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Everything posted by Tug

  1. Trump won’t sanction putin that’s just noise trump wants to force Ukraine to surrender without guarantees or any territory returned then after trump delivers a victory to the enemy he will lift sanctions off putin
  2. Perhaps you might rephrase that to musk has a history of telling lies like his underling trump I think I know who’s slinging the sausage with those two
  3. Just fodder for the rubes need to keep them distracted from the trump dumpster fire 🔥
  4. The article if reported in its true sense would read (trumps bold attack on the first amendment.)this is the way the felon operates,nobody I know supports hammas no one. obiously its an emotional issue,he couches his response towards people protesting the slaughter of the Palestinian civilians…..of course there’s no easy answer trump could care less about any human but he does care about controlling the narrative.he’s trying to quell the first amendment no doubt about it.
  5. Good thread Mr Mike my take is yes no doubt about it the betrayal of our allies the betrayal of Ukraine the sucking up to the worst governments existing today…….this moronic trade war with our erstwhile friends……to me as a simple lay person it’s in my humble opinion a hostile takeover of the government to shape it in a more authoritarian manner.no more no less.our enemies are delighted no doubt about it.
  6. Man up stop bleating your Donnie is busy tanking the economy stabbing our allies in the back and trying to align my country with the likes of Putin.to back trump with the knowledge of what he’s doing is tantamount to hating America big time in my book
  7. There’s a steep learning curve to operate a nuke sub + reliably launch missiles not much of a threat (for now).
  8. I wish Canadas new prime minister much success in leading his wonderful nation!
  9. Who’s aboard to fix it when it breaks down it’s an effin boat for crying out loud!
  10. Bet it’s less taxpayer money wasted hauling the felon around to play golf just in his first 46 days in office ehh??now there’s a waste!
  11. I enjoy the challenge and I have the talent…..you?
  12. Naa I’m still here reading through this thread its comical watching the bots and trolls jumping in on this non issue/ divisive/ nonsense.the trumper spin machine is so goofy now they are up in arms about the nose art on the B29 super fortress that dropped the bomb on Hiroshima,the captain of said aircraft named it after his mother Enola Gay ……….yup you got it they are bleating about Paul tibbits moms middle name…….ahhh boy ridiculous nonsense.anyway I’m a busy boy today’s project is laying out for a fifth wheel hitch in the bed of my truck not trolling the internet…..cheers!
  13. Musk is a talented engineer no doubt about that he’s also got a lot of talent working for him thats were the achievements are generated he is brilliant in that regard no doubt about it.In the field of humanity democracy emotional intelligence he is lacking big time in that arena he is indeed stupid and disconnected no doubt about it.he should stick with what he’s good at but he won’t he’s power mad.
  14. Odd not a peep on this thread till a supporter of democracy checks in(strange) anyway unfortunately president Zelenskyy optimism is misplaced the most valuable Russian asset on the planet will not betray his master(I think we all know as to who I’m referring to) the great betrayer is merely making sounds he’s rock solid in his support and coddling of the enemy.
  15. As this bit of noise/distraction occupys the rubes as he’s setting up his meme crypto coin so people can bribe him in secret to influence whatever it is they want (bribery/corruption). or how’s about all of those outrageous lies about social security as they gear up to rob us of that……let us not forget what this menace has wrought all ready the betrayal of our core mission the betrayal of our allies the betrayal of democracy the betrayal of women’s rights the betrayal of the civil rights movement .the betrayal of the worlds most needy,the distruction of the institutions that have made this country what it is.so go ahead and get distracted by Greenland im keeping a eye on his/putins core mission.
  16. Ahhh he got a nick in his ear from a piece of the teleprompter the poor rube behind him got shot hope that helps.trump has never had to face anything by himself ever,his life has allways been sheltered by money and now unfortunately by us taxpayers I believe he’s terrified of putin and knows hes despised by European elites it’s obvious to me that trump is a coward it’s all the back up that feeds the bravado
  17. well now is their chance to take Taiwan trump certainly won’t come to the rescue sorry Taiwan but that’s who we are stuck with.
  18. I’m feeling a change with his betrayal of our allies now his stupid trade war all of us world wide are collectively getting tired of this nut case pulling our collective chains,something gonna give.
  19. You are mistaken it’s not sour grapes it’s reality.trump is supporting the worst aggressor on the planet.he is betraying everything my country stands for he is abandoning our allies and attacking them with his trade wars.he is attacking and trying to destroy our democracy.I suspect you are a citizen of the Russian federation so obviously you are a trump supporter.a weak and untrustworthy America is to Putin’s advantage.every American supports eliminating waste in government provided it’s done carefully trump isent operating that way he’s just a wrecking ball.He lacks the talent to do it correctly and his mental illness prevents him from allowing competent people to do it.hes after attention not valid constructive change our constitution.another words a ditctator.
  20. Just another 100 minutes of trump double speak just a bunch of flaccid magga lies and half truths….a reality check women disenfranchised free speach under attack all the institutions that have made this country what it is under attack buy an unelected foreigner our allies betrayed a nation fighting a vicious raping invader betrayed sucking up to and supporting the worst human on the planet alive today.wake up folks don’t drink the cool aid.everything this man touts as an accomplishment was done outside our frame of government and constitution…….theres a message there.
  21. I’m sure we all agree the protests in favor of hammas are despicable/the protests in favor of stopping the slaughter of Palestinian civilians well ya I don’t like seeing that,I do realize that hammas is using them as shields so it couldn’t be helped that being said it is the #1 FIRST AMENDMENT he’s trying to kill all stop 🛑 of course no one supports this particular bunch of nutters that being said it’s their right to do so.when they break laws by all means arrest them .hands off the first amendment don’t be short sighted we all know were this is headed especially using such an emotional example.
  22. That’s a good one lol hopefully the folks in Greenland have a clean news source so they are aware of what trump is.I couldn’t sit through trumps 2 hrs of verbal vomit lots of porkeys to be sure.
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