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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. And the madness continues:- (notice the common thread linking these)........... 1). Doctors who supported ivermectinopens in a new tab or window as a treatment for COVID-19 -- despite all the evidence against itopens in a new tab or window -- now claim it can treat flu and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) as well. (Washington Post). 2). Meanwhile, the Lee County Republican Party in Florida passed a conspiracy-laden resolution that would ban all COVID-19 vaccinesopens in a new tab or window in the state if passed by the legislature and signed into law by the governor. (Cape Coral Breeze). 3). And more madness: If two Idaho state lawmakers get their way, it would become a criminal misdemeanor to administer a Covid-19 mRNA vaccine in Idaho. Yep, you heard that correctly. State Senator Tammy Nichols and State Representative Judy Boyle, both Republicans, have co-sponsored House Bill (HB) 154 for Idaho, otherwise known as the “Gem State.”
  2. Let me rephrase that for you: – Decent, sensible people who look forward to truthful and "uncontaminated" news are keen to take off air those who promote lies and mislead others with their comedy programme masquerading as a news channel. There, that's better.
  3. A friend recommended this documentary to me, and I found it on 1337x.to, and it is called, "The Plastic Ocean" and I was absolutely astounded at what I saw. What started out as a trip to look for the blue whale, turned into an exposé into plastic in the ocean and how it is affecting the seabirds, and my oh my, some of the scenes were absolutely astounding/alarming, with seabirds having stomachs absolutely full of small pieces of plastic. I hadn't realised the extent of this until I saw this doco. It also dealt with the plastic pollution in the Philippines, which again is disgusting, especially as kids are playing around in this toxic mess. I urge anyone interested in keeping the planet pollution free, to watch this documentary.
  4. Great post Bangkok Barry and I totally agree with what you have said.....thanks for posting it even if you did so before.
  5. Similarly, ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine have uses for more than just their main use. So I guess we can rule out hydroxychloroquine as an alternative treatment for cancer!!!!
  6. Didn't help this guy though................ Vladimir Zelenko, MD, an upstate New York doctor who gained notoriety during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic for his controversial treatment ideas, died last week in Dallas, Texas, at 48, according to an obituary in The New York Timesopens in a new tab or window. Zelenko garnered national attention for claiming that hydroxychloroquine was an effective treatment for COVID-19 after former President Donald Trump championed his ideas in the early days of the pandemic, according to the Times.
  7. Strange post as I have posted many times about the myriad of clinical trials that prove ivermectin is ineffective for treating Covid, AND I was merely replying to a couple of instances by the poster, so "wasting our time" is an odd retort........can you read?
  8. Don't let the facts get in the way of truth/reality.......... Ivermectin is not shown to be effective against Covid-19 in clinical trials according to the findings of a joint University of Oxford and Mahidol University study. The study that was published on the peer-reviewed eLife medical journal found that high doses of the drug ivermectin, controversially recommended by some high-profile political and media figures during the pandemic, is ineffective at treating the virus. https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-ftx-ivermectin-together-trial-idUSL1N32I1H1 Fact Check-2015 Nobel Prize for ivermectin intended for treatment of parasitic infections doesn’t prove its efficacy on COVID-19 Correction Sep. 23, 2021: paragraph one has been corrected to clarify that the drug Ivermectin was not awarded the Nobel Prize. Rather, the prize was awarded to two scientists for their discoveries involving the drug. AND as for the involvement of FTX surely not the same company....... FTX Trading Ltd., commonly known as FTX, is a bankrupt company that formerly operated a cryptocurrency exchange and crypto hedge fund. Sam Bankman-Fried hit with four new criminal charges
  9. It certainly is not as busy as it has been in past years, and the ongoing building work and renovations don't help in that respect IMO, and interesting that you should mention that Big C is not fully stocked, because I've noticed exactly the same, yet there are days when the shelves are fairly well-stocked and within 24 hours they are almost empty again, so someone is buying and stocking up?? "Tops" in Central Patong is well worth a visit, if nothing else, just for a change of scenery and no building work or dust and dirt to content with.
