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Posts posted by Pushit

  1. hes about 8 years old, used to give him dry food, with wet food. then switched to a bit more wet food and less dry. then he stopped eating both. so then switched to fresh meat (roo meat)

    he loved it and refused to eat any of the other food for a couple of weeks.

    but now for more than a week hes refusing to eat the fresh meat as well. nor is he eating any other food, except for maybe a tiny bit of dry food (VERY reluctantly), or some of my own cooked food. but even with the cooked food hes being really really fussy.

    he cries for food constantly, and looks at me like he wants something.

    I dont know what to do :o

    please help?? :D

    by the way, I know nothing about cats, so doesnt help (cat belongs to my flatmate actually)

    He doesnt look sick, doesnt seem to have lost weight. so my flatmate thinks hes still ok, just being difficult and fussy. Im a bit concerned though, especially when he gives me that pleading look and makes the constant meowing. plus the flatmate is going to be away for 4 days, and Im worried something might go wrong in that time


    bottom line, please help with advice?

    thankyou thankyou

    Take byour cat to a vet.

  2. I am currently in the U.S. waiting to retire in the next couple of years and have purchased a small (about 1 rai) piece of land in the countryside of Nahkon Nayok where I hope to build a house in the near future. It is located across a rice paddy a few hundred meters from my in-laws house. There is a stocked fish pond surrounded by mango and other fruit trees. During the rice planting season, the surrounding land is worked by the employees of a rice farmer. Since my property offers the only shade in the area the workers like lay up under the trees and relax. I do not have a real problem with this except that they also like to leave their trash around, steal the mangoes and other fruit and help themselves to the fish in the pond. My father-in-law is taking care of the land and has repeatedly asked them not to hang out there. They pay no attention to him and repeatedly defile the property. He has gone to the rice farmer and complained many times. This has done no good. Yesterday he got in a physical confrontation with them about this issue. I suggested that he go to the police about this issue but my wife says they will not come out to settle this problem. My father-in-law wants to put a cement wall around the property to keep them out. I am not willing to go to that expence at this time and I certainly do not want to have it done while I am not there. Does anyone have a solution to this probem? If I can't keep them off the land I am not so sure I want to put a house on it, especially when I will not be there all the time.

    I feel for you. The exact same thing, in every detail, happened to us. One of the trespassers even pulled a gun on my staff. Could not go to the puyai ban, khumnan or police because of familial ties and apathy. Finally went to an out of area Army general widely regarded as being a wise person. He had a talk with someone, who had a talk with someone else and the trespassing stopped. Shouldn't have had to do it that way, but there you are. Your FIL is correct, fence it.

    Agree with Lannarebirth, this is how to resolve the issue elegantly.

  3. Hi,

    Looking for recommendations for a good resource to buy a reasonable size quality safe, also an idea of how much to expect to pay.

    The Leeco brand don't look to good with the hinge on the outside, but there again I'm no safecracker, maybe they're OK ?

    Thanks in advance

    Leeco are fine, never mind the external hinges, there are dead bolts both sides of the door. Hinges could be removed and you still not open.

  4. Thanks Captain,

    I've googled myself before I posted the request here; didn't find anything useful though.

    This in addition to the low number of replies makes me think a safety training in Thailand simply does not exist... :o

    Gizmo: Honda are constructing a large rider training centre on Sukaphibaan 3 Rd (Ramkamhaeng Road) PM me for details

  5. I do not know which forum this post belongs in.

    I am a white male falang interested in an older thai woman, from a property-owning family.

    she would be called respectable in contrast to a bar girl, although a bar girl would deserve as much respect in my opinion.

    she is unmarried and works at the family guest house.

    I am wondering how one proceeds with a relationship.

    Should I only visit her at her guest house, or should I ask her if she wants to go to another location, like a cafe? I am worried a middle class thai woman will not want to be seen in public with a foreigner who has no connections in the city.

    When if ever would it be appropriate to invite her to my room?

    I would appreciate any tips.

    Invite her for a cup of coffee and go from there.

  6. Alright... Any insightful thoughts?

    Has "someone" been arrested and deported, if so you would be on the immigration blacklist database. Without a change of name and passport I would imagine that "someone" would be denied a visa should the embassy check 'foresaid database. Failing that and a visa issued "someone" would most likely be denied entry upon arrival.

