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Posts posted by geisha

  1. NanLaew, yes, I was at Jomtien, did not pay a fine because I'd been already warned by neighbours and also a friend in Chiang Mai, so I had all my papers in order and did it within 24 hours. There, I asked , and they confirmed the law was being in force.they also told me I wouldn't get an extension without the Notification receipt.A few people in the queue had to leave and go back with the money for fines.This was in December and February last.

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  2. BangkokNicky, Im quite sure an easily read instruction letter to friends/ relatives/lawyer in case of death or terminal illness would do the job. One could also stipulate which hospitals you wish to be taken too and which Wat in case of cremation. You could find out costs before hand and add this. It's good to have your personal papers in order when you live abroad, alone or otherwise. 

  3. It might be a question of laziness . When I arrived at my newly rented condo last year, the office filled in the papers for me and seemed to know exactly what was needed and within 24 hours of my arrival. The only thing I would like   , is to change the delay of 24 hours to 48 hours as it gives you more time to get things done in case someone from the office is absent/ill / on holiday. 

  4. What a load of crap ! There's a lot of you walking around with your eyes closed or what ? Take a good look at all the shapes and sizes of local ladies walking around in leggings ! Nice sight ? Short shorts getting lost in layers of fat ? Frilly evening dresses meant for 8 year old children ? Thai men often in dirty polos or tshirts put me off ! Dirty feet , ugh ! Girls in high heels staggering around body projected in front trying to keep their balance, laughable. Try sitting on à Baht Bus on a hot evening next to any sweating man , or woman ! Ridiculous talk about backpackers in fisherman pants and hippies not taking showers , take a look around you at the rest of humanity. 

  5. Ive never hand a problem with Bangkok taxis ! Sometimes they do offer no meter, but at a low price, I know I've tried it when there was no other option. Tesco supermarket to Jomtien soi 9 , 200 baht once, 180 à few times. Bus station to 2 nd Road pattaya center , 300 baht. Now I use Bells, The very best service for Bangkok hotels and sometimes the airport when the time is right. I use private cars from Bangkok and Koh Chang, fantastic service and great prices. 

  6. When you have a seasonal job, be it in Australia, or for example France, it's easy to do. I live on the cote d azur  where the towns are most busy from April to end of september. Lots of businesses close down for the winter months. In the high season, jobs are generally well paid, so you can save much more. Most of the people  I know, do like myself, work hard for 6/7 months, then leave for the Caribbean or Thailand for  example. I've been doing this for 35 years. When you are very busy in the high season working, you spend very little money. Also easier if you own your own home. For me it's the perfect way to live, as you then have the best of two worlds. . 

  7. That's a Big rat ! Unfortunately there is no hygiene in Thailand. Lately in a "good " restaurant end of evening, unsold steaks , fish , skewers, were recuperated from the front of the restaurant and put into the big plastic containers full of ice !  Serve yourself sushi stalls , where people are breathing and coughing on, ( death traps) , food left in the sun all day , rats  and cockroaches everywhere. It's disgusting. It's become difficult to find a clean place to eat, more and more I eat at home, and I'm not a good cook ! Went to an Italien restaus rant on koh Chang lately. Went to the loo, past the kitchen, it was spotless , no food lying about, and only one Italien lady there cooking. I ate there every day ! 

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