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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. Yes, and I see Attitude sickness sometimes on this thread!! Sorry couldn't resist it Aj! Good on you for going trekking in Nepal, and stay safe.
  2. On the contrary, your question was the tactic you used to try and elicit the response you wanted, and not a "genuine" question, and it is a very simple argumentative technique. And as for not being able to answer your question, well I did, this after enquiring as to whether you were serious or not with the question, to which a child would know the answer, so why ask it? As for natural selection, well I will follow the experts on this........... Coyne concludes his introduction with the bold statement that “all the evidence — both old and new — leads ineluctably to the conclusion that evolution is true. In this succinct and accessible summary of the facts supporting the theory of natural selection, Jerry A. Coyne dispels common misunderstandings and fears about evolution and clearly confirms the scientific truth that supports this amazing process of change.
  3. You may wish to stop your "mind boggling" and do some research........... S. sanguinis may gain entrance to the bloodstream when opportunity presents (dental cleanings and surgeries) and colonize the heart valves, particularly the mitral and aortic valves, where it is the most common cause of subacute bacterial endocarditis. For this reason, oral surgeons often prescribe a short course of antibiotics to be taken a few days before to a few days after oral surgery. Once an infection has occurred, treatment is much more complicated and generally involves the administration of several weeks of penicillin and aminoglycoside antibiotics.
  4. Your question was, "where did humans come from?" And my answer was well, if you have ask a question like that, I feel sorry for you, and that still applies. So, intelligent folk and those who don't believe in fairy stories, believe humans didn't come from God, which is what I think you are angling at, and I would be wasting my time if I tried to explain to somebody who believes that the first man was created by an ethereal entity, who then created a woman from his rib, and the story from thereon in involves a talking serpent and an apple, and many years later a virgin birth, the resurrection and someone floating up to the skies. Not to mention an old man building an ark which housed pairs of every creature on earth....and more fairy stories. You could, however, read "Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution which is one of the most solid theories in science. And especially for you, evolution is the process of change in all forms of life over generations, and evolutionary biology is the study of how evolution occurs. Biological populations evolve through genetic changes that correspond to changes in the organisms' observable traits.
  5. Well if you have to ask that question here, I feel sorry for you.
  6. Now children, no more fairy stories for today, so go outside and play for a while!
  7. Is there no end to the lies and hero worship given to the orange clown, and it made me smile to read this post about the supposed writer of, "The Art of the Deal", trump, because he didn't actually write it. Not only that, he has a whole swathe of failed and bankrupt businesses behind him, making a complete mockery of any "art of the deal" that he thinks he had! Trumpies, read and learn: Last June, as dusk fell outside Tony Schwartz’s sprawling house, on a leafy back road in Riverdale, New York, he pulled out his laptop and caught up with the day’s big news: Donald J. Trump had declared his candidacy for President. As Schwartz watched a video of the speech, he began to feel personally implicated. Trump, facing a crowd that had gathered in the lobby of Trump Tower, on Fifth Avenue, laid out his qualifications, saying, “We need a leader that wrote ‘The Art of the Deal.’ ” If that was so, Schwartz thought, then he, not Trump, should be running. Schwartz dashed off a tweet: “Many thanks Donald Trump for suggesting I run for President, based on the fact that I wrote ‘The Art of the Deal.’ ” And indeed Tony Schwartz did write the book with very little, if minuscule input from the orange clown. Why let the truth get in the way of a trump fallacy/lie?
  8. Judging by the posts we have seen on these and similar threads, there is no limit as to how dumb they can be. Seems like 'trumpies" have cornered the market on stupidity!!!
  9. Thanks for posting that and it should make the MAGA maniacs very happy to think that this "senator" is on their side, however I'm hopeful that some action will be taken against him for inciting or supporting a riot/insurrection, especially because he mentions the "fraud" with regard to the election, thereby perpetuating the very dangerous lie, which has already resulted in loss of life. I really didn't think that there would be so many dumb people still falling for this nonsense, and this guy is a senator, so god help the USA.
