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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. So it's quite amazing how some of the less expensive wines can be as good as they are, given the duty/tax payable. I can't for the life of me remember the name of the Zinfandel which Tesco Lotus cleared out a few years ago (it was selling at around 1400 baht a bottle but was reduced to around 450 baht), but it was very good, as was the Brunello de Montalcino, so having taken a bottle home to taste, I bought about 40 bottles of the Zinfandel and about a dozen of the Brunello, however have never had that sort of luck since! I haven't been in Wine Connection for a few years now, but I thought they were quite clever in the production of some of their wines, whereby they would produce fruit wines in Vietnam, by shipping in grape juice from France and Australia and blend in the fruit juice there, hence the reason they were being sold so cheaply here in Thailand.
  2. Yes there are a few bargains out there, and I went hunting for those you had mentioned in your previous post, however couldn't find any in Patong or Phuket, although I have found some heavily reduced wines here in the past, so I keep hunting! Keep up the good work!
  3. PS. I thought that the authorities here had banned the inclusion of tadalafil and sildenafil in the Grakcu capsules when they found out about it. But who knows if the manufacturers have stopped using them, after all TIT!
  4. I have tried to find out from various friends who work in the industry, but it seems to be a closely guarded secret?? So it is either added at the beginning of the fermentation process so that it ferments along with the grape crush, or it is fermented separately and the resulting alcoholic fruit liquid is then added to the finished grape wine. For red wines only dark fruits are used, and for white wines then white fruit – – and I do know that passionfruit is used in the mix, along with a few others which I can't recall right now. Either way, for whatever reason, it gives me a headache, so I don't touch the stuff.
  5. I tried it once a few years ago now, and suspected that it might have had some other ingredients in it other than just "herbal", and it turns out that it has. However I didn't know that at the time and found it to be very potent, so much so that I was walking around with a "perky" on all day long, irrespective of any sexual stimulation whatsoever! It did give me the "blocked nose/sinus" type side effect, and then the report that it contained the other ingredients was published, so I stopped taking it after a short while. The bottom line is that it works, and it works very well, but the amount of the active ingredients it is unknown, so that could present a problem for some folks.
  6. He cited a study from Oxford University, published in The Lancet Psychiatry medical journal. The study assessed Long Covid issues from data produced by about 1.3 million people worldwide. The study evaluated the risks of Long Covid affecting the brain, nervous system, and mental health.
  7. I love my wine far too much to not buy it here, so I do seek out wines which are not too expensive (although the occasional one is great to taste) and which suit my palate. I'm not a beer drinker, nor do I like spirits, so wine it has to be and as long as I can still find a few reasonable Aussie wines in shops here, then I'm happy, although I have just ordered six bottles of Appassimento (from Veneto) by way of a change. One can still find reasonable bottles of Aussie wines in certain shops and a favourite of mine at the moment is the "19 Crimes" red blend which I can buy here at 480 baht a bottle. Then there is the Barwang range which can still be bought for 399 baht (although I've seen the price of this shoot up by 100 baht a bottle just recently in some shops). Then of course there is the Wolf Blass Eaglehawk range which sells for 399 baht, and although it is the lowest wine in their range, it's an okay wine with Thai food or pizza, but not one that I buy. I get the occasional very good wine from an importer/distributor here who sometimes has a clear out of his slow-moving wines and have paid 600 baht for a wine that was retailing at twice that amount, and it was fabulous. The bargains are out there, but beware, so is the rubbish wine, and it doesn't hurt to buy the occasional good wine just to break the monotony – – and for the record, I wouldn't touch Jacob's Creek anyway, and especially not at the price quoted by another poster!
  8. But close enough to the truth for you to respond. Nail, head, and all that!!!! Anyway the findings from this and other investigations will ensure that this orange clown achieves his rightful place in the history of the USA, hopefully jail...........always to be branded as a loser, and "bigly" so (to coin a phrase).
  9. Don't really need to what your news sources are, because it's abundantly clear by your posts that you are an avid trump supporter, a cult following, right winger no less, and someone who believes that this large orange excuse for a human being, can do no wrong. Well, classified material has already been found at MAL, material that should never have been taken from the White House, so not only is he guilty of lying (no, surely not, perish the thought) at this moment in time, I'm pretty sure there are more charges to come, so don't break out the popcorn just yet because you might choke on it.
  10. Hi again ThaiPauly, I remember our conversations via PM's, however I thought that you had just about overcome all of the early problems you had, however it seems I was wrong, and for that I truly sympathise with you. There was a poster who had the Rezum treatment, which wasn't that effective early on, so perhaps I'm getting him confused with you – – SORRY about that. It sounds like you have been through a nightmare and are still in it, and as you say, one has to be extremely unlucky to end up in this situation, however at least you have put some balance in that by saying that you have plenty of friends who had a TURP, and who are perfectly fine. It would appear that the skill of your urologist/surgeon was sadly lacking, and I seem to recall that you had these procedures done here in Thailand, however for the record/for what it's worth, I had my TURP done at one of the top hospitals in Melbourne, and that has never been plain sailing ever since I had it done, and I have continued with urological problems ever since, and indeed am now using a catheter on a daily basis. All the above is the reason that I have suggested on other posts that men with enlarged prostate problems that are causing urine retention/restriction should investigate procedures like iTind and Urolift before they consider a TURP. I did read an article short while ago which was discussing something similar to the above and the author (a urologist as I recall) actually said something along the lines of, "although the TURP is still considered the gold standard, there are other newer and less invasive procedures coming available and these should be investigated first". All the very best to you TP and thanks for sharing your experience with other posters. PS. As regards your UTIs, because I was getting them with the situation I am in (using a catheter daily) I researched and discovered Hiprex tablets, which act as a urinary anti-infective medicine which is used to prevent urinary tract infections. I take them twice daily and so far they have worked very well, and they can be bought online, and I buy mine from Australia and sometimes NZ, and have them shipped here.
