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Posts posted by Sutty

  1. If someone WHO has actualy been a victim or has directly been affected by an over stayers ie direct action of some sort by someone in authority (not the old we are all affected, cos I ain't for one, not the they bring trouble down on everyone, cos I ain't had no trouble. Direct action against you by the authorities only please. Can you post your story please. As I fail to see what the hell anyone over staying has to do with anyone else on here at all. I fail to see why the self serving attitude of some on here with comments like good, about time, they deserve it, and lock them up, being of any fact based intrests what so ever.

    You seem to have missed the point that the Immigration office has decided to clamp down on overstayers, and have been talking about it for a long time, purely because there are so many people doing it.

    No not missed the point at all the Thai goverment is directly affected by over stayers. People on here who moan and curse over stayers are not

    Actually everyone is affected by the increase in overstayers -- because they have forced the Immigration office to come up with more checks, which everyone is subject to, including yourself, even though you and others might be totally innocent.

    It's a bit like checking for drunk drivers. Do the police watch for odd driving behaviour, or do they just haul everyone out of their cars for breath-tests. Do you think the sober driver is going to be happy?

    Immigration has not I'm sure increased checks due to overstayers they have increased checks because of bombings and terror threats but it's easier to say overstayers are to blame still no actual first hand experience just the same old "they have forced immigration to check everyone"

    • Like 2
  2. If someone WHO has actualy been a victim or has directly been affected by an over stayers ie direct action of some sort by someone in authority (not the old we are all affected, cos I ain't for one, not the they bring trouble down on everyone, cos I ain't had no trouble. Direct action against you by the authorities only please. Can you post your story please. As I fail to see what the hell anyone over staying has to do with anyone else on here at all. I fail to see why the self serving attitude of some on here with comments like good, about time, they deserve it, and lock them up, being of any fact based intrests what so ever.

    You seem to have missed the point that the Immigration office has decided to clamp down on overstayers, and have been talking about it for a long time, purely because there are so many people doing it.

    No not missed the point at all the Thai goverment is directly affected by over stayers. People on here who moan and curse over stayers are not

  3. If someone WHO has actualy been a victim or has directly been affected by an over stayers ie direct action of some sort by someone in authority (not the old we are all affected, cos I ain't for one, not the they bring trouble down on everyone, cos I ain't had no trouble. Direct action against you by the authorities only please. Can you post your story please. As I fail to see what the hell anyone over staying has to do with anyone else on here at all. I fail to see why the self serving attitude of some on here with comments like good, about time, they deserve it, and lock them up, being of any fact based intrests what so ever.

    • Like 2
  4. There is no such thing as a fast lane all lanes are the same speed limit there is an over taking lane!!!!!. Drivers trucks not moving back into cruising lane usualy these guys know the road inside out and stay out as the left lane is full of pot holes or humps and bumps. Giving the so called honk or flashing lights or as one says the finger has no effect what so ever expect to in my case slow down even more just drive your way if you have to under take so be it if you get home 5 mins later so what at least I'd you drive safely you will get home

  5. It's not rocket science. Fill the fridge or cupboard with your favourite tipple, sit back and relax for a couple of days.

    When posters on TV complain about bars being closed, I'm reminded of Billy Joel's Piano Man:

    " And the waitress is practising politics

    As the businessmen slowly get stoned

    Yes, they're sharing a drink they call loneliness

    But it's better than drinking alone"

    People with friends, that is not you, often speak with their friends in bars and drink alcohol. The public setting also these encounters to be unplanned, as well as to include new people.

    Getting drunk at home by yourself has all the negatives associated with getting drunk but none of the positive social elements. It's socially as well as physically unhealthy.

    I'm quite sure that posters who encourage this either don't drink or are hopeless alcoholics.

    So that I don't bump into you in a bar I'll drink alone thanks from one of those don't drink or am I an alcoholics Mmm let me think

  6. As another poster has noted, it's not just Beach Road. Every morning one lane is totally blocked on Sukhumvit as a long line of tour buses wait to get into Rubberland. The city should demand that the buses use a side street to off-load or radio the buses to come only when there is space to park. This is a particularly bad area to be blocked as it is near the tunnel construction and traffic is already bad all the time there. The city needs to do a much better job of managing the tour buses all over the city. Thappraya is particularly bad to negotiate as there are lots of tour buses parked up and down the street, especially in the evening, and they block sight lines and make the street even more narrow. Plus it's just so unattractive. The city should prohibit parking vehicles with more than 4 tires on any public streets.

