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Posts posted by Pushit

  1. I did propose a simple solution. The government and private businesses can keep current pricing schemes in place and charge the tourists all they want. My solution is for the government to give one break to those who legally work, retire, and/or invest here. How hard is it for a government to do? And if you think about it, the impact on the local and national economy will be negligible. After all, the money we save on inflated prices will probably be reinvested back into Thailand.

    Agreed, How do you propose TV members move forward with this agenda?

  2. There must be over one million words written about two-tiered pricing in Thailand. Some people are adamantly against it, while others are equally adamantly for it. Many comparisons have been made between Thailand and other countries regarding multi-tiered pricing. The issue of citizenship versus residency always come up. And in the end, nothing is settled. I am not looking for Thai (or any other country) bashing. I am not here to define “resident,” “guest,” or “citizen.” What I propose is a solution that works within the current Thai pricing framework.

    This solution is simple: the Thai government should pass a law (or regulation) stating that those who are here legally on specific visas (investment, marriage, and working) be allowed to pay the local rate at establishments. It’s that simple. Let’s face it, those here who hold valid investment, marriage, and working visas contribute to Thailand in many ways, through overseas and local money invested into local communities, through (either directly or indirectly) providing employment for Thai nationals, and by taxes paid on income and investments. Now I know that many people will say, “My Thai driver’s license/copy of my work permit/tax ID card always gets me in the door.” But does it? One month I can take my family to the Dusit Zoo and waltz in paying the Thai price (with a simple flash of my tax ID card). The next month I’ll be told to pay the foreign price regardless of the paperwork I provide. I want to end the hit and miss, and make it a hit every time.

    With legislation enacted that allows foreign nationals with the proper visa and/or work permit the privilege of paying the local price to enter a national park, an entertainment venue, or travel on the railroad, the quality of life for those who make Thailand home can improve. No longer will we foreign nationals be embarrassed by paying one price for us, one for the spouse, and something in the middle for luk krung children. With a wave of the legislative wand, this problem could end and we (Thai and contributing, long-term legal ex-pats) could have one guaranteed price!

    As an aside, pretty much all nations stick it to tourists one way or another. Fine! Let Thailand stick it to the tourists! However, give those of us who legally stay here a break. So what do you think? Is this workable or not?

    Looking forward to you pushing through this ammendment.

  3. As I'm travelling quite a lot at present I'd like to get the missus a Skype phone or similar. Now ideally this would be a mobile as well but even something wireless in the house would be ok. Any ideas ?

    Now with a house one would I need to have the PC on all the time ar is there some better easier way to use broadband for the calls without having the PC on ?

    All suggestions most welcome.



    PC not required for this VOIP service

  4. Andrew,

    I'm afraid there is nothing much you can do!

    Most people have completely given up on TOT iPSTAR, and even Csloxinfo's 512/256 iPSTAR package at over 4000 Baht/month is very unstable, altough faster then yours.

    I would try to find out if you have GPRS Edge coverage in your area, and if you have good signal strength. Try both AIS and Dtac. With an Edge capable mobile phone you'll see an E appear somewhere on your display when Edge is available. When only the slow GPRS is available a G will appear.

    Edge along with good signal strength will probably outperform the results you get now, and will be quite a bit more stable.

    Additionally when one provider turns bad you can just swap sim cards with another provider.

    I have a monthly package with AIS (50 hours for 214 Baht) and always have a Dtac sim card handy as back-up (no package, 1 Baht/minute).

    Both above is with pre-paid sim cards. Bigger packages are available.

    I've just tested with my AIS One2Call sim and got following results:


    Thanks Monty.

    Someone else recommended CDMA. What's that? (Cadbury's Dairy Milk what?)

    So it's simply inevitable that I get these low speeds because that's normal then, is it? Nothing more I can do?

    Any other thoughts anyone?

    I'm still in the internet cafe!


    And Thaivisa:


    Good luck, just get rid of the iPSTAR, it ain't worth the hassle!

    CDMA is the service offered by the Hutch mobile network,could be faster than GPRS/EDGE

  5. :D The TAT have announced a 30% drop in tourism over the past 6 months. Pattaya being the worst affected.

    I personaly think the worst is yet to come. What do you think?

    NB. Property developers and agents need not answer

    Flights are now expensive so expect the trend to continue and people will take their vacation closer to home. :o

  6. Explosion occurs inside Bangkok sewer

    BANGKOK: -- A powerful explosion occurred inside a sewer in Bangkok's Chatuchak district early Thursday morning.

    The explosion occurred inside the sewer from the mounts of Phaholyothin Soi 45, 47 and 49.

    The explosion blew off covers of manholes and shattered glasses nearby buildins.

    Chatuchak district director Pornlert Phanwattana said the explosion might be caused by oil discarded by a petrol station in the area into the sewer.

    -- The Nation 2008-08-07

    Cambodian LPG powered submarine on stealth recon mission.

  7. Jessy - your mate sounds like a right card, coming all the way to Thailand for a couple of days just to get his nuts. Class.

    Anyway, it's shaping up to look like an expensive weekend;

    Flight - 60,000 THB

    Hotel - 3,000 THB

    International phone calls - 20,000 THB

    'Companionship' - 10,000 THB

    Lube - 345.57 THB

    Terrible behaviour mind you.

    The look on his wifes face when she gets a dose of the clap..................Price less :o

    Or Herpes

    Or HPV

    Or HIV


  8. The absence of "inlove" since the opening post supports the troll theory

    Possibly but its also possible some of the comments may have made him consider that TV just isnt worth bothering with?

    roy gsd

    Precisely...It's Love...and Love is Blind Always...Good luck to him, may be a good lesson.

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