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Posts posted by Pushit

  1. Can you imagine working for a company that has a little more than 600 employees and has the following statistics?

    29 have been accused of spouse abuse

    7 have been arrested for fraud

    19 have been accused of writing bad cheques

    117 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses

    3 have done time for assault

    71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit

    4 have been arrested on drug-related charges

    8 have been arrested for shoplifting

    21 are currently defendants in lawsuits

    84 have been arrested for drink driving in the last year

    Which organization is this?

    Have a guess


    It's the 635 members of the House of Commons, the same group that cranks out hundreds of new laws each year designed to keep the rest of us in line.


    PS: I wonder if the Thai government can beat that!!! :o:D

  2. Joe: Sorry to hear of your illness. I've never heard of these folks but I did get e-mailed an interesting article yesterday as follows, hope it helps...

    Broccoli juice helps patient beat bladder cancer

    By Ryan Kisiel

    Last updated at 1:49 AM on 21st July 2008

    A cancer patient credits his morning glass of broccoli juice with halting the disease.

    Ray Wiseman's claim has prompted more research into the vegetable's healing powers.

    Doctors told Mr Wiseman they did not expect him to survive, when they diagnosed him five years ago.

    Green magic: Ray Wiseman with his wife Joan

    Green magic: Ray Wiseman with his wife Joan

    But scans show that his cancer has stopped spreading - vastly improving his chances of a recovery.

    The grandfather, 79, puts his health down to the tumbler of broccoli juice that his wife prepares for him each day.

    Mr Wiseman, who lives in Braunstone, Leicestershire, said: 'I take this juice every day. I know it's done me good.

    'I suppose it would be the same for everybody.'

    His wife Joan, 72, started giving him the juice after a friend told her about the healing benefits of green vegetables.

    For each half-tumbler dose she combines a head of broccoli with some apples and carrots to improve the taste.

    She said: 'We believe my husband's incredible luck is down to broccoli. I hope our experience can help other cancer sufferers.

    'The juice is a mess to make but it's something we have been happy to clear up. He now just takes it as second nature.

    'If anybody else's husband is suffering from cancer and they are not getting on too well, it could help them.'

    Scientists from Cancer Research UK have asked her for the recipe, to further study the vegetable's benefits.

    Recent medical studies have highlighted the possible cancer-beating powers of broccoli.

    British scientists at the Institute of Food Research found that men who ate one daily portion had altered patterns of gene activity in their prostates, suggesting that the chemicals in the vegetable might be able to reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

    According to a report published in the British Journal of Cancer in 2006, natural chemicals found in certain vegetables, such as broccoli-cauliflower and cabbage, can enhance DNA repair in cells, which could help stop them becoming cancerous.

    A spokesman for Cancer Research UK said: 'There's a lot of research that's focused on broccoli and the healing properties that the vegetable contains.

    'If taken, broccoli needs to be with a healthy diet that is high in all fruit and vegetables.

    'This can also reduce the chances of developing cancer.'

    Around 10,000 are diagnosed with bladder cancer every year in the UK . It is the fifth most common form of the disease and affects more men than women.

    A member of the cabbage family, broccoli is rich in vitamin C and has properties that boost the human immune systems that fight viruses, bacteria and cancer.

    Studies have found that boiling broccoli can reduce its anti-cancer compounds, but steaming and microwaving do not.



    Dr Veronica TAY

    Assistant Director/Associate Consultant < Student Health Centre, 3 Second Hospital Avenue , Level 3. Singapore 168937.

    Health Promotion Board |( (65) 6435 3703 | 6 (65) 6438 7166| Visit us at http://www.hpb.gov.sg/

  3. For those of you that have had shingles in Thailand, how long did it take you to recover? Is it a faster or longer recovery time than if you were in the EU or USA? Is there more discomfort in a colder climate or in a hotter climate? Thanks

    I had shingles in right side of my face, lugkily early diagnosed at Bangkok Christian Hospital. Treated with Acyclavir and cleared up in about 10 days. What lesions I had were quite painful.

    Early diagnosis is key.

  4. Micka Ba is the OP - he tells us he has a 2 storey house with 2 bathrooms rain heads & hot water. For him he needs the 405 (biggest integrated units) at a minimum & something like Grundfos that is putting out 60 liters per minute at 60 psi 4 bar.

    Pushit - how much water do you need?

    2 storey? 3 storey? How many persons living there?

    Dotcom: We have 3 floor townhouse (same as a shophouse) 3 people residing, I plan on a cylindrical Mitsu or Hitachi 250Watt pump. Grundfoss looks nice but are expensive.


  5. i would personaly grab him by the throat pretty hard untill he coculdnt breathe than tell him

    Again, if someone doesnt agree, dont bother replying.

    I don't agree, but hey, I will reply anyway.

    What you propose is called "assault" in many countries, and here in Thailand as well. It is a criminal offense, and potentially carries severe legal penalties.

    And you would probably end up with a knife between your ribs or worse when least expected.

  6. A bladder. Used to control surge.

    You guys really need to be using header tanks. I think mine is 50 liters. Will really smooth out delivery.

    Our new place isn't plumbed with consideration for a header tank, I'm stuck with a decision to purchase one of the box shaped or cylindrical shaped pumps of around 200Watts power, still can't understand the difference between the two.. Any advice?

  7. I am currently on a 90 day non-immigrant O visa single entry and on expiry of this visa, intend to stay a further 60 days in Thailand before departing for the UK.

    I intend to do 2 x 30 runs to Mae Sae where no Myanmar visa is required (Cambodia being a full page of your passport).

    Having only two blank pages left in my passport, will these pages be sufficient to make these trips and my departure from the UK? I can then apply for a new passport in the UK.

    Any information or suggestions would be most welcome.

    Jeabing: If you are in a hurry you can obtain a new UK passport from UK consulate in BKK in a week to 10 days, how long does it take to get a replacement in UK?

  8. Is Bangkok the only place they have such silly rules enforced? Even on the 135cc Yamaha, I live in the fast lane, as the Eagles sang it. Most f the bikers on ThaiVisa are talking 120 kph and up. As has already been said, we would be passing you. My mate just bought a new CBR150 and says he is afraid to drive over 100. I often drove ut at 135.

    But there are not enough of us who would be responsible riders, so never mind. You could just move out of BKK.

    Hi Peaceblondie: How would the expressway gate operators decide which bike to allow in, BTW the speed limit on expressways is 120kph.

  9. NO WAY......Leave us alone on the Expressway....All those careless , brainless, senseless, and soon to be lifeless bikers are better of the expressway. Open the door, and it will be a bloodshed.....NO bike on expressway, period..

    Totally agree, threy're a danger on the sidewalks and crossing the street, they drive like maniacs and always the car driver gets the blame when a motorcycle hits it. They drive with two three passengers at a time even small kids without helmets.

    Again I say NO WAY allow motorcycles on expressways, they are already blood-y dangerous every where else.

  10. Have been using a small inflatable dinghy to get to my boat mooring. Anyway it's worn very badly and not good in strong winds.

    Anyone any ideas where I might buy a single seat plastic/fibreglass boat here on the island? Nothing fancy or expensive!

    I've looked at other threads but can't find anything.

    Thanks, Gator

    Doesn't sound like a seaworthy solution so you better wear a lifejacket!!

  11. I have looked at Mitsubishi and Hitachi water pumps, they appear to come as two different types one is rectangular box shaped and the other is cylindrical. Can someone describe the function of each as I'm unsure which type will fulfill my requirement.

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