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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. Did you miss this bit?? Whatever he was, Paddy Crerand's statement about "black players getting abused at matches" still holds true, and I saw it in the Leagues in which I played, and as for your statement, "If you cannot take a bit of chanting you should not really bother playing", well, that is absolutely reprehensible.
  2. I think you may be far too kind with your description of the OP, this because he spends the first half of the thread “answering his own posts” and perhaps he is being paid to increase the clicks on the thread?? Anyway as per your suggestion, I have now put him/her on ignore!!
  3. I was playing in the Athenian/Isthmian League in the 60s and we played against clubs like Leytonstone and others which had black players, and the "monkey" chants were commonplace. Also Denis Walker, a black player, played for Man Utd in 1963 and this from Pat Crerand, "I remember Dennis very well," Crerand recalled in an interview for Inside United magazine a few years ago. He was a lovely lad and a good player. That he was black didn't make any difference whatsoever to me, it really didn't. I don't remember us talking in the squad about him being the first black player for United, but it was a big issue in English football because, sadly, black players did get abused at matches".
  4. Hang on in there PPN as I had similar after my Turp although I didn't have incontinence because I had an indwelling catheter for quite a while – – no fun as I think I said previously. Constipation was certainly an issue and I was told not to strain or anything like that, and to be honest I can't remember how I overcame that, but it has been something that I have had to put up with for a great deal of my life, and even nowadays I take tablets every few days just to help! Look forward to the day when you can walk into the toilet, point Percy at the porcelain and experience a stream that would make a racehorse proud!!! Good luck and please keep us informed.
  5. I am not American, however I do support the Democrats, because I have absolutely no time for the Republicans and their lies and political manoeuvrings, not to mention their previous lying presidential incumbent. Much as I want the Dems to succeed in all they do, I was a little saddened to see this old man Biden shuffling around the place and occasionally stumbling with his words, and as for a "motivational speaker", well he doesn't cut the mustard in that regard, sad to say. I sincerely hope the Dems have someone new "up their sleeve" to contest the next election, although Joe might get in at a pinch, but touch and go IMO.
  6. They are allowed at 3.30 pm, but one way from the beach end only.
  7. Yes, racism has been in football for as long as I can remember, even going back 60 years, although nowhere near what it is today, and I may add that IMO a lot of it is from lower class, mindless thugs, but how do you stop them from watching a game of football??
  8. Might be able to do that with the help of a Cialis tablet!!
  9. I have just read an article on the "James Suckling" website which I found quite astounding....... TREASURY WINES REPORT…. It has stepped up sales efforts in Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam and Singapore and began selling in September a Chinese-made version of Penfolds in China, known as, One By Penfolds. Made with grapes from the north of China, it sells for around $50 per bottle. So two things stick out for me in as much as although China has been coming along in leaps and bounds with regards to grape production, producing a Penfold's from those grapes just doesn't do it for me, and anyway at $50 a bottle I doubt I will be trying it!
  10. Well, no responses to the suggestion to change the "Patong – the Wake" name, so here goes with a few other snippets. First of all there was an absolutely superb piece on Thaiger called, Russian brotherhood stealing Phuket jobs. https://thethaiger.com/news/phuket/russian-brotherhood-stealing-phuket-jobs And it pulled no punches and covered many things that bug folk here in Patong, including corruption and the slack BIB, amongst many others; well worth a read. Luckily enough I don't drive fast here either on my motorbike or in my car, so when I was driving my bike along Nanai Road at about 35 to 40 km/h, I was able to brake sharply, very sharply when a younger Chinese guy decided to walk out into the road without looking and I just about stopped with my front wheel touching his leg, and I shouted some obscenities at him which he probably didn't understand, however the Thai motorbike taxi guys sitting nearby gave me the thumbs up and laughed. I thought the situation in Patong had improved somewhat, however there still seem to be some small businesses closing down and one of them used to be called "Cheap Charlies" in Nanai, and it was a guesthouse which wasn't that expensive (not too hard to fathom that was it) before it changed owners and names, and now it is up for sale/rent/lease. Another couple of shops in Nanai have gone the same way, and judging by the very few bar mongers around these days, I would suggest that one or two other bars in Nanai would be following that pattern. Haven't really been out in Bangla as have had quite a few hospital visits what with cutting out a cancer on my chest, and also some major dental work which involved many big injections, which I hate, and which will be about 68,000 baht when the final bill comes in. And when it is all over I will go out on Bangla and celebrate one way or another!