  7. Have to agree that 15 mil for a 5 bedroom townhouse in that area sounds like a deal. I am confused about the location he described as the Nepal Embassy is on Sukhumvit and the Malaysian Embassy is on the south side of Sathorn and the Saudi is on the north down the rode a bit. Also note he did not mention the Australian Embassy, which dominates the area near the Malaysian Embassy. Maybe he is purposely doing a slight mislead there.


    Nepalese Embassy is on Sukhumvit Soi 71


    Hello gun lovers,

    I ended up purchasing a shot gun for THB 25.000 and for a box of 25 bullets the price is THB 900. the phone number of the shop is (02) 623-8433, (02) 623-7739. I suggest you call the shop as they will be able to explain the procedure of obtaining the gun license to you.



    "Box of 25 bullets"

    Oh my gosh...they are NOT bullets but with a shotgun they are called "SHELLS"..shotgun SHELLS. If ya bought what looks like a bullet, they are called "SLUGS"...shotgun SLUGS.

    You really need to learn more please.

    Good luck with your need "bangstick".

    You're gunna need it.

    From one of those folks who live in the country who put men in space, on the moon ( several times) and placed 2 rovers on Mars. :o

    In the UK we call them cartidges, but they are certainly not bullets.

    Ammunition ....please !!

  8. It looks as though my 3 1/2 year old daughter is epileptic, she hasn't been diagnosed yet (Scans have as yet revealed nothing), but it is looking almost certain that epilepsy is the problem.

    Despite having seizures about once a week, it does not appear to be causing her any real harm but I was wondering if anybody on here has any experience with epilepsy in young children that they could pass on.

    Thanks in advance.

    Condolences, kids don't deserve somthing like this.

    There is lots of info if you Google search "pediatric epilepsy"

    Sorry couldn't be of more help.

  9. A hotspot capital

    In a move to stop people from travelling around too much or wasting electricity at home, the BMA and True Corp are offering free Wi-Fi access in 10 major areas of Bangkok

    A hotspot capital

    BANGKOK: -- As part of its agenda to make Bangkok a green city, the Bangkok Metro-politan Administration (BMA) and True Corpora-tion are offering free Inter-net access at 15,000 Wi-Fi hotspots for a year.

    However, the access speed will only be 64 kilobits per second - enough to check e-mail and instant messaging.

    Yesterday, after the official launch at CentralWorld, some 500,000 Wi-Fi cards were given away for free at tourist centres and leading department stores, including Siam Paragon, Emporium, Central Plaza and Siam Centre.

    Bangkok Governor Apirak Kosayodhin says the campaign is part of the Bangkok Green Agenda, initiated by BMA to create a knowledge-based society and offer residents a convenient and safe environment by introducing wireless Internet access as a substitute to travel whenever possible.

    Green initiative

    It is through this that BMA hopes to save energy, reduce expenses and meet the demands of the more environmentally friendly young generation.

    The new Wi-Fi hotspots are located in 10 major areas, namely Silom; Rama IV; Rachaprarob Road; Rama I; Sukhumvit; New Phetcha-buri; Asoke; Charoenkrung and Rachadamnern Nok; as well as the Lumpini and Benjasiri Parks.

    Those interested can register for access privileges at www.truewifi.net, while those with the free Wi-Fi card can register at the website and renew their account every three months.

    The card is valid until the end of June next year.

    More members expected

    Non Ingkutanon, True's deputy director for broadband service, expects all recipients of the free Wi-Fi cards to log on during the first year. He also expects the current 50,000 Wi-Fi subscribers to treble by the end of this year.

    Currently, True charges Bt150 per hour for walk-in customers at hotspots, while subscribers to the True Move mobile-phone service pay Bt250 per month for unlimited access.

    -- The Nation 2008-06-25

    Is it just me or by registering to access privileges at www.truewifi.net seems to be a good way to cultivate new customers. Wonder how much BMA is paying True for this. And why only for a year? Not sure how it will save energy with millions of people plugging in their notebooks and pdas at the local McDonalds so they can chat in air con comfort with their friends.