  10. Or perhaps clear minded people who don't believe in fairy stories have been with us for centuries – – suits better don't you think? Never trust a person who can clear their conscience of any immoral act by asking forgiveness from their imaginary friend…….
  11. As I recall there were some new episodes of "Billy the Kid" due out sometime in September, so has anyone seen them or know of their whereabouts, or indeed any news about them?
  12. Timelines play a big part in this, because she only decided to seek solace elsewhere after the "tampon loving Prince" told her he had a mistress, and not only that, spent a lot of time with her, so only then did she embark upon her fling or two. Can't really blame the poor girl as she was out of her depth and had been made to look a fool, so she tried to play him at his game, with tragic consequences. However at some stage in the coming weeks and months, as the UK and the world slowly acclimatise to the accession of King Charles III and Queen Camilla, there is one very awkward situation that will inevitably rear its head: Her Majesty's will. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/lifestyle/queen-elizabeth-death-who-will-inherit-the-queens-630m-fortune Whatever happens next, Great Britain will have a doddery old plonker who wanted to become a tampon, as King, and called his mother "mummy" even at the age of 60, and a queen consort, by virtue of her firking capabilities – – you couldn't make it up.
  13. Unfortunately this dumb clown can't help himself, but the saddest part about it all is that he talks himself into believing it, so that he can sound authoritative to his numb nut supporters, who simply swallow the Kool-Aid. How on earth did the USA end up like this, with millions believing a known liar and cheat and someone who is as dumb as a bag of rocks.
  14. Yes, you are quite right, having four wisdom teeth extracted at one go is not trivial and as you suggest, I believe he should take the antibiotics. A dentist friend of mine in NZ gave me antibiotics at the same time as removing a very difficult and deep-rooted wisdom tooth, and this took over an hour! Unfortunately there are quite a few bacteria that live in the mouth and one which is usually protective of teeth and environs, Streptococcus sanguinus, can be dangerous if it gets into the bloodstream, causing problems with heart valves. No harm in taking the antibiotics if prescribed.
  15. It is certainly a strange world we live in, where a woman who commits adultery on her husband by having an affair with the then Prince Charles, who in turn commits adultery on his new wife, devastating her, and IMO was a huge insult to a naïve newcomer to that circle of royalty, then becomes Queen Consort, or Queen Camilla as she has also been referred to – – mediaeval stuff and certainly not worthy of the kowtowing to the new king or her. On the other hand Queen Elizabeth was a product of her time, and did her duty as was her wont, and did it well, and I have all respect for her, but she is now gone and it's about time for a shakeup, and I certainly have no respect for Charles, the silly old duffer, and I can't get out of my mind his speech some 10 years ago, when he referred in public to the Queen as "mummy"!!! Speaks volumes.
  16. I should have mentioned that I also had "Smart DNS Proxy" for quite a long time, however this also had its work-around problems, but I put up with them for a while and was relatively happy until I tried Nord VPN on free trial, so moved over to them and have been very satisfied, especially as I don't have a problem getting the BBC iPlayer, which I use for my sport and a few movies and documentaries.
  17. I can't fathom how that could be the case Stocky, as I was in Nigeria in the south-eastern state known as Biafra, and the war was between the south-eastern state which wanted to secede because it contained the oil reserves and didn't think that it was getting fair rewards from this, and especially as the North had massacred some of the Igbo people who were indigenous to the south-eastern state. The North began a war and instituted a blockade and stopped just about everything from getting to the south-eastern state, which resulted in a huge famine, some of which I witnessed whilst I was there, and it was ironic that when I was in the UK I would give freely to the "help the Biafrans" fundraising, yet just a few months later there I was in amongst it. I'm not sure that the UK had a huge influence in that war, because it started mostly as a tribal affair. So in summary, I'm not sure where this woman gets her hatred from?
  18. That's the same for me too, and I installed Nord VPN after trying "Express VPN" and "Cyberghost", but both had their problems and I was fed up with trying to work around them, but after installing Nord VPN, everything's been hunky-dory. So I can highly recommend it.