  11. About the size of a small shipping container I would think! What an lowlife idiot.
  12. I've got a couple of these silicone egg poachers, and I can't get consistent results with them, and as the lady in the video says, it can take six minutes and probably best with the lid on, but.............now having seen the 50 second microwave video, the silicone jobbies will be confined to the back of the cupboard. I was also told to smear the inside of the silicone cups with a little butter or oil – – none of that necessary now, so thank you for the tip, @KhunLA.
  13. No, I'm not sad about it, because I know nothing whatsoever about the player or his capabilities/abilities on the football field! What I am pretty sure about is that the malaise which is afflicting United at the moment, will not be solved by just one or two new players. However any new players have to be better than the majority of the current players – – so it's a bit of potluck really.
  14. Maybe it's because there are a lot of "old white guys in Thailand" (or elsewhere for that matter) who care about truth and honesty and would like to see a government in place that is for the people, rather than a government led by a grifter who is only in it for himself. The "old white guys in Thailand" you speak of are probably not driven by the "WIIFM" (what's in it for me) mantra that the orange clown is, and just want to see fair play, honesty and accountability – – not too hard to understand is it!
  15. I don't know that the so-called "hatred" of trump is "insane", but then again I could say, "what's not to hate?". The man is a proven crook, a liar, a cheat and is absolutely two-faced when it comes to making sure that he benefits from anything he gets into – –this for example: – "A judge orders President Donald Trump to pay $2 million to settle a suit by New York’s attorney general alleging he misused his Trump Foundation charity to help his 2016 presidential campaign". And so much more that it is difficult to understand how rational folk can support this conman.
  16. They think that people who believe that the election was rigged or stolen are nut-jobs. Every effort or law suit or argument to suggect that the election was stolen has been thrown out by lawyers and rational people and only the dumb believe the "stolen" election lie...........surely you are not in that camp, are you!
  17. Just goes to show that you have missed the irony of the statements from the orange clown. Never mind, keep trying to understand!!
  18. I can't agree with the OGS comment, because IMO his stay at United was a major factor in them being exactly where they are at the moment, floundering. And when you consider the players that he signed...Jadon Sancho £73m, Amad, Alex Telles, Facundo Pellestri £8m, Donny van de Beek £35m, Odion Ighalo, Harry Maguire £80m, Aaron Wan-Bissaka £54m and Dan James £16m, his success with the signings was minimal, although the financial outlay wasn't. Also IMO, his management style was not what was needed for the manager of United, and his tactical nous with regards to team selection and layout, was also lacking. Cannot lay everything wrong at United at the feet of OGS, but he has to take responsibility for a lot of it. Having said that, I think the rot set in before he got there, and he was just another mistake on their part.
  19. Good to see that even a trump supporter recognises exactly what trump is, a buffoon! And therefore not hard to draw some logic on the fact that anyone who votes for a buffoon, is not exactly the most intelligent voter in the world! Worst president ever, and one that was convicted of stealing over $2 million to fund his campaign, and as for normalising relationships with North Korea, all he did was to build up the ego of this despicable creature, so I hope all of the investigations into him and his activities bear fruit, and he gets his just rewards in prison.
  20. A nice ramble, but you've missed an important point here and that is, that trump is dumb and is only semiliterate, so no matter what is put in front of him or explained to him, he wouldn't have a clue, and as for being a "resource" well that is laughable. Fact is he removed confidential/classified documents from the White House without getting the necessary, and much explained on this thread, clearance/sign off procedure to do so – – plain, pure and simple
  21. Ah, that's it then, trump followers see him as some sort of "God Oracle" who only has to speak something and it is true and done.........explains a lot with his cult following, but sad all the same.
  22. It is pretty obvious that the trump supporters on this thread/forum do not want to understand the severity of what trump has done, something which has been proven by the fact that documents have been found at his fortress. I can see no other reason than the fact that they are lying to themselves or lack the ability to understand what is written down in US law. If that is the case, then all of the great posts by many folks on here, including @Walker88, @placeholder and @Chomper Higgot, to name just a few, are in vain, a bit like casting pearls to swine. The trump supporters here are indeed a lost cause. The only concern I have, and one which they are hoping will come to fruition, is that even if the lard tub is found guilty of any one of a number of charges, that the powers that be do not have the cojones to jail him because they fear what his right-wing nut jobs will do, which is a sad indictment of where the US is at this moment in time.
  23. Thought I would post something from the mouth of the orange clown himself, which I definitely agree with......
  24. it is often said that you can tell a lot about a person, by the company they keep!!!!!!!!!
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