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Posts posted by Pushit

  1. This may sound dumb, but remove the cartridge, give it a firm shake (cover the outlet if you think it may spray) and put it back in. The level indicator inside the cartridge is a plastic float and they get jammed sometimes thus not indicating the true level of ink...


    OZ good suugestion, alarm light gone out, I bite my tongue for now.


  2. If it was a cartridge that came with the printer then don’t be surprised, they create special 'low capacity' cartridges and bundle them in free.

    No, a replacement cartridge full price and I'm not happy. No interest fron Canon soAnother brand printer next!

  3. This is precisely why I would not purchase a condominium unit in LOS; Management indifference and in particular to foreigners and you are stuck with it.

    I would suggest employing a vermin eradication contractor, do your building management not have a clue?

  4. Can anyone advise the difference between a centrifugal pump and a pump with a pressure tank attached. Pros' and Cons'. Grundfoss specs look good but I'm looking for an outdoor unit.

  5. I've retrieved this thread because I just returned from a week away to find my clothes (belts, bags, et al.) spoiled to varying degrees by this horror.

    Are the methods suggested above only good for prevention, or can I remedy the damage by for instance leaving the stuff in an air conditioned room long enough? (Everything is natural material - cotton, wool, linen, leather, suede).

    Would be grateful for any tips.

    Leave closet doors open for ventilation.

  6. Have you noticed the large number of very aged wrinklies around?

    Many of them look like they have one foot in the grave, and these misfortunates seem to pervade the gay scene especially in Pattaya.

    A lot of them are apparently straights and then at some stage in their 60's or 70's or older decide they want to be or pretend to be gay; why I wonder?

    So many of them are geriatic albinos, or so it seems and they often have children or grandchildren.

    Can understand people in their teens or 20's being unsure of their sexuality but what is it with these oldies?

    Any explanations?

    Your question suggests you wish to explore some of the wrinkly stuff yourself?

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