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Posts posted by Pushit

  1. Perhaps some of you have tried before, what I'm planning to try...

    Across from where I live there's an 'electric scooter wholesaler' who, because of proximity of my living quarters, would sell me one. As i live fairly close to work, this is a very reasonable option. A (Thai) friend of mine claims that it's impossible to register these things with the authorities, making them illegal on Thai public roads...

    Is my Thai friend right or wrong? What are - if any - the options of getting an electric scooter onto Thai roads?

    On my way to work I have to pass one junction that is permanently occupied by police, so I won't risk it - it's cheaper to take a taxi, if you get my drift.

    If it has pedals (same as bicycle) you do not need to register it.

  2. When in Issan it's Khon Kaen base for me, great little city. Easy to drive to any of the fun towns, I particularly like Ubon and Roi Et but almost anywhere in Issan has a character of its' own.

  3. I suffer from road rage. In the U.S., it's almost an epedemic there. Here it's a different animal. I was on my bike on Suk in Rayong trying to make a u-turn. Behind me was a pickup truck blasting it's horn at me to move along faster. There was a slight drizzle and a lot of oncoming traffic. I took my time as the pickup kept blasting it's horn. I gave him the finger - he kept blasting. The rain started to come down hard and I finally made the u-turn and turned into a Shell station for cover until the rain stopped. Much to my dismay, the pick-up pulled up behind me. A tarp unfurled from the back of the pick-up and two Thais who had been under it because of the rain, hopped out along with the driver. To make a long story short, they beat the snot out of me and sped away. I'll keep my road rage under control in Thailand. Lesson learned.

    If a Thai motorcyclist flipped the guy the bird he would have got the same, this is a non issue...Behave yourself. You stopped in a gas station and "voila"

  4. Do you tell your long standing friend that his girlfriend is basically taking the p@ss.

    He is somewhat wet behind the ears on Thai matters and understands no Thai.

    Should he be enlightened before any expensive land purchases ?

    Show him this thread and other farang ripped-off threads, he should get the message hopefully.

  5. A bloke that lives in the same village as me wife's is doing the dirty. Although I've only known him a short time he is a good guy he dos'nt live in Thailand full time but he is planning on moving over next year. Now normally this sort of thing would'nt bother me it just comes with the territory, but this poor bloke is about to pour 3mil into a house that he has just started constuction on while he's wife has a thai husband. Can I let myself just watch this guy throw his hard earned money away or should I pull him aside over a few quiet beers and let him know.To tell or not to tell that is my problem any advice.


  6. I'm expected to have a baby in a few months and I'm considering having it at BNH because of the short distance to my place. I haven't heard any comments about this hospital, and I'm specially concerned about giving natural birth, and a good OB GYN.


    Bangkok Christian Hospital on Silom is definitely worth a look. Easily equals BNH facilities but without the "Frills"

  7. gin laab dee quar :D

    Laab and mushy pea sandwiches..........now theres a thought! :o

    C'mon Larb, "Sataw" and mushy pea sandwich get reasonable!!

  8. Hi, all. Long-time reader, first-time poster.

    I have a software company in Thailand, and so I regularly submit my documents to the revenue department (por gnor dor 1, por gnor dor 53, por por 30, etc.)

    Doing this manually is no good: it is tedious and error-prone. So, I am considering writing a simple software package that will keep track of the necessary data (tax IDs, salaries, receivables, expenses) and generate the appropriate documents automatically. For my own reasons, this would be free software (open source).

    My question is, would this be useful to anybody else in Thailand? I'd like to make operating in Thailand (slightly) easier for everybody, but if there is insufficient interest from the business community, I'll spend my time pursuing other things. So I'm using you all as a sounding board, if that's okay.

    If free software for managing government forms (like for the revenue department) sounds interesting to you, please speak up. I am especially interested in what specific features the Thai business community needs. What operational problems do you all have that can be addressed with software?

    Thanks very much!

    Useful but as you probably know most Thai Companies maintain more than one set of books, one for the Revenue Department and one (or more) for various Directors/Shareholders. I suppose this could be achieved by using multiple copies of the freeware?

  9. Please leave your feelings here with regards to the local drivers (in Bangkok mainly) who just decide to change lanes without absolutely no regard for others, let alone any indication. It's the lack of indicating that really winds me up.

    I've been here long enough to learn the culture and the language and been on the roads almost as long, but it still winds me up. If I'm having a 'chill day' I'll just chuckle to myself, other times I may get more obviously upset. However, whatever mood I'm in, I still can't help noticing and commenting (even to myself) how thick, rude and inconsiderate they are.

