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Posts posted by Sutty

  1. What a load of crap,My sister came visit me a few years ago in Australia and took a handful of different size calibre bullets back home to Holland as souvenirs and she had no problem.What is the problem ,you can't use any ammo without a weapon,if there is no weapon why arrest people,If it's illegal just confiscate the ammo and be done with it. thumbsup.gif

    y confiscate it. Ammunitions for weapons are a part of life

    Not my life you must live in a diffrent world to me

  2. What a load of crap,My sister came visit me a few years ago in Australia and took a handful of different size calibre bullets back home to Holland as souvenirs and she had no problem.What is the problem ,you can't use any ammo without a weapon,if there is no weapon why arrest people,If it's illegal just confiscate the ammo and be done with it. thumbsup.gif

    Wrong any ammo can be used without a gun a make shit firing pin is easy to make and relatively easy to use if you know what your doing mind some idiots would use even if they didn't know as for taking back as soveniers WHY!!!! Soveniers of what.

  3. Prime Minister General Prayuth pledged to reduce Carbon emissions by 20 - 25% by 2030. That is at the lower end of the scale. This will be achieved by adhering to sustainable development practises and the philosophy of 'efficiency economy' etc.

    And in a language we can understand it means nothing will happen only the likes of China USA and India can really affect any change and they won't reduce anything. So why should anyone else the big players know climate change is nothing to do with any amount of so called emissions.
  4. Do they not use the bar code from your previous report? For more or less a year now, at Jomtien you haven't needed any photocopies or the reporting form. They've just read the bar code from the last report, printed out the new one and sent you on your way. I assumed (obviously incorrectly) that that was the common practice now.

    No bar code on new report date on 90 day report in KK

  5. the checkout girls at the TescoL and BigC are wearing those red & white stocking caps or wearing those reindeer antler hairpieces. What do you think those are for -- a sale on reindeer steaks?

    Maybe because they tesco and big c are owned by western businesses and there told to wear them for the tourists and long stay Farangs. Not one Thai I have talked to in village is celabrating xmas in any way

  6. I don't belive in Global warming

    How about climate change? Do you believe the weather's been changing over the past decade or so?

    Yes climate is changing but that's a normal cycle of events we have been so called civalized for a mere 2000 years we know nothing of the millions and millions of years before us. (Fossils only prove life did indeed exist before us not how or why they died or became extinct maybe that's what will happen to us so called humans just go extinct had our turn now make way for a new species to carry on on our earth. It's really only been from the 90s that scientists have suddenly started saying global warming. We live on a world that depending on what you belive is evolving for good or bad who knows. What I do know as fact is today I am alive the sun is shining for me here in Thailand and for that I am happy and greatfull tomorow is not guaranteed. So I belive I have answered your question and the next few you were going to ask. Climate change yes as a natural progression. Global warming not the same not proven just a way for so called civalized countries who want to stop developing countries from catching them up. Let's throw a cap on immisions then as we have already got xyz it will stop 3rd world countries from developing xyz and we will still be the dominant force IMHO of course
  7. I wonder if the guy goes round insulting people late at night in Manchester just because of his personal hatred issues, if he did I imagine his injuries would be alot worse.

    He's a classic example of an individual who is fighting his inner attraction to lady boys. Hence, he fears his own homosexuality.

    Yeh right if your not a homosexual then you must be inside????? Get a grip man we are all individuals not followers of your thoughts
  8. Where can I sign the online petition to keep this transphobic individual and his anti-transgender hate speech from entering the UK?

    Set one up and let us all know how you get on.

    Good luck..

    I just might...especially as we're given his name as Leslie Patrick Murphy. However, it's probably enough that this individual is forever memorialized on the internet as the self-admitted transgenderphobic hatemonger that was given a whooping by some ladies who didn't take kindly to his attitude.

    But surely you don't condone this? Unpleasant attitude or not, he didn't deserve to be beaten up by these thugs.

    No he did not deserve to be beaten up nor did the group of ladyboy deserve a homophobic rant from him. What they should have done is gone to the police themselves and reported him

  9. I'm a wee bit worried for you here seems you think a house can be purchased at one shop in one go. NO get quotes from builders for labor only to your specifications ie lintels in window or not, does it include electric fix ect ect. Then be on site every day as there will be problems, and rather than go to one store (most big diy stores sell rubish and not so rubish stuff be careful you get what you pay for. If you can source materials local which I'm guessing you will be able to (but not with credit cards) so much the better couple of reasons 1 keep the money local 2 you will be making lots of trips to these shops so you can negotiate a good deal. Roof I suggest a proper roofing shop to buy not someone who turns up at build and promises you a good roof at a good price (had a friend do this and paid 40000bht for roof which came the next day,when Technicians went to put up was only enough for three quaters of roof ended up going to a roof company any way then found out it would have been cheer from them anyway). Helps if you can find a plan of a house you like then show it builders they can work around the plan doesn't have to be exactly of plan (loads on internet).above all get on well with your builder and his laborers and be on site every day

  10. In my opinion you were lucky because of the scant Immigration rules here.

    If you had overstayed in the UK, it would have been a completely different story.

    Yes overstay in uk completely diffrent tell them you have lost passport they search you and your house no passport no deportation until passport is found or verified by your government until then they let you out on police bail to re a pear at set date and guess what do you think they appear again!!!

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