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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. Thanks OJAS, and I have completed the online enquiries form (with his details) for him because he's not that computer literate, and submitted it, so we will see what happens. There have been a few helpful posts, so to all of those folks who obliged, many thanks for your help.
  2. Thanks for your advice, and his credit card has not been debited with the payment, although he applied for the passport renewal on 22 September?? Thanks again for your help which I have passed on to him.
  3. A friend of mine is panicking somewhat because he went to Bangkok and gave VFS his passport details for renewal and he's heard nothing back since. He's got the receipt from VFS and it is dated 26 September so he thought he should have heard something by now, and despite telephoning VFS on a few occasions, the phone goes unanswered, which is panicking him even more! So he is stumped really, because they won't answer the phone and the UK telephone number goes unanswered as well, and of course the UK is bedevilled by strikes at the moment which won't make anything easier for him.......anyone got any ideas as to what he can do/the latest update????
  4. Yes I've had that very same thing said to me before by a Thai "electrician" but he said that Thai electricity doesn't need an earth! This when I was helping a Thai lady I know, with her restaurant and trying to install a water heater in the bathroom.....obviously I took no notice of him and ran a separate earth in the ceiling and down to an earthing rod just outside, and whilst I was at it I ran an earth to the socket outlets in the kitchen, because staff were getting "tingles" from a couple of the appliances.
  5. Three drongos in one pic.......lets hope they become extinct soon.????
  6. I'm definitely not a trump supporter and I have no respect whatsoever for the Republicans, however I will state my position/thoughts on this thread, because although I believe that Biden is a good president, and has good advisers, it is somewhat of an embarrassment to see the poor man "forget his lines, and stumble around a little" and unfortunately it is seen by the MAGA as a mental weakness, when in fact it is something which comes with age. Biden is an intelligent man, but the years have taken their toll, as they do and have on other Presidents, and it may well be that Kamala Harris has to step in in the not-too-distant future and although a few people "throw their hands up in the air at this", let's not forget that she too will have the same good advisers behind her.......and she is a strong willed woman. PS. I am not an American.
  7. I have sold something on https://www.bahtsold.com/ and it does have different areas, so there could be buyers near you.
  8. When I bought my first house here I found that I couldn't isolate the supply to the aircon in the main bedroom, and luckily enough I didn't get a shock because I tested it and even though I had switched everything off at the distribution board, the thing was still live – – then I found out why. It was wired directly from the supply coming from the pole outside the house before it even reached the distribution board, so it was never able to be isolated, which I soon remedied, being a qualified sparky like you. None of the socket outlets in the kitchen were earthed, hence the reason my girlfriend was getting shocks from the oven, so after much inspection and testing I ran a separate earth and sunk an earthing rod outside the house, and ran an earth wire to all of the socket outlets from there (amongst other things) and that fixed it. When I bought a second house to do up and sell, I encountered exactly the same stuff as you have and had to remedy that before I sold the place. I was absolutely amazed at the state of the wiring in many of the places here, and still occasionally come across this when I'm asked to do a favour for someone because "something in their house isn't working properly". Amazing Thailand!
  9. Agree with you on that and although the late Queen was, IMO, an admirable person, Prince Philip was a racist bigot and the whole family has outlived its usefulness, and as for Charles becoming King, well this was in my local paper and I totally agree with it: – "King Charles' pen tantrums expose him as an overindulged man-child....... There is no escaping that the new King is a man who has been waited on hand and foot his entire life. But a new video showing the King having – another – tantrum while on the job raises the question, is he something of an overindulged man-child?". In fact I would call him a silly old duffer and that's being kind. Back on track, I think Meghan has cunningly snaffled herself a Prince who is too silly to understand what she's all about, but on the downside, she didn't realise what she had let herself in for........... Som nam na Meghan.
  10. Just Fox News interpreting Biden's comments the way that they want them to sound for their MAGA Kool Aid drinkers. A big NothingBurger.................