  10. PS. Results of the trial were published simultaneously in JAMAopens in a new tab or window.
  11. Here is another trial using more than 1200 outpatients............... Higher Dose of Ivermectin, and for Longer, Still No Help Against COVID SEATTLE -- A higher dose of ivermectin given for a longer duration still failed to offer any benefit in mild to moderate COVID-19, data from a large randomized U.S. trial showed, reported Susanna Naggie, MD, MHS, of the Duke University School of Medicine in Durham, North Carolina. "These findings do not support the use of ivermectin in outpatients with COVID-19," said Naggie. But despite THE MANY clinical studies stating that Ivermectin is not effective against Covid, the skeptics want to believe!! No hope for them, but they can join The Flat Earth Society if they want something to believe in!
  12. Point taken LL, but as I've said previously I don't visit many bars, only the very few bars that are owned by friends I know, apart from the occasional visit to Suzie Wong's, which happens about once or every two months, along with friends. And as for getting into the "underwear" of the very masculine, heavily tattooed pole dancer at Smiley, then I have no interest whatsoever, but every one to their own??
  13. Lots of interesting comments, taking both sides in this thread, and I can only recount the story of my poor old dad and relate it to this situation.......... In his 50s, my mum made his life very, very miserable, and as I recall he probably hadn't got his leg over in years, and she nagged him incessantly, and it got to a point when at the breakfast table when we would all get up at around 6 AM before going to our respective jobs where the situation became unbearable for me, let alone him. She would constantly nag him, whilst he would sit there saying nothing, and she would call him f......g useless, asking why he got up so early, and why he had a boiled egg every day, just the same as always, and, and, and.........the nagging just went on as did the swearing at him. All of this time she would occasionally travel up north, ostensibly to see her "relatives" but in reality to catch up with a "boyfriend" of which she had a few whilst she was married. The next day after she left I spoke with dad at breakfast and asked him why he put up with it, and he said, "she's always been like that", to which I replied "then it's about time you left", and the next time she leaves to go up north, you pack your bags and you go......and he did just that, leaving our old dilapidated council house with nothing but an old suitcase and an army demob greatcoat, which unfortunately used to serve as a cover on my bed when it got cold! He eventually settled down and married a woman he had met on the coach on the way to watching football and he was happy for the remainder of his life, although even then my mum pursued him through the courts for what was a pittance of "maintenance money", because she said that he had been a <deleted> for leaving her, when I saw both sides of the story and I totally supported his decision. His life was a misery up until then, however unfortunately just a few years later he succumbed to cancer although I do believe he was happy in his remaining years and much happier than he would have been staying with my mum. I didn't tell my mum that I had attended his funeral, because she would have thrown a fit of rage, because she was so angry that he had decided to leave her – – inexplicable, this especially because of terrible quality of the life he was living with her, which wasn't life at all, it was barely existing. So maybe there is an outlet for guys like him, although he was far too poor to even afford the train fare to anywhere, let alone an airfare to Thailand.
  14. Following on from your line of thought, and the fact that I have driven a motorbike here since 2006 or thereabouts, and before that for a part of my younger life, I have never been so scared as I was yesterday when I had to go to the Sainamyen Doctors Clinic to get my wound checked. As I was coming out of the clinic, a Black madman on a large motorbike came roaring up the road (he had no crash helmet and no shirt on) weaving in and out the other motorbikes and overtaking them on the opposite side of the road, and just as he did that a car came out of a junction and he had to swerve violently to miss it, before carrying on as if nothing had happened. I marvelled that no one had been seriously injured by this lunatic. Unfortunately I was confronted again by the same spectacle when driving along what is commonly known as "middle road", when two Black idiots came roaring down the road, again weaving in and out of the traffic and scaring the living daylights out of every-day motorbike riders, and these were closely followed by a couple of others of similar ilk. Quite where the police are when these idiots are on the road is beyond me, especially as following these crazies, were another dozen motorbike riders, without one of them wearing a crash helmet, consisting of a mix of locals and others. It would be great if the police could do their job with regards to maintaining law and order as these idiots were clearly breaking the law in at least a couple of respects, and were a danger to everyone else on the road. As an aside, I found the Sainamyen Doctors Clinic to be most helpful and whereas before I would go to Bangkok Phuket hospital to get my wound dressed, which would take all of 10 minutes and cost me 2800 baht, here it took the same amount of time and cost me 500 baht, so this clinic proved very handy indeed and I found all of the staff to be helpful and happy, which was a bonus. PS. I wasn't sure whether to use the term Black describing those idiots on the motorbikes, but checked on the Internet and apparently it is the preferred term!!
