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Posts posted by geisha

  1. Too many malls now , in Bangkok certainly, also Pattaya. Not sure how they pay their rent, most shops seem quiet.The big chain shops, Zara, Mango, Bâta, Uniqlo, H+M seem to be busy, so it's the cheap shops that have taken over the whole world.

    restaurants , fast-food chains and food halls are the winners I think. 

  2. A taxi I'd reserved came to pick me up from a Phuket hotel. He was drunk, staggering. obviously I didn't get in. A second time , I realised too late leaving Karon direction Patong. I was terrified, managed to get out after a while and hitched a lift back. Next to where the taxis and tucs parked in Kata beach there was always a pile of empty Chang bottles. They are ignorant dangerous thugs . 

  3. I've got on numerous flights to arrive with a mega cold ! Some of these airlines are crazy pumping out freezing air for 12 hours mostly aimed at your head! Why do they do this now ?  Shopping malls are the same, too cold to take your time shopping, I always leave before I want to. Some restaurants too. Question, does the average foreigner laugh at, or call stupid, another foreigner ( me!) wearing a mask on a flight ? Another thing about catching a cold here, is that people ( mostly Thais but foreigners too, ) sneeze and cough all over the place, then touch everything , menus, handrails, money etc. Ugh.

  4. Instead of surrounding a crooked temple with 3500 soldiers and police, the general should take a good look at the carnage and tragedies  that are happening daily on the Thai roads ! Maybe these 3500 could be put to good use saving lives by controlling the roads ,drivers , and businesses that let wrecks continue  to kill innocent people , and the courts could lock people up for dangerous drivers, which would make some crazy drivers think twice . All those poor people , and all because the authorities don't care. Disgusting.

  5. Simon, why not do 50/50 ? I always thought I would retire to Thailand full time. Now I'm near retirement, I've had second thoughts. A long sunny winter here, and a lovely summer in Europe continues to sound great. It means I can keep my health insurance and pension , taxes are less for pensioners, summer months are usually very nice ( I live in the south of France) . Of course, if I had to pay rent in Europe or buy an apartment there, maybe I wouldn't go down that road . But I do do like to be free to go where I want when I want, which is why I've chosen not to be tied down here. Then there's the health question. When you are in perfect health, anywhere in the world is good !

  6. I think it's probably up to each individual immigration office. Jomtien is very strict on this and there are signs up to warn people that they need the Notification of Résidence within 24 hours. I did mine, and the man there said that if I had not, I would have been refused my extension, which I am doing tomorrow. They staple a receipt of this into your passport which you then have to give them when you return. If this law is being carried out now nationally, it would be kind of them to at least inform all travellers concerned the procedure .

  7. I would say, at least for me, thailand is fine, health permitting, until around 70 years of age. Cheaper rent, cheaper to buy a condo etc, restaurants, than Europe. No taxes. After 70, I find the weather a tad too hot, and I would worry about health problems turning up as I live alone. I have friends who are loving being retired in Portugal, and Spain, Greece, great deals to be had on fabulous houses/condos. I see the much older generation here struggling to get around, and I don't really fancy that . Of course, it's much easier if you have a happy home relationship with someone who will support you in your later years. 

  8. @phuketrichard, last time I looked, everything with a reasonable price either had no pool or was on a steep hillside. Do you have any serious agencies to recommend me please ? ( I don't ride a motor bike).

  9. Well, Dr Dave ,Madmax2, Im a ( very young!!) 64 year old lady now so my motor'bike days are over I'm afraid. That's why I prefer to be near a town where there's shopping etc as I still like to go out  nearly every  evening for my meal and a walk/ shop. My  only option would be to buy a car, tho being here only 6 months a year is a bit awkward for the engine. I will come down to Phuket soon and see what I can find . Anyone have any good addresses for a good condo with nice pool and  reasonable rent ? Or agencies ? Most welcome , thank you. 

  10. I moved away from Phuket because of the rising prices. 6 years ago+ I was paying 25 to 30 thousand for a nice studio with swimming pool not too far from a town. Today I pay 18 000 for a beautiful design studio with two pools, near the beach and 300 meters away from public transport. I rent through the winter only, but if I rented long term/ yearly , id pay even less. Then there was the taxi problem on Phuket ! 

    Having no public transport ( except the rickety bus to Phuket town!) i was at the mercy of the rip off taxis and tuc  tucs, and had a few quite nasty experiences with them. Fed up of being hostage in my town, not being able to get up and go and see my friends on other beach towns, I moved. My quality of condo and travel is much higher here, but I still miss my friends there.

  11. @superal, yes, I did consider, but apparently these cross shoulder bags that lay in your front are much more dangerous than a shoulder strap one, as they really don't break and you can get dragged further . I do still carry a bag, keep to the inside of pavements, near other people, busy streets, and don't go out for a meal with one evenings, although I'm usually back home by 9pm. I'm ok, thanks, suffer a bit from lack of confidence , and have some lovely knee scars to tell the story. Luckily my facial wounds healed. 

  12. I have a neighbour who wears heavy gold jewellery and real stones . She's been here a few times running through winter. I have warned her about this jewellery as you can't really miss it. She hasnt taken it off tho. I was badly hurt when two guys on a motorbike tried to rip my small bag off my arm. Unfortunately the strap didn't break ( I didn't try to keep it !) and I was dragged on the ground, facial, ribs and knees badly marked. A few hospital visits and sat in my condo for 6 weeks to heal. 

    So i know I shouldn't carry a bag, but where the hell do you put a comb, your keys, some money and a pack of Kleenex when you go shopping ? 

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