    The car comes with a license as a mere formality, The parasitic police live off graft from transgressions committed by untrained ignorant drivers so what should anyone expect?

    Drive carefully and carry some cash never mind the license.

  10. hi all im about to cry my eyes out my thai wife and i returned to uk 18 months ago came home last night she has gone with our 2 boys 800 cash my gold rings chain ive rang police ive found out she is 17miles away she has got her self a house ,dole etc now she is here on a eea family permit im seeing my lawyer this morning but am i right in saying she is breaking the law by leaving the marital home as im her spouce and she doesnt have citizenship yet she has been advised wrongly i think coz she cant make a claim on the state all i want is my boys back can she stay ive just found out she is on probation in thailand which i didnt knowfor attacking a police mans daughter can i discredit her as an unfit mother,ive also found out she has 2 kids in thailand which she walked away from any advice at all would be a help thanks all :o:D:D:D:D:D:DB):D

    That's unfortunate; I would schedule a visit to Citizens Advice Bureau they are usually helpfull in pointing you in the right direction. Also local social services may be helpful in advising you where you stand.

    Good luck with the kids

  11. Hello we are moving to Bangkok soon.We would love to bring our indonesian maid with us.I am hearing many conflicting stories,yes you can no problem,no chance ,sure but she should get a education visa and do some study.

    Does anyone know the real story?



    Check out related threads but all seem to point out she will need a Non Immigrant "B" Visa, a work permit, some qualifications, and pay taxes on a minimum B40,000 monthly wage. Bummer

    Good Luck

  12. Hi girls,

    just curious, and don't give me too hard of a spanking, this is possibly my first post in here....anyways...today I read in the BKK post that in Thailand from now on a married woman can now be addressed officially as a "nang sao", i.e. a Miss, and not as "nang", a Mrs. if she wishes so.

    Now this was celebrated as an outstanding achievement of feminism and yadayadayada...and I wondered what is the point?? Not married = Miss, married = Mrs.

    What is the benefit of a married woman to be addressed as a "Miss"?

    over to you, ladies....

    Could it be Mr = Miss??

  13. I am a British citizen,35 years old and hold a British Passport

    I am currently in the UK applying for a 12 month Non-O visa on my British passport.

    I am interested to know if applying for an Irish passport (father holds an Irish passport) would be of any benefit?

    My UK passport is half full and filling up fast. When it is almost full, would i be able to leave Thailand on a visa run, and return in on the Irish Pasport?

    Also is it true, that it's easier and cheaper to bring your Thai girlfriend/spouse to the UK for a holiday if you hold an EU passport?

    Is there any other advantages of holding 2 passports?

    Many thanks in advance


    Boycie....there are always advantages to holding two passports certainly from two different countries...so if you can get an Irish passport get it....

    You might just be able to get away with using two passports from different countries in Thailand, but think if using say two British passports in Thailand, pretty sure (stand to be corrected) they would be linked somehow in the immigration database, bear in mind these days coming in through the airport they are taking your photo, so could be pretty easy to link faces to passports if they really wanted to...

    On the question regarding it being easier/cheaper to get into the UK with an EU passport, technically we are all on EU pasports these days irrespective on where we come from in Europe...so not sure if there is any advantage

    Same name, same date of birth! I wouldn't try but that's just me.

  14. I've been around Asia, mostly Thailand, for a year or so, and have pretty much decided that I'm not interested in living in the west long-term. I am going back soon with a plan to spend a couple of years back at college or university studying something that will allow me to live and work here, while making a half decent wage, ie not teaching English.

    I'll probably take on some kind of apprenticeship, and was thinking about getting into property. But I'm not sure if that would be useful in Asia.

    If anyone can give me some ideas as to what I can look into I'll be eternally gratefull.



  15. We have this moron in the moo ban here with three unleashed dogs that terrorize everything that rolls or walk by at the busiest street corner within the village. He can't say he doesn't know what his dogs are doing as he sits inside watching tv and the whole side of his house is made of glass and he can clearly see and hear what goes on outside. There is also a speed bump right there and the dogs charge at people as they slow down on bikes and m'cycles. I've seen countless attacks, some people don't even know they were almost bit from behind. :D I'm not sure if anyone has been bitten yet.

    First time was late in the evening, I went to get smokes and slowed down at the speed bump, heard a noise next to me and saw the red dog trying to take a bite out of my leg, he brushed it but did not break the skin, I shouted at it and honked my horn, he stepped back, I dropped the motorcycle and chased him onto the guys side lawn where he keeps a pile of metal scrap. The dog was hiding under so I banged on a metal table as loudly as I could to scared the sh!t out of the dog. Owner walks out drunk and asks what's going on. Told him and left.

