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Posts posted by geisha

  1. All posting against having an obligation for health insurance, obviously have never had a serious health problem away from home ! Apart from all the tragic accidents and scooter falls, agressions and normal health problems, There is the family back home, or here in Thailand , who cannot help financially huge amounts for their loved ones. I would not like to inflict that on my family. I have two examples, that could have led to death. A young friend of mine who went to Costa Rica ( yes!) for a holiday. She suffered a brain haemorrhage while there, and if not for her travel insurance that paid for a helicopter and good care, she would have died ! Another friend of mine, around 50 years old, had a very serious lung problem. Luckily he was able to get back to France , nearly dying on the way, 2  months hospital '! So I'd say, yes, an obligation at least for all people on tourist visas, and some arrangement for people over a certain age that cannot get insurance. 


  2. I don't spend a 1000 B a day . What on ? I shop, eat at one or two nice clean restaurants practically every day, buy tons of lovely fruit. I don't go to bars ,I rarely have a drink, because of health, not because I'm against it. I have a proper massage twice a week, and use the beauty salons. Though I do pay a lot of rent, as I like a super clean modern condo with great pool. The day when I can rent on a yearly basis will cost me much less. I have no real budget, and do as I like really, but spending over 5 to 7  hundred a day for me is the max.ps, not including trips to Bangkok and islands where I obviously spend much more.

  3. I'm not certain what financial help, if any, is given to low income families to educate their children . I really believe that these families must be obliged to send their kids to school and that until a certain age, example 16. Too many families have their kids on the streets selling food, flowers, working in the fields. I know it's very difficult for them , but that's where financial help must come in, paying for their school uniforms, lunches and an allowance for every child that is fully educated . A real education ministery overhaul could get this working  to help the future work generation to fend for themselves in life. When I see the hopelessness in these poor families eyes it makes me very sad , and three thousand baht a year won't help much !! Who can live on 2/3 thousand baht a month ?


  4. I think everyone must agree it's good news for everyone. Look how they managed to get Phuket beaches and parks back in line , it took a few years, but finally there's result, it's still going on, except maybe the jet ski problem which is an enigma! Or is it ? Even The Thai population must learn to live with rules, they are not used to it. It's up to the government to introduce a valid eduacation system , that won't turn potential job candidates into beach bums , jet ski louts, and illegal food stall vendors. Maybe that should be on the military agenda ? Hopefully all the other " paradise" islands will soon be having a long deserved visit ?

  5. I would add some common advice on security. Careful on Khao San rd for a start. Lots of the small shops there acting as travel agencies are nothing but rip off artists.You would  be better off spending a few dollars more and going to a good agency, you can check it all out on TripAdvisor  travel to Siem reap forum. Careful where you put your cash and credit card ! If travelling, or keeping your money on your person, use an inside money belt which you wear inside your trousers ! Don't accept drinks on buses, or anywhere else, buy your own bottled drinks. Don't put any valuables in your bag that goes in the boot of the bus either. Also, watch out for fellow travellers. It's not unknown that they rob when they can to boost their own funds. Have a great time !!!

  6. My first bangkok experience was in 1984 .I stayed in the Raja at Sukhumvit, and also the Atlanta in those days, nowadays on the river.  I loved the place, for me it represented all that was exotic, a strange, mystic faraway country. I still love it there, and usually go there twice a year each time for 5 to 7 days. I always find different things to do, travel all the Klongs and visit unknown to tourists temples and markets. There are also some really beautiful houses hidden away down streets and alleys. There's more to see, so I'll keep on going back. 

  7. Personally I love Singapore ! Have spent lots of time there in the past, and only good memories. Delicious food from all over the world, clean restaurants, streets, shops galore, plenty to see if you like sight seeing, lots of fashionable bars and lots of old worldly streets taking you back to old day England.Very safe , important for me, , everyone speaks marvellous English, and all in all it's a very friendly melting pot ! Haven't been there for New Year, but once for Christmas, and once for Chinese New Year that was spectacular! Go for it.

  8. Spoke to people just back from Samet last winter. . They were not impressed, said it was more expensive than Chang and even Phuket for what it offered. Also said the beaches were not nice white sand, but yellow and dirty. Is this true ? I'm always thinking of going for a few days break, i know all the other islands well. It would be principally to swim in clear waters as where I stay the waters are filthy so I keep to my pool. And how about the ferries ? Which are the best/safest ?

  9. I don't know why this is even a subject seeing that there are hundreds ( more?) bars etc where the girls are quite young in every tourist town in Thailand. There was one on Bangla road Patong  where everyone could see the girls from standing on the street, most were very very young. Ok, so everyone will say the girls are all over 18, or , Thai girls look younger than their age. Does that excuse everything, does that make it ok , either prostitution is legal or not ! I've seen a 14 yr old boy leaving a bar with a man in his fifties. The boy was beautiful, it quite upset me.Its hard not to think what prostitution does to all these young kids, it's a lost generation . 


  10. I read iamkochang.com for info on Koh Chang. Ian has a guest house there also, and he's a mine of info and advice. He could also arrange safe travel in the area and to and fro Bangkok. You could call him and also keep in touch this way.He knows all the best places to stay for each person.Read up, i think you'll like him. Koh Chang is quite safe, but as for girls travelling alone, you have to be that bit extra careful. Sound advice is don't wander the streets alone later in the evening, careful of Thai men hitting on you, don't get drunk  and of course stay well away from drugs and those people that use/sell them. Also, don't carry a bag at night ! I've been robbed once, and out of a whole load of people, they targeted me walking alone ! My mistake of course,i should have known better , nothing was taken, but pulling  my  bag made me fall over and graze my nose/face, knees badly and bruised ribs. I looked a sight! I now have a lot of clothes with pockets !!!!

  11. A few years  back in Singapore there was a big snake  in the letter box outside the city post office! A  secretary posting the office letters nearly fainted ! 

  12. I have noticed in my daily doings, shopping, téléphone company, transport -including  airline staff, banks etc , that hardly any youth speak English ! For example,I went  to the Apple Store for a problem, not one of the staff could understand. Asking a group of 20 year old students where to get the bus to a certain area had them looking at me as if I was from out of space ! The only places I find a smattering of English is in restaurants and hotels. I am talking about well known tourist areas and not in the countryside. I do think that in today's world and for a lot of careers English is a must. Probably this is why there is a lack of qualified staff for many good job positions . 

  13. Coming from the south of France where fashion means a lot , i find bangkok very up and coming. Great fashion on the streets, and I like to people watch the new hairstyles and clothes that pass by day and night. Also, lots of fashionable restaurants and bars to go to, of course, if you have the money. Many new independent boutiques opening , Terminal 21 has some great shops for fashion, if very Japan influenced. 

  14. Since the opening of the new airport that does not have enough staff or the necessary computers, it has been chaos ! Friends  and their families that recently arrived, and departed Phuket , said that they would never go back there it was so  Awful.A two hour wait standing up in an over crowded hall, after a 18 hour trip from Europe, battling with crooked taxi drivers who drove like maniacs was enough to put them off for life ! I myself really want to visit old friends there, but don't think I'll go due to these problems.

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