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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. Live by the sword, die by the sword. Couldn't have happened to a more deserving person IMO.
  2. Actually goats don't need a lot of looking after, and the meat when slow cooked can be good......and of course there's goats milk! Many farmers and "smallholders" in NZ use goats to keep the grass and weeds down. Good luck with whatever you settle on.
  3. Unfortunately scams like this are happening all over the world with Ponzi schemes, crypto currencies and whatever else one cares to name, so one could suppose that greed and gullibility (perhaps stupidity) are pretty well universal!
  4. Thieves – – they stole its handbag and belt, as well as shoes. Whatever next!
  5. Puzzled by that statement.....can you explain it?
  6. I like Guy Pearce so I thought I would download this and watch it, even though it only has an IMDb rating of about 5. Well the movie itself had so many plot holes in it that it was occasionally hard to follow, and I have still got no idea how a couple of the people actually fit into the story itself, but I did watch it through till the end and just put it down to, "not one of Guy Pearce's better movies".
  7. Many of us will know when spring is upon us, the dawning of the new season, when we see the buds on the trees and early spring flowers begin to open up, and there are signs of a "dawning" here in Patong. About two weeks ago I saw the first signs of the property spruikers, dressed in their white shirts and dark blue/black trousers, gathering in a bar along Nanai, which seems to have been traditionally a place where they do gather. Only a few of them, but there they were and I wondered if the property market was beginning to open up again? Then just three days ago I saw a French guy who previously managed about four property booths in and around Jungceylon and I hadn't seen him for the duration of Covid, so thought that he must have come back here for a specific reason....... Then the final proof, if you wish, that the property market is starting to swing back into action (slowly but probably surely) was when I saw one of the motorbike "people chasers" who pull up alongside of unsuspecting pedestrians and ask them to take part in a prize draw with a scratch ticket, which is always a "winner" no matter what. And to claim that prize they have to turn up to a presentation on property ownership and investment (promising returns of between 10 and 15% per annum) and listen to what the presenter says, and then they are free to get their prize and go – – yeah right! What they don't know is that the pressure is really put on the customer in order to get them to sign a document, even if it's to give over their credit card details for a deposit, and that pressure is relentless, and some folks actually buckle under it and do sign up, and it's not surprising when you consider that some of these spruikers are only paid on commission and they are ruthless, and are bullies in most cases. So perhaps this activity heralds the beginning of the awakening/dawning of Patong.......we will see. Having said that the whole area of property investment here, as conducted by these cowboys, reeks of dishonesty and pressure and the "scratch ticket" ruse, where everyone is a winner, is downright dishonest.
  8. Caught up with a friend of mine at Blue Beach Café and Restaurant and had a main course of schnitzel, accompanied by a few glasses of red wine, and enjoyed both. Earlier on the place was absolutely full, so it's good to see this new place pulling in the customers, as it is a great location and serves great food at reasonable prices, and it's just what Patong needed, IMO. Trying to cut the length of my posts down I will skip through a few things in bullet point fashion: – – As before, Bangla Road was crowded. – The road itself was busy but the bars didn't seem to be that busy, neither did the live music bars, and indeed Red Hot was only about 30% full. – Went to Suzie Wong's for the first time in an age and that was packed, and for me it's good fun, as a friend and I have known a couple of the girls for some time now, although it's best not to go overboard on the drinks for the girls, but they will always ask for them and if you have the willpower of a tame rabbit, then your pockets will soon be emptied. – Soi Sea Dragon was not as crowded as on my previous visit, but at least it's picking up from what it was a few months ago. – Red Hot, as already mentioned, was not that busy so the atmosphere wasn't as good as it has been in the past, however I was fortunate enough to be able to get a table next to a few Aussies who were part of JetStar (airline) crew who were here for about three days due to some unforeseen circumstances, and they were good company. I was offered a few drinks by a couple in the crowd, including one Indian guy, who looked as if he was fairly wealthy, who was adamant that I had to have a drink because he enjoyed my singing so much (no he's not tone deaf), so I weakened and threw down another tequila. The rain put a dampener on the late evening (pun intended) however Bangla still remains the place to be for the nightlife and crowds, with the beach road providing plenty of choice as regards restaurants, even if the areas a little further out from Bangla are still suffering from lack of customers/tourists.
  9. A good mate of mine had the Rover 3500 and we drove to many pubs and parties it, and I thought it was a great car at the time. Very spacious and well laid out internally, and it was quiet and drove very well, as well as being good-looking, IMO.
  10. I'm not sure how much store one should put on the contents of that link, especially when the author/writer describes syphilis as a virus, when it is in fact a bacteria.
  11. Trawling back through the movies in the BBC iPlayer I came across, "Blazing Saddles" which is a movie I remember seeing eons ago, and just about the only things that I do remember about it were the farting scene round the campfire, and the black sheriff, so I thought I'd have another look at it. Well I was surprised as I never realised that the movie was rife with racism (the N word for black folk spoken quite often in the movie) Chinese referred to as "chinks" and parodies of Germans, Nazis, Jews and gays and probably more that I can't remember now......however it didn't shock me because it was from an era when we accepted all of that stuff and really paid no heed to it. Whether that was right or wrong I don't know, but what I do know is that movie could never certainly be made now, so I'm glad I watched it again, faults and all!
  12. I had a course of HA injections back in New Zealand when I had some and cartilage and bone fragments removed from my elbow, and I still wanted to play tennis, and the surgeon said at the time it was perhaps a little experimental for my condition, but it wasn't that expensive so I went ahead and had a small course of injections over a few weeks. Well there was no pain and I was delighted with the result, so perhaps worth a try in your case?
  13. I downloaded the first three episodes of the "Lord of the Rings" prequel, "The Power of the Rings" and have so far gotten through the first two episodes, but I may add that I was tempted to bail out halfway through the second episode, because I just didn't find it interesting – – has anyone else experienced this??
  14. Some chuckles to brighten up your day, some were actual advertisements in newspapers:- WEDDING DRESS FOR SALE. Worn once by mistake. Call Stephanie. FOR SALE BY OWNER Complete set of Encyclopedia Britannica, 45 volumes. Excellent condition, £200 or best offer. No longer needed, got married, wife knows everything. COWS, CALVES: NEVER BRED. Also 1 gay bull for sale. TEACHER: George Washington not only chopped down his father's cherry tree, but also admitted it. Now, Louie, do you know why his father didn't punish him? LOUIS: Because George still had the axe in his hand.
  15. That's no yolk, I can tell you, and it cracked me up all white, and lucky she wasn't beaten to a pulp and whisked away. No doubt she can hatch another story in order to feather her nest.
  16. As in the past, with things like this, none of that matters as long as somebody along the chain gets part of the "skimming" which always goes on, after all TIT.
  17. The other posters here give a fairly good indication of how Patong is faring right now, and I also post quite regularly on a thread here called: Patong – the Wake, so you might want to look at that and see if you can pick up some info.
  18. Thanks for the tips, however I was being facetious in the first instance, but I suppose knowing what part of the world we are in, stirfried squirrel could be on a menu somewhere here!!!! Good luck.
  19. There you go.................What is another word for plonker? (Also slang for the male appendage between the legs). fool simpleton idiot dope dunce moron berk chump dummy bonehead
  20. I managed to buy a Nokia flip phone on eBay a couple of years back and I think they are still sold, so you might want to try the Nokia 3710 or the Nokia 2720 to see if there are any out there. Lovely little phone and I still manage to buy batteries for it.
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