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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. I do occasionally like an Aussie or New Zealand tenderloin steak and I get them from either Makro or Big C..... Makro occasionally has the Australian tenderloin at a knockdown price, whereas Big C has the New Zealand equivalent in a "buy one, get one free" (by Jotta) promotion, which is what I've just recently purchased. Together with asparagus and a stilton and cream sauce, just my ideal dinner, of course, accompanied by a nice bottle of red (Aussie, Italian or Californian).
  2. Ah, and within that sentence lies the rub, as the saying goes, because it states that, "no reasonable viewer takes Tucker Carlson seriously", and there would be almost zilch "reasonable viewers" amongst the "Maga/trump nut jobs, and these are mainly his audience. Doublespeak solved!
  3. "Almost a rite of passage with the young backpacker crowd". And gang members..............
  4. I can't remember the last time I had one from the UK, but I do get them from the New Zealand pension service almost annually, and the last two times that I have received the form in the post, it seems to have taken almost 4 weeks to arrive here, and they want it returned smartly! So I contacted them and asked if it would be all right for me to email a completed copy to them and they said it was fine, so that's what I did – – printed out the original, filled it in, got it signed and witnessed and sent it back via email. Painless. Just to be on the safe side I asked if they would require the original hard copy (completed) and they said it wasn't necessary.
  5. I can highly recommend a move called. "Moon" starring Sam Rockwell.........different and makes you think. Came out a few years ago without much fanfare so you may have missed it. IMO a very good film.
  6. And the Chinese will eat anything they can get their hands on.
  7. I watched it and it was an ok movie, one almost made for Bill Nighy and Bill Nighy was born for it. Nothing exceptional and a bit of a plod with a sort of message in it, with a couple of loose ends, but overall worth a watch.
  8. I never expected that thrashing and will watch it on Match of The Day tonight........but 7-0! Bloody embarrassing.
  9. Good for a laugh and to show how much of the kool-Aid has been consumed!
  10. I finally agree with you on something, and IMO Charles is a silly old duffer who basically ruined the young Diana's life, and who has taken the old biddy Camilla in tow. I still can not forget when he was addressing a crowd of dignitaries (don't ask me where because I have forgotten) and it may have been on his 60th birthday, when he referred to the Queen as "mummy", and you could hear the sniggering and titters amongst the listeners – – who, aged 60 years old, refers to his mother as "mummy"?? He has been cosseted and pampered all of his sheltered life and really doesn't know what life is like outside of that protective environment. Obviously Incapable of dressing himself!
  11. Another lengthy post from "cloud cuckoo land" and I can only assume that this is some sort of joke post, meant as a dig at Democrats in general, and supportive of the liar in chief, trump.......
  12. Tucker Carlson wouldn't know the truth if it hit him in the face, and as Fox News has said, in front of a judge/jury, that nobody should believe what they see/hear on Fox News because it is not actually news, but only the opinions of the presenters and not representative of the truth per se.
  13. I didn't know that Swiss cheese could catch Covid! Seriously though, when you consider that viruses, bacteria and fungal infections can be zoonotic, and some very serious ones have jumped from animals to humans, then the theory that Covid came from an animal (bat for example) is very plausible indeed, and even now the medical specialists/profession seem "split" on the origins of it.
  14. I found the second series of "Clarkson's Farm", downloaded the episodes and started to watch them last night, and will probably do a mini binge again tonight or tomorrow. I find Clarkson and his antics/endeavours to be entertaining, and of course I learnt something about farming last night........
  15. I saw it a few years ago just after it came out, and it was a good movie, but with a certain sadness to it by virtue of what it was all about. The acting was great and well worth a watch.
  16. I bought a "MicroLife" BP machine from Boots, complete with supply transformer, or can use batteries if you want. Great little machine and of course if you have any problems then Boots will most likely help out.
  17. I don't think tattoos make someone bad. Not so sure about that and somewhere I did have research that was done on the link between tattoos and criminals, and there was a large correlation between those who had tattoos and those who were criminals, and to quote something else: – "Are tattoos associated with criminals? The tattoo became the badge of an adventurous life; it has also been used for centuries to mark prisoners and criminals. Outlaws and inmates in many cultures often elect to mark themselves with designs that document their crimes, sentences, and beliefs.
  18. I would just like to add something to this thread, and it's not directly "OnPoint" however it is related, so here goes......... Many times in my life I have come across male friends who just cannot cope on their own, this more so if a girlfriend or wife has left them. One friend in particular was even unable to open a can and his main meal consisted of a grilled lamb chop (grilled almost to a crisp) and any peas that he could force out of a can with a large knife and wonky tin opener, and that was it, day in and day out. I learned of his plight when he invited me around for dinner, and I couldn't eat what he put in front of me, and whilst I was there I had to sew a couple of buttons on his shirt for him! In short, he was absolutely useless on his own and I found a girlfriend for him which helped, and eventually he found a full-time one, and he married her. That is just one glaring instance, however there are others, and to me it goes to prove that some men are absolutely hopeless on their own, and really do need a companion of some description or another to take care/look after them.
  19. I do believe that the woman saying to a guy that, "you will become a lonely old man" is meant to hurt, but my ex-wife could never understand that I needed some space and a little bit of freedom, not to be up to mischief, but to have time to myself, so in fact she was allowing me to do just that when she left, without really knowing that she was in the process of making me happy again!!!!
  20. Agree with that comment, and I've been on my own (alone) for most of my life apart from an unsuccessful three year attempt at marriage, and living together with a Thai girl for five years, and I'm now 76 this year. I preferred to be on my own when I was very young, even learning to cook at a young age, which stood me in good stead for the rest of my life, and I prefer to be on my own now, although I do know a couple of Thai girls who would be more than willing to share a room/house/bed with me, but not for me. I do remember my ex-wife in the UK shouting at me as she realised the marriage was over, and she said, "you will be a very lonely old man", to which I replied, "I will be alone, but never lonely". True enough I like company sometimes and catch up with a few friends here and there, but in the main I spent time on my own, and like it that way. PS. I couldn't be bothered to watch the video clip, so I just referred to your post!
  21. I agree with your "an inside job" remark, and it reminds me of a similar event two or three years ago, by another well-known bank – – although they knew nothing about it! One of its floor managers (or similar) sent out letters to investors with large amounts in their accounts promising much higher returns than the bank was offering and couched it as being a "special offer which should be kept quiet" or words to that effect, and it was successful because there were many people who invested in this "special offer". Of course it was a scam operated by someone within the bank and customers invested millions of baht in it, however I'm not sure whether the money was repaid because I think initially the bank basically washed its hands of the whole thing saying that it was nothing to do with them! TIT of course.
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