    I don't mind if they say we are giving away free wifi to make Bangkok a better connected modern metropolis, but saying it will make it more green is just the kind of thing we come to expect. What's next, hub of wifi for the world. Really, because we get free wifi, does this mean that students won't have to go to school or me to my job? Great, sign me up. :o

    Those interested can register for access privileges at www.truewifi.net, while those with the free Wi-Fi card can register at the website and renew their account every three months.

    I couldn't find anywhere on the Truewifi website to register! any clues?

  10. I've got an hour or so in the airport waiting for a friend. I've never seen a beauty salon in the new airport but there must be at least one? Can someone confirm and give directions?

    Thanks :-)

    Yes there's a spa on 2nd or 3rd floor on the right side end in relation to the entry doors

  11. Hi there,

    does anyone knows how to go from hat yai to langkawi with public transportation or minubus,and how long does it take,and maybe how much will it cost,and is it worth it to go for 1 or 2nights only?

    thanks in advance for any suggestions

    New ferry boat service Trang to Langkawi, Google it for info

  12. Hey, that's how Hillary could pay back the $20 million she owes for her campaign:

    marry and divorce Paul McCartney.

    For $20 million, I'd marry him ! (Then claim a headache on the wedding night and every night after, then file for divorce on the grounds he was emotionally distant and sexually perverted).

    Easy money ! :D

    There are some who feel that having participated in the musical felonies "The Girl is Mine", and "Ebony and Ivory", he deserved to be married to that one-legged bitch.


    Are you talking about Eileen??

  13. dear chaing maians

    i want to learn to fly microlights

    ive heard chiang mai is the place

    has anyone trained here before or know of any schools offering good training

    thanks in advance for any leads

    H'mm Target practice, wear a vest and sit on a steel plate.

  14. 2 points:

    1. Pregnancy: There are pills that can readily be bought at any pharmacy to be taken after sex in cases where contraception was not used ("morning after pills" -- common brand names Postinor and Madonna). Although it is recommended that they be taken within 72 hours of sex, recent research has shown that they still reduce the risk of pregnancy (altho not by as much) if taken within 2 weeks. So, if you think you can communicate all this to her and want to, it would be worth doing if as I gather it has only been a week. The catch of course being that you'd have to explain it all to her somehow and also she'd have to agree to take it.

    These drugs are fairly safe if used on a one-time basis but absolutely should not be used as a regular means of birth control (forthe benefit of other readers).

    2. HIV: there is an alternative to the 3 month wait if you don't mind paying for it. It's called a PCR test and can detect small quantities of the virus in the blood well before antibodies form. It'll cost yopu (rought guiess, maybe 15,000 -20,000 baht) but might well be worth it for the peace of mind.

    Also, again for benefot of other readers, it is possible to substantially reduce the risk of HIV infection through what is called "Post Exposure Prophylaxis" (PEP), invovles taking abnti-retroviral drugs for about 6 weeks commencing as soon as possible after the exposure. Because of these drugs carry a high incidence of side effects (and can be very unpleasant as well as costly to take) not recommended in cases where the risk is probably small, but should be given consideratyion in cases where the risk is more considerable e.g. partner known to be HIV+ or very high suspicion of it. Some doctors have problems with the idea of prescribing it for people whose exposure was due to unsafe sex (it's most common use is to protect health professionals who suffered an accidental needle stick etc) but others are willing. In your particular case, given both the low level of risk and the time that has already elapsed, I wouldn't advise this, but it's a good thing for people to be aware of. PEP is also standard for rape victims in some places (not all, and there is ongoing debate on the pros and cons in cases where the rapist's HIV status is unknown and overall population prevalence not that high).

    Scary EH??

  15. Hi, i wonder how this works over there.

    Here in Goa i bought a prepaid sim for 70 B. + 270 B. one month validity,including 200B. talktime. Means that every month i have to recharge with 270B. Local cals are 1,5B./min., and international = 6B./min.

    And there ?

    Also for my laptop to be realy mobile we have these internet datacards (wireless modem PCMCIA-TYPE-II). You just slide it in your laptop and have internet (not broadband, but stil faster then dial-up, 256Kb/s), all over India, in the car,train, or you name it !

    Cost of the card (i have Reliance) = 2200B. and i took the 500B./month scheme, enough to download 1Gb./month.

    And there (again)?



    GSM EDGE/GPRS and CDMA EVDO services are available here

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