  15. I have never really thought about it so I don't know quite where I sit in this "world", however for what it's worth: – I do believe that women should have the right to choose what happens to their bodies, and that history should be taught as it happened, because changing history doesn't mean that things didn't happen and it doesn't educate future generations. Not sure that I agree with the thought that one can "identify as....." because that never ends and people can be identifying as all sorts of things if it's allowed to continue. Likewise with having to call people they/them/it/whatever just seems like a nonsense to me. So I'm not sure if I am Woke or not, or maybe just old-fashioned, however I go about my life just the same as I always have, and probably always will until the day I pop my clogs!
  16. Agree, and trial after trial by different/various respectable organisations have proven that ivermectin is not effective against Covid, and these can be found on the Internet if one would wish to search for them. I had the three vaccinations and then got Covid which was mild and only really lasted for three days, and the people who claim that ivermectin is effective against Covid are the typical anti-VAX/conspiracy theory type people, for whom I have no time.
  17. Good to hear from you TP, although not under these circumstances, and I was wondering what had happened to you, especially after we communicated quite often via PM some while ago. It sounds like you went through a nightmare, and I remember you were getting more distressed as time went on, especially as there was seemingly nothing that the medical profession could do for you to ease your pain and discomfort – – now I know why. Although a TURP is quoted as being the "gold standard" operation, obviously things can go wrong and in your situation, did, but according to all I have read, it is a rarity, although my TURP wasn't without its problems. I wish you all the very best for the future and to keep searching for things and ways that may ease your pain and discomfort. All the best to you.
  18. This isn't about one player, as I mentioned in another of my posts because in the leagues in which I played, racism was pretty rife and I was asked by another poster who seemed to think that racism was okay in football because it was all part of the game, if I could mention a player in the 60s who was racially taunted, so I did. And for the record, Pat Crerand confirmed that racially taunting players of colour back then was, "a big issue in English football because, sadly, black players did get abused at matches" which I have also included in my previous post. Quite why that poster wanted that information, I have no idea, but I will state again that racism has been present in the English game for as long as I can recall, and despite what that poster said, it is not "all part of the game".
  19. Just to enlighten you, although I doubt that it will sink in: – "Dennis Walker: Manchester United's first and only black Busby Babe" was a headline in the Guardian newspaper and Dennis’s father was Iranian, of African heritage. You have to have a warped sense of sportsmanship if you really believe that the crowd shouting out obscenities about a player's family is "all good natured and part of the game". Never heard anything like it, but it does say a lot about you.
  20. I don't eat baked beans as a rule, although just occasionally for a breakfast I might include them, and I find the Ayam baked beans as good as any others I've tried, and at about 39 baht a small tin, very good value.
  21. Indeed they do, or they did the last time I visited to see my sister and her family, but unfortunately I had a carry on bag, and in one of the side pockets I had placed a sandwich (wrapped) some time previously, which of course was eaten long before I got to Oz. However the Beagle sniffed around the bag and sat down next to it, which is the signal to the handler that I might have some food in there! The bag was emptied out and only had a few odds and ends in it, and I explained to the handler that perhaps the sandwich from some time ago was what the Beagle was smelling?? And he said it probably was, but better to be safe than sorry, which I agreed with, so I was sent on my way. BUT the handler was very courteous and completely understood, so he left a good impression, which is great for inbound tourists.
  22. Did you miss this bit?? Whatever he was, Paddy Crerand's statement about "black players getting abused at matches" still holds true, and I saw it in the Leagues in which I played, and as for your statement, "If you cannot take a bit of chanting you should not really bother playing", well, that is absolutely reprehensible.
  23. I think you may be far too kind with your description of the OP, this because he spends the first half of the thread “answering his own posts” and perhaps he is being paid to increase the clicks on the thread?? Anyway as per your suggestion, I have now put him/her on ignore!!
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