  19. I watched "Where the Crawdads Sing" and thought it was good, if a little slow, but worth hanging in for overall.
  20. Which was my main point, although I focussed on Patong because that is what the thread is all about!! And I have explored Phuket from top to bottom, so think that I know it fairly well.
  21. Sorry mate......but what I saw was frightening as regards the size of them, and I have Aussie relatives and friends!!!!
  22. Taking a slightly different tack with this post, although starting off in familiar fashion, as I visited Blue Beach Café and Restaurant initially on my outing on Saturday evening with a couple of friends, and as is the norm for this place, enjoyed a very nice meal. And it wasn't until I had walked up Bangla and had seen the "sights" and then had seen some more "sights" in Red Hot, that I began to think about Patong as a desirable place to visit. This in conjunction with the fact that TAT is trying to encourage wealthy people here, as a sort of "millionaire's paradise", and it struck me that Patong would never be a place that would fit that category. To be perfectly honest (maybe too honest for some folks liking) IMO this place is a paradise for "totally tattooed tw@ts"; old men with huge beer guts, earrings and ponytails, in whatever order one chooses; wifebeater T-shirts; some farangs down to their last few baht, plus of course the usual motorbike idiots from all walks of life, so not a place that millionaires would seek out. If I add to that the number of low rent tourists (including the Indians) who appear to be taking advantage of the Covid lull, including the six fat Aussies who blocked my view two weeks ago, as well as the enormously fat young Aussie woman (I think it was a woman, although it was more the size of a hippo in a dress) and her mate, who was almost the same size, then it sort of completes the picture of "not a desirable place to hang out", and certainly not a "millionaire's paradise". So although Patong and environs does have some expensive villas and hotels, it is not the place where the "rich and famous" hang out, unless they want to slum it for a while. Back on track.........on my visit to Blue Beach, I was informed that there were some rooms/apartments available just above the restaurant, and these could be taken up on short or long term rentals, and I must admit that the thought of living above a great restaurant and bar, with the sea right at my fingertips (or should I say, toes) was very appealing, and still is, so I will have to check out the going rate. Moving around Patong, I noticed that the restaurant pub, "La (or Le) Drinkeria" was being gutted, this is not surprising because it's been empty for a couple of years and although it was sad to see it close, it wasn't a surprise – – why not? Well it wasn't in a good position, with no foot traffic, or come to that, very little parking space, in a side road which is not renowned for its gastronomical offerings and indeed has its fair share of downmarket establishments. So one could posit that it was destined for a short life. Having said that, I do believe that @Patong2 dined there on one occasion and thought the food was good, and I did take a look around inside the establishment just after it opened, and it was clean and well laid out, and the menu looked enticing, but as I have already mentioned, despite all of this it was destined to fail because of its location. On the subject of restaurants, it looks like the Italian restaurant near the bottom of Soi Nanai 6, which was supposedly "closed for the holidays" has now fully closed, which would be a shame because although there was no foot traffic, there were plenty of parking spaces, and the restaurant looked well laid out, clean and tidy, and had its own pizza oven – – perhaps it's destined to open again when the high season (if it happens) comes around? Luckily there is still a very good Italian restaurant further along in Nanai, called, "Da Moreno" which also does extremely good pizzas, just right for a takeaway if wanted. The roadworks going on in Nanai seem never-ending and quite what they are hoping to achieve with whatever it is they are trying, is beyond me, although drains of some description spring to mind, although that has already been tried twice and apparently not succeeded. The bars and businesses running alongside of that stretch of Nanai which is being dug up, would certainly be suffering from lack of clientele due to that mess, and I feel sorry for them because everything that is going on is beyond their sphere of influence, and probably beyond their understanding (mine too). However the fact that roadworks are going on in that part of Nanai, should have in no way influenced the thinking of whomsoever decided to open a bar and a restaurant near the roundabout end of Nanai – – a place where a previous restaurant had already failed, and just metres from it, a place where a previous bar had already failed! Quite why anyone would want to open such establishments in that rarely visited part of Nanai is beyond me, however I suspect the combination of older farang and younger Thai woman, might have something to do with it. And the beat goes on..............
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