wine intake is probably just over what it should be on a daily basis, so as I've said I don't have a balanced diet, so a multivitamin with an additional vitamin C tablet, as well as a coenzyme Q 10 capsule is my daily intake, and I've been doing this or similar for 40 years or so.
  20. I think that's just lazy reporting because the bar was in a Soi, adjoining Bangla – – Soi Sea Dragon in fact.
  21. Just the sort that Putin needs on the front line as "canon fodder"!!
  22. Yes it did annoy me that someone who knows nothing about me or my eating habits decided to come to that conclusion. However looking back on my post I can see how you might have come to that because I did mention eating spicy food in Nigeria, however that was in 1970 and then only very occasionally, after the enforced famine. Back in England I really didn't taste any spicy food or crave it, and moreover one could not find chilis in the local supermarket, even if one wanted to. So it wasn't until the late 70s that I happened upon Indian curries and one a week would be sufficient, so hardly a craving. BUT I always had a penchant for strong tasting foods, not spicy, but with flavours that stood out and that's probably why I stopped eating my mum's cooking at the age of about 14. She was an awful cook. In New Zealand in the late 80s I would hold dinner parties (and match wine to the food) and again there was never any spicy food involved, although strong tasting foods were the feature – – lamb shanks slow cooked in red wine, garlic and rosemary, finished with a port wine reduction; or venison sausages on peppered brie, with a blackberry and portwine sauce......I'm sure you get the drift. Now in Thailand and I do cook Italian and Thai food amongst others, and tend towards the spicy side of life (food-wise) and the recent experience with a chicken and mushroom pie and tasteless mashed potatoes really cemented in my mind that I need to experience more Thai food. And the quip about "giving up your day job" is just an old English expression which basically means that you should not consider becoming a food critic! But then again I'm sure you know that anyway. As it happens, during the day I am mostly lazy and spent far too much time on the computer, however I do spend a bit of time investing in property in New Zealand, through a peer-to-peer lending medium and following some shares I have.
  23. Item 1). SHOULD mean that Ukraine gets its land back, but will Russia agree to that; not a chance!
  24. Yes, me too and I've always quite liked Keira Knightley in whatever she has appeared in, however in this movie she took another "step forward" IMO and I found it a good and interesting watch, as you did.
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