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Everything posted by rexpotter

  1. Total price was 3800 baht with frames. 1000 baht deposit. I'm very happy to say that my 1000 baht was refunded. They agreed that the lenses were not up to par. Nice folks.
  2. Ummm lets see, 2024 minus 1999 maybe you can do the math.
  3. I had very serious problems when young with them on my face. Lifelong scarring. They have to remove the entire packet/sack to get rid of it forever, which will always leave some scarring. Poking it forever only makes it worse.
  4. I think most of the measuring stations are rarely maintained nor cleaned to start with. CMU seems to have the best quality meters, but they seem to shut down after 500. One of them east of the main city has been stuck on 38 for years. Its unlivable for 6 month's a year and only getting worse. My favorite horrible comment is 'Its not that bad today .we have two air purifiers running', Was a nice place when I first visited in 1999, but not for me now.
  5. A few very angry people frequent this forum. I don't understand why they cannot simply comment on the subject. Lots of good information here and good people, but it often gets overshadowed by rude comments that nobody would ever say to anyone in person.
  6. Hopefully this forum and all its crazy replies will also cool down when the rains start.
  7. I've never done it, but I am making exceptions lately. Like everyday.
  8. Samitivej Hospital near here told me the following. 1. We do not sell eyeglasses, we only do exams. 2. When I asked how much for an eye exam they said, it depends on the Doctor..3. Plus, admin fee, registration fee, extra charges, cleaning fee, parking fee and opening the front door fee, trying to push open the exit door fee but it was broken and using the lift fee, and the pay toilet fee (paid in cash). They let me off on the broken door fee.
  9. thanks, I tried to call but no answer. I live in Laem Chabang so may run up there.
  10. This was normal behaviour in Bali where I just left, due to them.They stole from the small mom and pop grocery shops, and they were well known for running off without paying for their bills at restaurants. In fact they had to start making people pay in advance because of them.
  11. Obviously you are Russian. Maybe you are a better class than them, but there are just too many low class subhumans from that country, its shocking.
  12. do they eyeglasses retail?
  13. Thank you very much
  14. Swimming pool is hot. Miserable
  15. Another try at eyeglasses....The gal said she was an Optometrist who spent 5 years at a University in Bangkok. To my surprise she spoke ZERO English, which is shocking to me. If Thai was the international business language, I would speak it fluently. She had all the modern equipment so I felt confident that after 30 minutes of testing, she would be able to at least prepare a decent pair of glasses for the office only. Nope. I arrived today to try on my new eyeglasses that were so substandard I was shocked. Essilor which are my current lenses were purchased in Indonesia for less than half the price. I agreed on some locally made lenses and I was assured they were as good as Essilor. that were not much cheaper and they were so poor they were impossible to accept. 1000baht down the drain. May fly to Singapore to get some.
  16. Russians killed a lot of Poles in ww2 and may do it again. He may have been confused.
  17. Russians killed a lot of Poles in ww2 and may do it again. He may have been confused.
  18. Online fraud, protect your laptop.
  19. While working with AOT I was able to meet some high class Thai's. They did not eat at those food troughs, never. They warned me to do the same.
  20. You forgot the rear ball bag and center crotch in that description
  21. Oh No...not that........Please
  22. I wish i was new.
  23. Its so disturbing I am on medication, beer and more beer.
  24. yes, but when you remove some unnecessary BS it is not altering the passport.
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