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Posts posted by geisha

  1. A complete drunken man was allowed on a lufthansa flight from Frankfurt to Bangkok. He also had a bag with a bottle it it. I did call the stewardess before we took off, as he was getting very agressive and agitated. Nothing was done. He dozed off for about an hour, then we were served our evening meal. He threw his tray all over the Dutch guy sitting next to me , I was lucky. He threw his now empty bottle across the cabin,just missing another traveller. I had called the stewards a few times before this happened. So then male stewards came and handcuffed him to the seat. A bit late I think, it could have all been avoided by kicking him off the plane.The Dutch guy was covered in the meal and drinks, we were both sent to the seats usually used by the flight crew, as the plane was full, and I refused to stay put. Just to say that it's an awful experience, spoils your flight, frightens everyone.

    more controls should be done before boarding, no bought duty free alcohols allowed to be kept with the passenger. Here I put the full blame on lufthansa .Police were waiting for the man when we arrived in Bangkok.

  2. The Cambodian government should get up off their lazy greedy backsides and start  helping  their own people before begging abroad. The horrors of the Cambodian Khmer Rouge are decades away, gone, not forgotten, but Cambodians are still living  in the horror of  today's world. . Begging to eat , life on the pavements of Phnom Penh 200 meters from the palace, the aged and babies live together in tents and squalor. Cambodia has a record number of NGO s  " working" there, and nothing seems to get done to stop the suffering. Cambodia is a very small country, it's not Africa, starvation and sickness should have been stamped out years ago. 

    So, message to the Swiss president, be careful who you are giving your help ( money) too, as it certainly won't go to the poor. Shame on the lot of them ! 

  3. I can't for the life of me understand why the local authorities are not capable of running a beach ? Yes, I know all the reasons, corruption, backhanders, nature issues,  tax evasion , but Phuket is a tourist destination which advertises its beaches massively all over the world. So the authorities ( Navy included) should also consider  these tourists needs ! It is ridiculous to expect tourists to sit under a scorching sun on a beach with no protection, it is indeed very stupid to expect this ! I suggest that  an intelligent representative from the TAT ( yes, I know that's difficult) and government make a few trips abroad to beach destinations that have organised 

    Beach chair cooperatives. An area  decided depending on the size of the beach, say , 30 % of Patong beach. This area is cut up into so many pieces that are then rented out monthly to Phuket people for a decided amount to be paid to the municipality. This is where the local authorities come in, checking on these beach chairs to see that the quota is kept, and that the rent is paid To the municipality. No backhanders, no under the table dealings. Surely, there are people compétant enough to carry this through ? The Navy should give it à one year trail period , if only for the sake of the thousands of tourists that try to make their beach holiday a memorable time, without sunburns, 

    and aching backs from sitting on the sand. Yes, we all know the beach belongs to the people, but Thais do not sit on the beach during the day time ! If the authorities want to do something good for Phuket , then let them clean the island up for a start, bring in  public transport needed for All people , and stop the violent attacks on tourists.

    How about " Go Clean, not Mean " ? 

  4. Well, I think this will be in Roosters the week that was next Sunday, as TV s longest thread ! Personally, although I'm not retired in Thailand, I do spend my long winters here, and have done for over 30 years. i have never had any man, foreign or Thai , make nasty remarks to me, or be rude or impolite. I've had lots of friends, from all over the world, and also some very dear Thai friends. I do chat with men I meet at the pool, in the mall, in restaurants or when I'm travelling around the country. I've never given it a thought to be honest. I enjoy if someone brings up a subject a bit difficult, and have spent ages nicely arguing our views. There are good people and bad everywhere, I try to avoid the bad. It's nice just being friendly, and I value my friends and aquaintances here. 

  5. Such a shame that there is no individuality in Thailand. As everyone has said, all shops/ businesses sell the same things. But the question is , why ? If you go to Bali, for example , or Singapore/Malaysia , you will find so many shops selling great fashion , art, jewellery etc , that you have to curb yourself from buying  everything. This never happens to me in Thailand, I go to the malls , and if I see something nice, generally they only have tiny sizes ! So wouldn't you think that in Bangkok,  Pattaya  and Phuket ,  they would  cater to tourists  a bit bigger than their Thai counterparts? Well no, they haven't caught on yet! Which is why you see huge stocks of slightly expensive clothes hanging on their rails gathering dust. So it must be a lack of experience in the retail buisness that brings this about, plus un inventiveness, and laziness , as personally, i get a bit fed up,of seeing salesgirls sleeping in a corner, and who get annoyed when you dare ask them for something. Terminal,21 in Bangkok do have original stuff, and there aren't any international shops there, so there's proof that some can make a success of it . 

