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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. Once again, good luck Simon and thanks for keeping us updated, and you do say that you will be referred to the Christie NHS in Manchester for a prostatectomy, but if I recall correctly you don't know that you have cancer of the prostate that requires this operation – – or am I mistaken or misreading some of your previous posts??
  2. Revisiting my post, I retract my apology, because French Arabs is what I have always called them, and they are called the same on the Internet (with many articles about this) not only by folks like me, but by scholars and various publications. French Canadians is another term used quite frequently as are many other terms of similar ilk – – so I will opt out of this woke world nonsense and continue speak how I've always spoken. And for the record I didn't use my experiences to influence my judgement, it's just what they are!
  3. I will add a rider to my previous post about using the term "French Arabs", because I never really gave it any thought and during my time working in North Africa some 50 years ago, terms like this were the norm and rightly or wrongly I have always used that term to describe them. In addition you only have to travel round certain towns and cities in France to hear what the locals call this group of people, something entirely different, and it is not complimentary in the slightest. Apologies to those whom I offended through my lack of thought.
  4. OOPS.........offended someone did I. Tough doo doo, so for those few:..."Arabs in France are those parts of the Arab diaspora who have immigrated to France, as well as their descendants. Subgroups include Algerians in France, Moroccans in France, Mauritanians in France, Tunisians in France and Refugees of the Syrian Civil War. Whatever they are called, many are still R-soles.
  5. There are some great responses on this thread, most of them by sensible folk who don't believe in fairy stories and the like, and I really wonder why I started posting on it, because this discussion is akin to two people arguing about how many fairies one can fit on a pinhead. So I'm not following the thread any more........god speed, OOPS!!
  6. So "God is mighty and it omnipotent" and that's why he let around 6 million Jews, supposedly his chosen people, perish during the World War II............. Many gods have been worshipped throughout time, and some even supposedly created the world and man, and look where that got us. As a French theologian said, "God is a man-made construct, because man wanted to believe there was a higher being/something out there who created him and the world", or words to that effect. However it is your prerogative to believe in fairy stories if it gives you some comfort.
  7. Strange because in your other post you said; "non believers don't get to enter heaven, and go to the other place"??? And that your faith has been restored (or words to that effect). And for the record anyone can "nominate" someone/something as a god, and you will always get a few gullibles to believe – – you'll probably go and read Alice in Wonderland again just to make sure you are on the right track!
  8. They are mainly French Arabs and they have absolutely no respect for anything to do with road laws, or for that matter anyone using the road. In fact they are a huge danger and I have nearly been wiped out on a few occasions by these idiots. I see none of them were wearing crash helmets, as they never do, so hopefully the BIB will be on the lookout for these bar-stewards and lock them up if possible.
  9. The only thing sad about this post is that there are still some gullible folks out there who believe in heaven and "the other place"! Don't fall down any rabbit holes, however if you do, please report back on the state of play as regards Alice and the Queen.
  10. I thought Bidens speech was great, and that is echoed in other publications around the world that I have read. You are probably right that the country is far too broken to listen to the great points in his speech, and sadly the Republicans and supporters thereof still pander after the lies and deceit of the former president, and as can easily be seen, the GOP is in one helluva mess and it is by their doing that the country is in this state.
  11. I was going to put the laughing emoji on that post (in agreement) but it seems to have disappeared again??
  12. They should have had one with him facing the front, and then it could be seen that he would be an ideal replacement picture for the FA Cup!
  13. Perhaps Jesus will be next to get that treatment, and I can just imagine all of the statues/images/icons of the man Jesus being altered to see him wearing perhaps a skirt or something like that, or carrying a handbag – – whatever next, but then again as JVS has suggested, perhaps the bible as a whole should be cancelled.
  14. No bet needed on that, as my good mate here had a problem renewing his retirement extension, mainly because he had put his 800+ K in a deposit account and the immigration guy wouldn't accept it, and because my mate thought he had made a mistake with other paperwork, he tried a second time and it was refused again with some strong words from the I/O. He didn't want to lose out because he has lived here for over 15 years, so he approached an agent and she wanted to 23,000 baht for the privilege of getting him his extension. So he met her just outside of the office with the 23,000 in cash, and she took 3000 and put it in her pocket and put remaining 20,000 in an envelope with the passport on top, walked up to the immigration officer and planted it in front of him and within a short period of time it was all stamped and good. Now here's the rub.......that I/O was the same one who had refused my mate in the previous two instances. So yes, the I/Os benefit "Bigly"!!!!
  15. I learned that some fairy stories last a long, long time.
  16. I never see them on my laptop/pc?????? And don't have a Smartphone.
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