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Posts posted by Sutty

  1. I would just invest in a normal A/C unit. So called portable still need to be vented outside so the word portable is a bit misleading unless of course you put holes in walls in every room. 12 BTU Daikin fully fitted 5 yr parts and labour 13500. On offer at moment at Daikin KK

    I wouldn't mind a deal like that.

    Do Daikin have their own shop in Chiang Mai?

    No idea sorry was in shop here 2 days ago they said it was a promotion for two weeks no idea when it started. Pity we got ours in already would have had a couple myself

  2. I drain all grey water into street verge septic tank loos only. I bug a channel of sorta so water stays on grass verge and not run into road no problems at all. I would advise not to run any grey water into septic tank.

  3. looks like Pullman is the place (only) smile.png

    I wouldn't be too sure but with Thailand banning the import of turkey, maybe so. Couldn't the USA and the UK ban the import of Thai rice? We all know that Thai rice can make one illogical,bad at driving and a little greedy don't we!!!!
    Frk me! I wondered why I'd been experiencing all those traits in others living here. Don't start me on the driving! I tell my missus it's like being in a video game where everyone is trying to kill you. It's nothing for me to have a motorbike passing me on the inside and outside, an idiot pull out from a side soi and cut me off whilst having some suicidal lunatic coming towards me on the wrong side of the road...all at the same time!

    And the problem is !!!!

  4. All depends on the gas price when our local shops buys in his supply last one was 320 bht for refill one before 360 bht. Buying new bottle full with no exchange cheapest I found 1800 bht next door bought one in KK yesterday 2100 bht

  5. These Issan girls normally come from a poor family and are looking for some security. I think most will make an effort to extract a few dollars from their farang so they have something to call their own. It is however up to the farang how things will workout. He can give or resist and see where it goes. These girls do however have a way of getting all sweet or making you feel guilty and breaking you down until you give in and open the ATM. If the relationship started with a barfine then I think you already know the answer.

    Not having a pop here at all just want to know why he would know the answer if it started with a bar fine !!!! I know several people who's relationship started with a bar fine. And to my certain knowledge not one has been fleeced or robbed and are still happily married I find it hard sometimes that genralizations are made which for the most part are unfounded. Yes sure there are girls looking for a fast buck I would suggest they are in the minority but as they get the most coverage on here it suddenly becomes ALL. When you pull a women in a bar in UK you pay for there drinks all night (costs a dam sight more than here) so are they ALL scamers as well????. Do you really think they want to work in bars here !!! Do the maths most work in factory's 8000bht a month 3 night in bar if there lucky 3000 bht a night 9000 bht not hard to see why they are drawn to it. Given there circumstances I think they are brave ladies doing what they have to to support there family or kids which before the knockers start they have usualy had before they start work. So please no more genralizations please

  6. "In your thirties" is much too young to be virtually retired,especially to a Country like Thailand.

    Nobody can tell you what to do,the fact that you know you are in a rut,is a good start,think long and carefully what you want to do with the rest of your life!

    Never to young to retire in my opinion life style is your choice no matter how you live in the end rotine turns into rut. Easy solution find new hobbies new friends whilst of course keeping your old ones. Exercise is good as most say on here jogging you can usualy meet fellow joggers but in my opinion most joggers don't want to talk just beat the jogger in front. I personaly do a lot of cycling love it you can go for miles and never see a car or a human come to that (sometimes that's nice) I have several friends who I see on the road and have a chat for a while. I limit my internet time now as well being on here and browsing all of a sudden the day has gone then you can't be bothered to cook so order in some junk food back in the routine and rut.

  7. You people should be thankful, your speeds are "lightening" fast, compared to my "home" connection back in Australia. I am connected to Australia's largest "service" provider, Telstra, what speed am I getting, 0.3Mps, yes, you read it right, Thailand, a developing country, out performers a so called "developed" country.

    You people!!!!!!!

    Good to see someone with so much to add..... please, get a life!!!!!!

    I have a great life thank you I have contributed to this thread just pointing out that ' you people" is not very polite but maybe it is in Australia! !!!!. Have a good day coba

    Politeness is in the context

    , you obviously read things into a post that only you want to see. Have a good day "cobber", oh, and really... GET A LIFE.

    Oh belive me unlike some I really do have a great life. I read as it's printed now sleep well don't forget to brush your teeth.

    I don't know why "kids", like you, are allowed to "play" with the adults, you mum and dad should take away your internet privileges.

    You may have "read as it's printed" but you certainly interpreted it your own way.... grow up, get a life, the life you have is juvenile to say the least.

    What can I say did you get your older sister to write that for you boy, now your boring me so will delete these posts and get on enjoying my very very good life and leave you to your sad one

  8. You people should be thankful, your speeds are "lightening" fast, compared to my "home" connection back in Australia. I am connected to Australia's largest "service" provider, Telstra, what speed am I getting, 0.3Mps, yes, you read it right, Thailand, a developing country, out performers a so called "developed" country.

    You people!!!!!!!

    Good to see someone with so much to add..... please, get a life!!!!!!

    I have a great life thank you I have contributed to this thread just pointing out that ' you people" is not very polite but maybe it is in Australia! !!!!. Have a good day coba

    Politeness is in the context

    , you obviously read things into a post that only you want to see. Have a good day "cobber", oh, and really... GET A LIFE.

    Oh belive me unlike some I really do have a great life. I read as it's printed now sleep well don't forget to brush your teeth.

  9. I have installed two water butt's of 3000 ltrs each which is a good thing as the water has been of here in village for 4 days not due to drought but due to a cars which decided to take out the main water pipe I say cars as they fixed it in two days then another one decided it would crash in the exact same place and take it out again now they have decided to shift it 500 meters which could take another 4 days but hey.

  10. You people should be thankful, your speeds are "lightening" fast, compared to my "home" connection back in Australia. I am connected to Australia's largest "service" provider, Telstra, what speed am I getting, 0.3Mps, yes, you read it right, Thailand, a developing country, out performers a so called "developed" country.

    You people!!!!!!!

    Good to see someone with so much to add..... please, get a life!!!!!!

    I have a great life thank you I have contributed to this thread just pointing out that ' you people" is not very polite but maybe it is in Australia! !!!!. Have a good day coba
  11. You people should be thankful, your speeds are "lightening" fast, compared to my "home" connection back in Australia. I am connected to Australia's largest "service" provider, Telstra, what speed am I getting, 0.3Mps, yes, you read it right, Thailand, a developing country, out performers a so called "developed" country.

    You people!!!!!!!

  12. Also check your ethernet cable that connects internet point to modem to router etc.the cable should ideally be Cat6 or 6E.cat 5 cables transmit slower and are to built for gigabit speeds.

    I hear what your saying had this conversation with a tech savvy back in uk a couple of years ago went to buy cat 6 cable was asked why,explained was told this is best reply rubish just a sales pitch so you buy more expensive cable like HDMI rip off a few years before. All erthenet cables handle exactly the same (named brands not Chinese copys).

  13. One reason I've heard is b/c back in the day everything was wrapped in banana leaves, so Thais think every package is biodegradable. But more likely than that is they're just largely uneducated on the matter.

    Arrogant post

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