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Everything posted by Tug

  1. Putin wants to work trump for the maximum amount he possibly can for dear Donalds photo op,possibly a withdrawal from nato as well as throwing the Ukrainian people under the Russian boot. time will tell.as far as Joe Biden being un fit I see infrastructure,lower drug prices,chip manufacturing in the USA standing with labor + a host of other positive actions not to mention exposing putin for the criminal he is and how much the Russian military is a paper tiger.Not to shabby for a (unfit senile old man) ehh?
  2. From Texas US citizen veteran…….traitor and murder dead (good) didn’t act alone …..hopefully we catch the rest of these mass murdering criminals ……here we go again
  3. You are mistaken about my (tail between my legs I had to take a break for my sanity.The election wasn’t a team win or lose for me,normally when the candidate of my choice loses it’s not a big deal just disappointing,not so this time.we shall see ehh?your disconnect as to worst president ever is staggering again we shall see.
  4. My (purely speculative take is) they had a bird strike on the starboard engine con tuned to overfly the airport as they shutdown the (port) engine by mistake tryed landing in the opposite direction thinking they had possibly lost both engines.landed long the aircraft caught up in ground effect exacerbated the problem of slowing down and we know the rest.perhaps they did indeed lose both engines we will find out in due time,that being said it was a horrific accident my condolences to the bereaved a very very sad outcome.
  5. Rip jimmy you are a fine example of Christian values,you talked the talk and walked the walk thankyou for the fine example of humanity and Americanism you were a fine run you are missed
  6. I had the same speculative thought that they may have been attempting a go around they sank onto the runway unable to change the angle of attack with the engines dragging.the flight data recorder and voice recorders will tell the tale to be sure very sad….
  7. Trump will obviously abandon Ukraine no doubt and quite possibly Europe aka nato as well so much for the shining light on the hill.
  8. It will be interesting to know what the flight data and voice recorder have to tell,horrific to be sure.From what I could see obviously gear up i dident see flaps or spoilers nor thrust reversers it didn’t seem to be slowing down…….yeiks!my condolences to the bereaved.
  9. Oh I’m sure they know what happened allready the aircraft flew for quite some time in a damaged condition.im sure the pilots were in contact with the maintenance facility as they struggled to remain in the air,passengers calling loved ones ect ect.first and foremost I’d like to offer my condolences to the bereaved and my deep respect to the crew trying to keep their damaged bird in the air.its an unfortunate tragedy in a war zone of Putin’s making he’s the one with blood on his hands.they will do their best to hide the truth no doubt about that whatsoever.
  10. An expensive career killing mistake to be sure,at least it wasn’t as bad as the Vincennes shooting down that Iranian airliner.or the latest blunder by putin shooting down a Russian airliner on Christmas Day,he usually at least kills one of his enemies when he kills a plane load of passengers not so this time apparently.
  11. I have been giving it a break for my sanity I’m not and don’t cry but I’m deeply concerned that we collectively have elected this obiously mentally ill destructive trustfund baby to lead the most powerful nation on the planet.it is not a republican /democrat choice for me thaipo.I fear we and the rest of the civilized world will regret this blunder.
  12. You are mistaken Biden is being the adult in the room no more no less
  13. Trump is trolling and dividing it’s what he does sowing discord and anger it’s his method
  14. it tells us that racism and masoginy is rampant in America and as far as this particular thread trump is just trolling and displaying his ignorance
  15. Surprised trump hasn’t offered him a cabinet position yet.
  16. I wouldn't share sensitive information with us now trump can’t be trusted to keep his mouth shut
  17. Link please.otherwise it’s just a spurious lie.
  18. I suspect Putin will be much more aggressive after j20 when his asset assumes the presidency….we shall see im afraid.
  19. Are you kidding?I remember what people have said who worked closely with him,imbecile idiot,stupid,can’t read,needs constant flattery and on and on,the highest cabinet turnover rate in our history…….we shall see.
  20. I remember last time…….
  21. Ahh …ok you did read what the thread is about ehh?let me refresh your memory…TRUMP condemns Biden’s pardon as a miscarriage of justice…..a comparison is entirely within the scope of the thread.
  22. So the regular trump supporters here are getting their undies in a knot for Biden pardoning his son for a tax crime(back taxes paid)btw and an obscure gun law about a druggie having a gun that was never used and for a short time……meanwhile they adore a rapist insurrectionists and a security risk of the highest order……who has made cheating on his taxes an art form……ahh ok pardon me if I think ya all are full of it.
  23. You hit the nail on the head masoginy and racism that’s why Harris lost. now with jack smith dropping charges and trump’s wanting tariffs just wondering how long it will take that abomination to tank our economy killing all the carefull work of the Biden administration.with the power vacuum trumps sure to create just how long will it take the bad actors to fill the void?This is going to effect Europe as well.I haven’t been posting much because I’ve needed to give it a break for my sanity.hopefully the clowns lousy diet bails us out it’s going to be a rough 4 years ahead I’m afraid……good luck everyone
  24. Rubbish vaccines have saved millions and millions of lives to put an anti vaxer anywhere near even within spitting distance of competent scientists that deal in facts is a disservice nay a betrayal of my people fear mongering indeed we Americans at best are facing a rough 4 years it will have worldwide consequences…..
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