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Posts posted by geisha

  1. Yes, from December through to now, looking for decent bananas has become like searching for gold. Fresh on the market stalls, not packaged, most were already spotted black. Never seen this before on fresh bananas. I usually go to the market 3 times a week and buy smaller quantities as they don't keep. I also noticed that the mangos were not as delicious as before, either not sweet and juicy, or sour. Also, way too many of them on the stalls. I buy a lot of papaya, and found them a little too ripe as well. Maybe it's all to do with too much mass production. ? 

  2. I moved to Jomtien as I found a wonderful condo at a very reasonable price, fabulous pool and near the beach, which is not great ( I don't swim in the sea  there only walk )  Also good weather. Near to Bangkok and airport and great shopping in Pattaya. I go often to Koh Chang to get the " exotic island " feeling back. Love it there, but unfortunately ( or not, as that way it will stay lovely) little choice of condos and no real shopping tho it's getting better. 

  3. Have you had a look at all the other condos for sale ? There are a lot, but just choose the area you are interested in. I find the general building quality atrocious, but again, these are not expensive condos. I compared a few last year in Jomtien. 

    I saw one or two that looked really solid , similar to what you would find in Europe.

    Then others, that are only 2/3 years old, where the paint ( blue) is peeeling off and maybe in another 2/3 years will be falling apart. You'll know where I'm talking about. 

    There was not a huge  price difference between the solid and the  other ones.

  4. Im British and have lived in France for over 42 years. I have a British passport. As I've always worked in France I am entitled to a full French pension. I don't see any advantage for people who, like Simon, has lived in Thailand ( or elsewhere outside of Europe) to want another passport, as if you have never worked in that country you would not be eligible to receive a pension or any other benefits. I have  British friends  who have retired to France and own properties there. Up to now, they have been able to benefit from the marvellous health service we have. With Brexit, we still do not know for sure if they will still be able to benefit once it all goes through. They are very worried, and some are going to ask for French citizenship. Unfortunately, it's all still a bit hazy with what you can and cannot do. In Simons shoes, I probably would ask for  his Irish Citizenship.Though what benefits would they give ? 

  5. LOts of things going on in Jomtien. Ladyboys between  the market and soi 9 waiting to rob you. One   tried to " touch" my thin  silver  chain. Girls and boys on the thin pavements soliciting near soi 5 and on the prom. The market is kept quite clean but the roadsides and pavement are filthy, full of trash. Overflowing bins from the beaches stink to high heaven.Second road pavements are death traps with holes everywhere and again full of trash, wastelands full of abandoned rubbish bags. 

    At night, bike gangs, pick ups ,park  and party playing music blasting out and spoiling the trade of the restaurants opposite. Speeding cars, no policing. And this is supposed to be the " nice"side of Pattaya. 

  6. Jet skis are there for tourists.Tourists are there to enjoy themselves, having a great time on the beach in gorgeous weather, they get a bit excited, having fun.Maybe they've never been on a jet ski before ! I've seen people with small children on jet skis . They are not thinking of accidents, or killing someone. These are very dangerous machines. I feel sorry for the man accused practically of killing his wife. It was a tragic accident , jet skis should be banned as there are no rules or regulations . 


  7. Not long ago I was watching a food stall opposite Bangrak Robinsons, the lady was stir frying and a few customers sat in front of her while a huge rat scrambled around their feet ! I was mesmerised, nobody even looked down ! I didn't like hua Hin for this reason, huge rats there too, even in the restaurants on the night market .

  8. You don't have to go out at night to see all these girls, 7 pm on beach road they are everywhere, so no excuse for the police, they could check up on them easily every day. I think it's all become much too much in Pattaya , and you can see that a lot of the girls are obviously quite poor. Personally, I think it's awfully sad for them to live a life like this, getting stared at like animals in a zoo, and god knows how they live this life every day. Something needs to be done for sure. There's no excuses for letting this happen. The young African boys will soon be arriving too, I've already seen one around the Jomtien complex! 

  9. A bit off the subject but for me, important. I often walked up Theprassit road just after the lights at Foodland junction, and every time I wondered what the awful smell was coming from a shuttered shop house/ Warehouse. One evening the shutters were open so I looked in. There were dogs in cages, lots of them. They didn't look like guard dog types either. God knows what was happening there, it gave me the creeps. Poor animals. 

  10. Yes, this law Is being enforced in Jomtien and a few other locations. Yes, if you leave the country or your residence for any amount of time ( I was told my Bangkok long weekend would not matter) you have to do the 24 hr reporting again, bringing the " receipt of Notification" that is stapled in your passport with you ! Yes, they are fining people, a young couple waiting told me that they hadn't done the 24 h notification and hat they had to pay a hefty fine ! Other people have been fined. It's very strict now and I don't think there's anything you can do about it. There are notices up on the walls and doors, and it's on the list at the information counter. 

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  11. There are only three possibilities to get a visa now in all, Paris , Lyon and Monaco which is handy for the south of France. They are all becoming much more strict! I don't know why they are so difficult, apparently, much easier to get a visa in other European countries. Which, if you live in France you cannot do, unless you have an address/ bank there of course. While I was waiting in Monaco, more than a dozen people were refused and sent away to a "try Paris" suggestion. I am,starting to think that it would be much easier to fly into Cambodia/Laos/Penang to get a SETV ,and fly back home from Bangkok, using an extension to get to 90 days. Any  Thoughts? 

  12. Some of you out there thinks it's ok ? If someone is dishonest with you, does that mean you have the right to be dishonest ?' I saw no mention in his post that his bank had treated him badly, did anyone else ? Anyway, imagine he wanted to come back to Thailand one day ( + does he have à Thai wife ?) , and he's on the red list at immigration for bank fraud ? Does he , and all the others, think that's ok too ?

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