  11. I and just about all of the other posters here agree with you, however Ralf001 won't have a bar of it, and I have to wonder what his motive is??
  12. Mainland do a smaller sized block called "Epicure" and that is also good.
  13. A very good post may I say...........given me food for thought so I will opt out of reading this thread and leave others to it!!
  14. No it's not really an interesting phenomenon taking place, it's just that there are levelheaded people who don't believe in fairy stories, and find it pitiful/painful when others continue to believe, when they should have gotten out of this habit years ago after discovering that Santa Claus wasn't real. I don't see what the other rabid fairy story believers post, because I have them all on "ignore", however from your reply it would seem that one of them actually believes the old "barstool" tale, when there are probably others like me, who haven't been near a barstool in ages, and who only have one or two beers a week, and don't sit in bars all day. So much for that fairytale. I agree with the post by @Nemesis, and normal, levelheaded people think likewise, and realise that the bible and its contents are very much like a Spider-Man series – – entertaining but impossible. Having said that, these folk are certain that these things happened and I even had one person on this forum come on and challenge a cartoon I posted about, "some folks even believe that penguins walked all the way from the Antarctic to get on a boat built by a 500 year old man", whereby he put forward arguments that suggested they could, would you believe! To round it all off, in pagan times, corn dollies were seen as containing the spirits that would enable a good crop and the way of determining whether a woman was a witch or not was to throw her in the water and if she surfaced, it was seen that the water didn't want her because she was a witch, whereas if she drowned, then the water did want her.....a nonsense thought process but it appealed to them. And nowadays folks have supposedly moved on?? And of course there are the "godly" institutions which do everything they can to protect their paedophile priests and vicars, so in effect they are free to do their evil deeds again. A bit like an evil brotherhood for want of better terminology. Finally, it doesn't seriously bother me, but what does is the fact that people can be so stupid as to believe in fairy stories in this day and at their age. Stupidity has no bounds, and this was reported today: "A pastor has died after going 25 days without food and water while trying to fast like Jesus".
  15. That is the brand I buy and it does become scarce on occasion, but I always manage to find it somewhere!!
  16. In the main because the insured person has not adhered to the "clauses and conditions/exclusions" included in the policy, most of the time because they have not read it fully. It really is that simple.
  17. Price increases are noticeable all round, not just in "expat stores" and as I do most of my buying in the local Big C and like to wander round and decide what I want for dinner, but I won't let the prices put me off as a rule. If I fancy something else, then I will visit Villa Market and their selection is pretty good. But what I won't do is to forego something that I would like to eat, because of the price, and that includes Aussie/NZ tenderloin steak, which I cook on occasion. I do this because I reckon at my age I have deserved to be able to eat exactly what I want and when I want it, and to accompany it with a few glasses of nice red wine.
  18. Quite true, and something similar happened to my ex-girlfriend's sister who was driving carefully along the road on her way into Patong town, when an idiot Frenchman on the other side of the road came round a bend way too fast and lost control of the big bike which went skidding into the poor woman. She had a double fracture of the leg and still cannot walk properly after many years, a broken hip and a couple of broken ribs and was in hospital for quite some time. She was completely in the right and not speeding, and doesn't drink, and no amount of training would have enabled her to avoid this particular accident.
  19. All this does is to show that there are many more dumb Americans out there than previously thought.
  20. Might as well close this thread as it has gone nowhere and is going nowhere. In its place could be one named; "Do you believe in Santa Claus and why".........one bunch of folk saying they do and another saying they don't. Either way the argument would be about something which doesn't exist/an imaginary being, so the end result would be the same as this thread, both arguing about something which doesn't exist......sorted!
  21. Or was that "Miss FunnyFanny" (according to Russ Abbott). Just loved his humour!
  22. I was looking for another post here which suggested that the renters of these motorbikes should play a part in whether the potential hirer is suitable, but can't find it now. I was speaking to somebody who rents out motorbikes, and also there was a post on the forum about how much was able to be made by motorbike renting, and it is enormous, and this person suggested that they would rent a motorbike to anybody as long as they got a copy of the passport, because it was such a lucrative business and the number of serious accidents whereby the motorbike would be written off, are few and far between – – in summary there is too much money to be made by renting these bikes out to all and sundry, whether they are suitable hirers or not.
  23. Who knows what the shortly to be introduced landing fee will cover, however it would be a good bet that there would be some restrictions on what it covered, and they would include the fact that the driver must have a current driving licence or international driving permit; that they are of a certain age; that no alcohol is involved; that passengers are a no-no........and so on??
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