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Posts posted by geisha

  1. I was diagnosed with food poisoning when it was actually a gall stone passing.Terrific pain.my second Thai hospital diagnosed it right and was later confirmed by my specialist in France. If I have the chance, I'd go home for any serious treatment. Yes there is here the language barrier, and also Thai doctors do not like to touch female patients ! I was lucky to have help / advice with our online adviser.

  2. Th e beaches in Vietnam are  clean! Every 100 meters or so, there are bamboo baskets, where people can dispose of their cans and waste. No one throws waste on the ground/ beach.There are also cleaning staff, walking around all day. I guess they are better educated there. Just take a look at the beaches on a Sunday or local holiday in Thailand after all the pick ups have gone home. Makes me so angry to see the rubbish piled up., That, and all the tuc tuc drivers and locals using the beaches as toilets, disgusting! I stay at my pool! 


  3. Good éducation is seriously lacking in Thailand. Youths are more interested in their motor bikes and having fun, and even though that's normal, you see kids in neighbouring countries struggling financially to get a good education and their main goal is to go to university.  I travel the area a lot, and I'm always amazed and happy to see these kids from relatively poor families striving to get on in life. Most Thai youth have no command of the English language which is needed today in nearly all careers. Nothing is done by the Thai government, or the parents for that matter, to change this situation. Thailand is in the fast line to being completely left behind.

  4. I was on a Bangkok flight once, three seats away from a man who proved to be stinking drunk. An hour into the flight, he smoked in the toilets. Ten minutes after that, he threw food down the alley, and some of it ended up in my neighbours lap, a young man well dressed who was being met by his fiancé and her parents in Bangkok. The drunk frightened us all to death , we were moved to the pilots rest seats, as ours were wet and soggy, and he was handcuffed to the seat. I think these idiots should be fined heavily, and banned from air travel. Also, signs should be put up, and questions asked, if passengers have been drinking heavily before the flight.,

  5. Sorry boys , but I don't think one of you would want to see your sister, daughter, girlfriend on the streets ? I have no answers to this huge problem, and I think it's all a bit too late anyway to do much about it. If there had been an obligation to educate Thai kids in school , they in turn , would have their children educated. This not being the case has thrown millions of kids into brothels and bars, and turned young men into thugs, transvestism and violence. It's evidence can be seen every day on the streets of all tourist Venus, cities, and is now hitting the smaller quieter towns of the north. We've all seen the nice girl from reception, or at the 7/11 ending up selling herself for money she never dreamed of making. It's all about money nowadays. The girls all want to shop in the fancy stores and buy the latest fashion bags, which she / he will never earning normal wages. The manicure shop I use once a month is full to the top of these young Thai girls, having manicures and pedicures , extensions and all the rest, spending 1500 baht in an hour or two ! I do not mean, as some will say, I have this right and they don't !!! Just that in one busy shop doing hundreds of girls a day, 90 per cent are street/ bar girls. Have a look in any mall ! The boys/ men want the same, clothes, cars and big bikes, money to drink and smoke. So, what can the government do about all this, I have no answer.

  6. What they need is a drop off point, where tourists can walk into town. Then the buses drive to a bus park. Easy to do, costs no money except a bus park which can be situated reasonably anywhere. Add on a tax to these tour buses too which will help pay for the bus park. All these woes could be managed easily if intelligent people sat down and worked it out ! Pattaya isn't the only tourist resort in the world ! Build a multi story car park for the publics cars, ban double parking and illegal parking, encourage public transport , and bobs your uncle !!!

  7. Mid morning and 84 dead, lots are children. Many still badly hurt in hospitals. To Mosha , it was not qualified as a terrorist attack straight away for a reason ! It could have been a lone mad man acting . Later, arms and grenades were found in the truck, and police are at the drivers home at this moment. Another terrible tragedy .

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