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Posts posted by Sutty

  1. Until the statement by the Miller family, I would have naturally said no. That statement changed everything. If they can clearly and categorically say that after all they've been through and all the evidence they must have combed through and along with advice they must have received from the UK police, I have to say the same thing. GUILTY.

    And yet the family of the accused say not guilty. Their view is less relevant? Now, I wonder why that is the case? It's a puzzler for sure.

    Oh wait...

    But of course the family of the Guilty (not accused any more) would say not guilty what possible relevance is that statement the family of the dead is relevant they have had loved ones snatched away I have not seen or read anywhere the bereaved families saying they were guilty until they were found guilty in a court of law. Where as I have seen and heard so many times the family of guilty men saying no no no not guilty as I suspect we all would but it's not relevant.

  2. The root of the issue begins with children driving motorbikes. I don't think they get more than 5 minutes of instruction but they do get a ton of bad habits, not regard for lanes, always assuming they can enter a road by staying left and not looking

    And too many pay the price for this in hwy fatalities..

    Same as any inner city in UK kids on motor bikes no regard for safety but kids will be kids I was on motor bikes from aged 10 onwards no helmets then (not law).

  3. Lighten up here perspective is called for its not the end of the world it's a drop of wine and didn't a so called son of God turn water into wine and up until the early part of the century beer was drunk instead of water as the water quality was so poor!!. Do you not have alcoholic drinks in your place ever!! The law as it stands in UK 14 years old in a restaurant with adults can consume wine and cider he can not purchase it nor can he have more than one glass but the adult he or she is with may buy the minor alcohol. Wine in small amounts isn't going to hurt anyone in fact if we teach our kids one glass of wine or cider or beer is enough from an early age they are less likely to binge drink when older IMHO of course
    Found this which I think covers the school as I understand you it is a private school

    The Alcoholic Beverage Control Act of 2008 increased the drinking age in Thailand from 18 to 20, private drinking is not regulated in private locations.

    A bottle of wine is what the 9 year old had on him. Bit more than a drop!

    Hey it Christmas this thread died some while ago lighten up and enjoy the days to come

    Just because the last post was a few weeks ago doubt that makes this a dead thread.

    So the legal drinking age in Thailand is 20 years. This kid was 9. Perhaps a private school gets around the law although it is still very unethical.

    Try doing that in a Australian school.

    Quick heads up for you in case your confused we well I and the boy concerned are in Thailand not Australia thank goodness.

    The only thing to be confused about here is your english grammar.

    Oh dear gramer police on xmas day sad sad sad or in Australian sad sad sad coba

  4. Lighten up here perspective is called for its not the end of the world it's a drop of wine and didn't a so called son of God turn water into wine and up until the early part of the century beer was drunk instead of water as the water quality was so poor!!. Do you not have alcoholic drinks in your place ever!! The law as it stands in UK 14 years old in a restaurant with adults can consume wine and cider he can not purchase it nor can he have more than one glass but the adult he or she is with may buy the minor alcohol. Wine in small amounts isn't going to hurt anyone in fact if we teach our kids one glass of wine or cider or beer is enough from an early age they are less likely to binge drink when older IMHO of course
    Found this which I think covers the school as I understand you it is a private school

    The Alcoholic Beverage Control Act of 2008 increased the drinking age in Thailand from 18 to 20, private drinking is not regulated in private locations.

    A bottle of wine is what the 9 year old had on him. Bit more than a drop!

    Hey it Christmas this thread died some while ago lighten up and enjoy the days to come

    Just because the last post was a few weeks ago doubt that makes this a dead thread.

    So the legal drinking age in Thailand is 20 years. This kid was 9. Perhaps a private school gets around the law although it is still very unethical.

    Try doing that in a Australian school.

    Quick heads up for you in case your confused we well I and the boy concerned are in Thailand not Australia thank goodness.
  5. Based on the growing number of noob posts by overstayers, I would hope that Thai Immigration would make a very public overstay amnesty offer in the New Year where they would waive any and all fines regardless of how long the current overstay. That would allow the huge amount of current overstayers a very last chance to get their act together and depart. This would also enable those with obvious reading and/or genuine financial difficulties to 'get out of jail, free'. Give them the whole of January to get 20k baht and get legal or get lost.

    Then, after enacting the new 'overstay and get fined, jailed and banned' regulations in March, anyone pleading ignorance, lack of cash, medical difficulties, the dog ate my passport or whatever lame excuse they can pull out of their bums, can learn the real meaning of som nam nah.

    Rather confusing post--you say an amnesty which would waive all fines, then you say give them the whole of January to get the B20k.