  11. Started to watch this one and got about 35 minutes into it I decided it wasn't for me. It's not that things like blood and gore put me off, but I like a movie with some sort of plot in it and this one just didn't appeal. I must be getting choosy in my old age, however I think I've always been like that as I have never watched a DC Comic movie, or the Mortal Combat types, Spider-Man, Iron Man, Incredible Hulk type movies, but would include movies like The Shawshank Redemption, Castaway, The Big Short, Apocalypse Now, Tombstone, Live by Night, The Martian, Prometheus, The Railwayman, Shooter and so on amongst many of my favourites, but Bones and All just didn't do it for me.
  12. Needed a bit of cheering up as I'd had a large molar extracted a couple of days ago and it was giving me some stick, still!! So I looked in my "catalogue" and decided on a light-hearted bit of Kiwiana, a movie called "Hunt for the Wilderpeople" which stars Sam Neill and really does show one slice of Kiwi life, as well as the humour which abounds throughout NZ (most of the time anyway). Doesn't take itself seriously and has a few chuckles and it, and if you haven't seen it, then it is well worth a look.
  13. Certainly not judging by his mental capacity and previous examples, however what will be interesting is to see how his fervent supporters on AN will respond to this absolute joke, and the parody is that in all of his NFT cards, he portrays himself to be a muscular, even normal, human being or superman, when the truth is out there for all to see that he is an overweight, draft dodging slob. Their reaction will depend upon how much Kool-Aid they have forced down their gullets, and how far down the rabbit hole they've been, notwithstanding how bright they are. I don't suppose it occurs to them how stupid it makes him look, and just what he will do to scam his "followers" in order to get some money. Both disgusting and disturbing IMO.
  14. The Bruce Springsteen song, "Born in the USA" has the words....... "kill the yellow man" in reference to the Vietnam war I believe, so I would suppose that will be next. So glad I am at the tail end of my life, because this nonsense along with other rubbish going on in the world is only going to get worse, so I won't be here to see it, thank goodness.
  15. An executive was in quandary. He had to get rid of one of his staff. He narrowed it down to one of two people -- Debra or Jack. It would be a hard decision to make, as they were both equally qualified and both did excellent work. He finally decided that whichever one used the water cooler first the following morning would have to go. Debra came in the next morning, hugely hung-over after partying all night. She went to the cooler to get some water to take a couple of aspirins and the executive approached her and said, "Debra, I've never done this before, but I have to lay you or Jack off." Debra replied, "Could you please jack off? I have a terrible headache."
  16. With all the sadness and trauma going on in the world at the moment, it's worth reflecting on the death of a very important person which almost went unnoticed last week. Larry LaPrise, the man who wrote "The Hokey Kokey", died peacefully at the age of 83. The most traumatic part for his family was getting him into the coffin. They put his left leg in……………and it all went downhill from there.
  17. The Japanese government thanked Britain for the rescue dogs they sent out after the tsunami. They said they were delicious!
  18. Dear Sir On behalf of Channel 4 may I thank you for the application you have provided for your wife to appear on our forthcoming 'Reality Show' and also for the charming photograph you enclosed with the application letter. Whilst agreeing that she would no doubt make a worthy contribution to the program if selected, I would take this opportunity to advise you that the correct title of the new series is actually "Fact Hunt". Kind regards Channel 4
  19. I scoured the BBC iPlayer movie section for something "different/new to me" and came across a movie made some 10 years ago, called "Quartet", and it was a delightfully quaint comedy/drama with some well-known stars in it, like Tom Courtenay, Billy Connolly, Maggie Smith and Michael Gambon, amongst others, and it made for a good evening's viewing.
  20. So pleased to hear that the antibiotic "seems to have done the trick" BuddyPish as I had long-term ciprofloxacin and although it seemed to help initially, I too got tendon pain, and it couldn't cure the prostatitis, but there again that's a different situation to a normal UTI. The main thing is that Rezum seems to have worked for you, and no doubt it will give a lot of cheer to others considering the same procedure, so well done for posting your results. Good man.
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