    Multiple times, the same red dog charged at me only to turn back when he recognized the guy who now chases him on the m'cycle. The same can't be said when on foot and that goes for everyone.

    Stupid guy gets two more dogs, they look like labradors but are aggressive. Two weeks ago, I went for my morning m'cycle ride and one of the new dogs tried to take a bit out of my leg as I slowed down at the speed bump. I shouted again and honked, dropped the m'cycle and chased the dog to a dead end on the side of his house, all made of concrete and ceramic tiles, I grabbed scrap metal and threw it in the dogs direction, it was scared sh!tless and jumping about 4 feet high with nothing but a 12 ft high roof for escape. I did not hurt it, only wanted to scare it. Went back to pick up the m'cycle and out comes the proud owner asking what happened. :D This is the second time we meet and I ask him to tie up his dogs, he laughs in my face. I was insulted and I just lost it and started shouting that I'd cut his dog's head off if they tried biting again with a motion of fingers across my throat and left.

    Next day, I meet one neighbour looking for the dogs with his slingshot, mad as hel_l, don't know what happened exactly.

    This evening, wife and I decide to walk to the local market, take the baby along in the stroller as we often do but I now have to carry a stick about the size of a baseball bat . On the way there, one of his dogs spots us , barks and the other two come out. We were able to walk away because of traffic keeping the dogs from crossing the street. On the way back was a different story, it was dark but they were waiting, as soon as we turned the corner they came charging but stopped when I whacked the street with the wooden bat and started screaming at them ready to beat the crap out of all three when magically, moron walks out of his house and asks me with a stupid smile "Wat appin?" :o (This is our 3rd confrontation) I can't remember exactly what insults I threw at him but I've never shouted at anyone like this, his wife came out and so did his front door neighbour. At one point he was clearly trying to insinuate that I wanted to hit him with the stick so I threw it away in the other direction. My wife stepped in front of him when he started walking towards me trying to explain what was going on and how long and often it goes on, but I doubt he thought she was right.

    I told him I'd call the police tomorrow and he laughed in my face again ( so did I inside, police, pffff).

    We're going to see the village headman tomorrow and see what will happen.

    If nothing is done I'll take matters in my own hands the day we move out soon and feed his dogs, my version of a happy meal. On many occasions I could have simply run them over late at night with the truck while they slept in the middle of the street and now regret not doing so one by one.

    Tabasco sauce and water mixin a squirt gun, apply directly to dogs' nose or surfaces where you don't want them. You decide on the mix but it doesnt take much Tabasco to get their attention.

  16. I have a small problem with a few dogs that have just moved in. I am going back to the UK soon and plan on getting on of these ultasonic devices. Any experience of them?


    Same idea as the ultrasonic gadgets to repel insects, rodents, etc. Useless and a complete waste of money.

    A friend told me that he had good results in the Uk with one of these. It's got to be worth a try.

    A mix of Tabasco sauce and water in a squirt gun (you decide strength of mix) doggies definitely do not like this.

    Spray on surfaces where you do not want dogs/cats or directly at the mutts' nose for instant results.

    What about dog whistles? Are they likley to be any use?

  17. Finance minister vows to promote Thailand as health service hub

    BANGKOK: -- Finance and Deputy Prime Minister Surapong Suebwonglee on Wednesday pledged to promote Thailand as the health service centre.

    Speaking at a seminar on "National Strategy on Biology for Health, he conceded Thailand had "missed the train" for the development of information technology (IT).

    So, the government would not miss an opportunity to develop Thailand into the health service centre because it is vital to provide the service to people both locally and overseas.

    Dr. Surapong said Thailand's health service had an advantage in terms of skilled medical personnel, modern equipment, excellent service, and quality research work.

    Additionally, the country is abundant with many varieties of herbs, resulting in a fast growth in the spa business and the development and sale of health products.

    To boost the advantage, he said, it is necessary to work out a strategy on research and development to accelerate growth.

    Regarding the bio-science area, he said, the government would focus on development of research for commercial and industrial purposes since various products rely on scientific development.

    --TNA 2008-05-29

    The current Thai government is paralysed by infighting over the charter ammendments so forget any "Hubs" for the time being.

  18. just curious since it really doesn't seem to matter here, what are the speed limits. like on sukemvit, threpprasit, small sois etc. I have never seen a sign except on the way to bangkok

    Main Roads 90 kph (80 kph for commercial vehicles pickups included)

    Expressways 120 kph

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