    Since I believe you intended "get out of jail free" policy, let me ask you this:

    Do you really think Thailand wants any foreigner who cannot pay B20k--what possible legal good are they to Thailand?

    Why do you bother so much you don't know why Thailand wants you mean what you want very elites snob post

    • Like 1

  6. Lighten up here perspective is called for its not the end of the world it's a drop of wine and didn't a so called son of God turn water into wine and up until the early part of the century beer was drunk instead of water as the water quality was so poor!!. Do you not have alcoholic drinks in your place ever!! The law as it stands in UK 14 years old in a restaurant with adults can consume wine and cider he can not purchase it nor can he have more than one glass but the adult he or she is with may buy the minor alcohol. Wine in small amounts isn't going to hurt anyone in fact if we teach our kids one glass of wine or cider or beer is enough from an early age they are less likely to binge drink when older IMHO of course
    Found this which I think covers the school as I understand you it is a private school

    The Alcoholic Beverage Control Act of 2008 increased the drinking age in Thailand from 18 to 20, private drinking is not regulated in private locations.

    A bottle of wine is what the 9 year old had on him. Bit more than a drop!

    Hey it Christmas this thread died some while ago lighten up and enjoy the days to come
  7. I just wish they lower the fines for all of Thailand , all of the time. If I want ridiculous fines I would have stayed in the nanny-police-fleece states.

    For a 100 B , I wouldn't used the stupid seat belts and speed on low trafic roads.

    That just shows how immature you are.Wearing seatbelts and lowering speeds could save yours and others lives.Lower the fine=lower the IQ.

    Seatbelts are about personal freedom. If I want my head smashed on my windscreen , it is my descision.

    Until of course you do then it's up to everyone else to pay to scrape the brain bits (whoops sorry wrong word brain) grey matter of the road oh and to pay the compensation your loved ones would be looking for

  8. You can put as many roundabouts/lights/pedestrian crossings as you like none of which will make the slightest diffrence we all know lights here especially on pedestrian crossings are for show even if there on red for cars they go through them. Roundabouts a waste of time how will that help people cross???. What is needed is a greater teaching to drivers and pedestrians alike. There is an overhead walk way sufficient in any other countrie but people are to lazy or to stupid when drunk to use it. Simple solution erect a 6 foot high barrier in middle of road to stop people trying to cross therefore making them use walk way it would be easy to make walk way disable friendly would cost less than all the other suggestions.

    I think a walled barrier certainly is an excellent idea. But I can see some of the tourists and Thais climbing over the barrier. There is no good answer to stupidity. Anyway, barriers across the southern USA don't stop the Mexicans. It just becomes another obstacle course.[/quote

    Has to be at least 6ft high will also stop the bike in cedes in video

  9. First few lines of article not hard to understand clearly for existing fines


    Billed as a New Year gift to the public, Bangkok police commander Lt. Gen. Sanit Mahatavorn told Manager Online that the promotion is meant to clear a massive backlog of overdue fines.

    Under Thai traffic laws, motorists are expected to pay fines within seven days, and driving licenses cannot be renewed unless all fines have been paid first. However, since there is no serious repercussion for overdue fines, many motorists simply chose not to pay the fines for months, if not years.

    So how is this going to cause more deaths over new year prey tell me.

  10. Read the article it's for existing fines not new ones so how will that cause more deaths over new year.



    Thai bashing all spring to mind

    No it's not Thai bashing, it's just a ridiculous idea..

    The offender smiles..

    Why not give their fine money to an orphanage or similar.

    It's called an amnesty only the same thing as other police forces do throughout the world UK every year there is a knife and gun amnesty all this is to clear fines not a big deal old fines not new ones why is it so ridiculous? ????

  11. You can put as many roundabouts/lights/pedestrian crossings as you like none of which will make the slightest diffrence we all know lights here especially on pedestrian crossings are for show even if there on red for cars they go through them. Roundabouts a waste of time how will that help people cross???. What is needed is a greater teaching to drivers and pedestrians alike. There is an overhead walk way sufficient in any other countrie but people are to lazy or to stupid when drunk to use it. Simple solution erect a 6 foot high barrier in middle of road to stop people trying to cross therefore making them use walk way it would be easy to make walk way disable friendly would cost less than all the other suggestions.

  12. possibly the stupidest article of the year. they say that the night will be 41 minutes longer than normal?? What is normal? The amount of daylight is different EVERY DAY!!!!

    They make it sound like tomorrow will be back to normal and the days will be 41 minutes longer again. Ridiculous.

    The shortest day of the year is Dec 21 the longest day is June 21(at least in the northern hemisphere).

    Where do they find these reporters?

    Today the 22nd is the winter equinox which is commonly known as the shortest day

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