    Tour busses is the word TOUR which means tourists in the area spending money which local population benifits from. I think all two wheeled vehicles should be banned between 7am and 7pm as they cause no end of problem's but it ain't going to happen so live with it

    Ban all the 2 wheelers and replace them with more 4 wheelers....great idea NOT. All it would do is increase the traffic problem.

    Ever heard of sarcasm! !!!! That was what my post was oh dear

  7. Quality visitors do not overstay any ware for 5 years and as for the insignificant 20000 baht fines should be raised to 1000000 baht that might be a deterrent to the reprobate over stayers and keep the small trivial fines 20000 for not wearing seatbelts or not wearing a certified crash helmet while riding a motorbike.[/quote

    And a merry bah humbug to you sir have any over stayers directly affected you sir!!!

    • Like 2
  8. Apart from stupidly losing the rights to the Premier League, Truevisions provide an efficient service with good customer support in English.

    Cancelled my contract with them a month or so ago. Haven't watched their programming for 3 or 4 years. The box was just gathering dust. Far too many repeats, long after broadcast in the original countries. Frequent, pointless renumbering of channels.

    Even with removing the dish, they failed to turn up on the appointed day.

    A few years ago my box broke. They didn't come to pick it up. I had to go quite a long way to the local service centre to get a replacement. They didn't mention I also had to bring the handset (which wasn't broken). So, that was two round trips.

    And have you tried to use the TV schedule on their website? I haven't used it recently, but for years it was completely unusable.

    So, not even close to good service in my opinion.

    Where as I can only praise them firstly for there customer service. Secondly for there prom actions when one digital box died they had a replacement to me the same day then when I destroyed another digital box by accident they replaced it free of charge within two days. So out of ten I would give them 9

  9. I got this from a friend of mine who knows a friend who is related to a friend of a friend who himself is related to his best friends uncle who has a friend who is very reliable who tells us that a friend of his has chicken pox and the bars on the right side of the road will close between 1100 and 1800 where upon the bars on the left side will close from 1801 to 0700. Between 0700 and 1100 he has asked his friend to ask his best friend for clarification ok

  10. I traveled from Thepprasit to Naklua yesterday at 3pm. Took over 45 minutes. Traffic was insane.

    We long time ago stopped using the truck down town if can be avoided, scooter is just soooo much more nippy and you can park almost everywhere.

    It drives me nuts sitting in the "cage" going nowhere.

    Going nowhere usualy as the two wheelers park anywhere and cut you up left right and center but hey go with the flow

  11. Instead of filling every plot of land with a new condo perhaps town planning could consider providing a car and coach park near the beach. There's still a chance ! The beach road should not be a part of the one way system. We all risk our lives crossing to the beach having to estimate the speed of oncoming traffic - having had a beer !

    Don't drink then road was there long before you

  12. As another poster has noted, it's not just Beach Road. Every morning one lane is totally blocked on Sukhumvit as a long line of tour buses wait to get into Rubberland. The city should demand that the buses use a side street to off-load or radio the buses to come only when there is space to park. This is a particularly bad area to be blocked as it is near the tunnel construction and traffic is already bad all the time there. The city needs to do a much better job of managing the tour buses all over the city. Thappraya is particularly bad to negotiate as there are lots of tour buses parked up and down the street, especially in the evening, and they block sight lines and make the street even more narrow. Plus it's just so unattractive. The city should prohibit parking vehicles with more than 4 tires on any public streets.

    Tour busses is the word TOUR which means tourists in the area spending money which local population benifits from. I think all two wheeled vehicles should be banned between 7am and 7pm as they cause no end of problem's but it ain't going to happen so live with it

  13. It is also useful for signing up for utilities. For example, say you are married and the internet is in your wife's name. You can not go in by yourself and change your program. If the internet is in your name, you can upgrade it by yourself.

    Can't sign Internet to a house on yellow book.

    I was denied.

    Wife and blue book needed.


    Khun baan.

    TOT accepted me on the internet 2 months ago I changed the name from my ex girl friend with no problem

    Can confirm 3BB accepted my yellow book to sign up no problem at all

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