  6. Update on my question. Went to the office and hey checked the last persons bill. The amount corresponded to my check in date of Dec 23  so I don't think they are ripping me off as I saw the bill. She did say 840'sounded a bit steep for 8 days with minimum air con use, and suggested we see a full month amount of January. She also said that at 6 baht a unit it was much more than government meters. So, I'll just check again end of January, and maybe try a daily check with all appliances ( fridge,TV, fan, ) turned off. Thanks again for all your comments and help, cheers! 

  7. As said above, raw sewage being pumped into the sea, dangerous driving, van and bus fatalities daily, rip off aggressive taxis , speedboat and long tail boat accidents , not many tourists take a 12 hour flight to experience all this. Honestly, which other tourist friendly country makes the negative world headlines as often as Thailand ??

  8. Hi , just moved into a studio in Jomtien on the 23 rd of December. I've just received the electric bill, 140 units , unit price 6.00 baht = 840 B.

    Water 2 units , unit price 35.00 B  = 70 B.

    The name on the bill is correct. ( my name) 

    i find this a bit steep for 8 days use, as I use mainly my fan and hardly 2/3 hours a day air con, which looks new, if that matters ? At a hundred baht a day, my electric bill will be 3000 B a month at this rate. Am I right ? A few details, single lady, no washing machine, just fridge, TV , evening lighting,and I don't cook. I'm going to. See them tomorrow but I want to be prepared ! I've rented before here, and never had a bill like this.

    thank you so much.

  9. Yesterday on 2 n rd opposite the temple there were dozens of police around the baht bus stop, direction Central mall. Also, there were a lot of men painting red places for bus stops, etc on beach road.,A designated bus stop'every  few kilometres on beach road , and everywhere, would  be  better , but that demands organisation, which they don't have. I see also that the price has not been put up to 20 baht , who decided that ?  Must say though , that all Phuket people are dead jealous of The Pattaya system of cheap transport . One of the reasons I left Phuket was because of this.

  10. I also have no car, so rely on the baht bus. I chose Jomtien over Pattaya because of the air, traffic fumes in The Pattaya heat are awful. The sea water is filthy wherever you go, so i swim in my pool. Loads of rentals everywhere, some really nice condos with more space than Pattaya too. Prices seem to be going more down than up. There's a decent night market near soi 9 , lots of food for those who like that sort of thing, and some very good fruit stalls . A good market soi 5 /2nd rd. As said, two small supermarkets, Food Mart and Tops. For bigger shops I go to Tescos and take a taxi home. Restaurants aren't great, but I'm a bit of a hygiene freak so that eliminates a lot of the choice. I usually go into Pattaya once a week to get things I can't get  here, and go to the cinema when there's a good film running. Why don't you want to stay in Naklua ? Seems about the same as Jomtien ?

  11. edwarda909, Apparently, Not all immigration offices need a notification of address.Where are you ? I know that Jomtien / Pattaya require it as I've been there 2 weeks ago. About your hotel. Do you have a paid hotel bill/  receipt ? You should always ask for one to prove you have paid !  If you have one,  go with  this bill, passport, photocopies of passport , arrival card, arrival stamp in  passport and your hotel address and your own telephone number, and this should be ok  for them.You then get a receipt that you must give them with your papers when you ask for the extension.

  12. I loved Kata beach. I arrived there 32 years ago , took one look and decided it was my dream place to spend my winters, and eventually retire. In 2004 I decided I couldn't live in a place where there was no public transport, rip off taxi merchants , architectural monstrosities, and a society that was degrading by the day. I moved. I've been back regularly over the last 10 years to see my friends, only to see them.

    The last time I went, I waded out of the sea, sticky ! Horrified, I rushed back to my hotel and nearly scrubbed my skin off. Friends told me later that it was quite often like that these days, so that was my last visit. 

  13. This is what you get when you welcome mass tourism ! The authorities have not followed up with a good infrastructure, the tourist profit  has been taken and none has been used to help the islands lacking in water treatment, garbage problems and road/ pavement  improvements, Not to mention the total absence of public transport! Phuket must be the only place in Thailand where there is no / or very little public transport ! Incredible. They have allowed people to build anything anywhere where ever they want, and have only succeeded in turning Phuket into one hideous 

    mess ! Money, greed, what up market tourist wants to go to Phuket now ? 

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