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Posts posted by geisha

  1. Many people will re think their holidays and long stay rents in Thailand this year.Taking into account a return ticket plus hotel, food and excursions, it will be quite an expensive few weeks, especially for families.( I'm not counting the all inclusive holiday packages lots of Europeans take!) . Independent travels to Thailand are definitely not cheap. Lots of the nice condos who rent out to long stayers , are generally in the 25 to 40 thousand baht range a month. This works out at between 657 € and 1052€  a month, a pretty price. I think tourism will take a serious dip this coming high season, as have most tourist spots in Europe. Money is tight, so the exchange rate is important.

  2. What cries out to me is the fact  that 30 years ago most Thais were a happy lot.

    Maybe the " innocence " is gone, and disillusion has stepped in. I see a lot of miserable, sullen shop workers and owners, people in all walks of life who can often be quite rude, something I never experienced before. I've seen some Thai people behaving abominably to tourists, and it shocks me and upsets me and my vision of the once lovely folk. 

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  3. Violence is escalating in Thailand and authorities should do something about it quickly as its now spreading to usually " quiet" areas, and not only the tourist towns and beaches. The police seem to be doing nothing at all. Hardly a day goes by when there isn't rape, attacks, road road etc hitting the headlines. Definitely best not to go out at night on your own, or on a motor bike, whether you are in Udon or Phuket, and if you are a foreigner , or Thai. 

  4. For many years Phuket, for example, has been relying on Burmese for positions such as cooks, waiters, cleaners, and all the other usual construction jobs. Many of my once regular hang outs had Burmese employees , who were always charming, and did their job well, and didn't " disappear"  ( Thais, one day they're there, the next, not) .Buisness owners are usually very happy with them, especially as they speak English , which is not the case with the locals ! I think they were mostly all legal. All the condos I've rented have had Burmese running them , and they are very competent.


  5. I'm only surprised that this doesn't happen more often considering the horrifying lack of hygiene in Thailand, whether it's in restaurants ,markets ,  buffets or schools.  Hardly any rule is respected , from basic cleanliness to cooking or conserving frozen goods to proper refrigeration of meats and fish. The army of cleaning ladies and staff where I live are constantly sick and locked in the loo's. 

  6. I'll be very surprised if Thailand has a good low , or high season this year. Apart from the low cost tourists, mostly Chinese and Russian , there will be a lot less of European/ American tourists.There are a lot of economic problems around the world today, and people are holiday ing close to home. We have seen this in nearly all of the favourite holiday spots this year. Add to that, Thailand is no longer a " cheap" place to vacation. Prices in good hotels are near prices asked in Europe these days.A week or two , for example, on Koh Chang or Phuket will cost the same in a similar European resort. Sadly, I was told by one of the leading travel agencies, Thailand is not fashionable anymore and has too much bad press concerning accidents , murders and attacks on foreigners. 

  7. As most people who have been/ lived on Phuket know, the taxi scam thugs have been operating for years ! And all over the island! They are the main reason why tourists have bad memories of their holiday . These mostly rude,often drunk or high on drugs individuals are a danger to society . You do not get this problem in Bangkok or other Thai cities, or very rarely. The government and prime ministers have closed their eyes to this problem for over 20 years, why will the General do something about it now ? 

  8. I work in the hospitality business and am often shocked at the way some customers behave. We've had a lady screaming at staff because she has to wait for 10 minutes foer her table ( we are not a 5 star restaurant!) . People demanding to change their meal because it does not suit their taste ( for free of course!) , using the linen napkins to wash their face and arms !!!!, destroying the toilets and throwing all sorts of things into the wc, people walking in and ignoring staff proceed to sit down at any table they like, I've been told to <deleted> off because I told a man he could not sit at a certain table. I sometimes think I've seen it all, and while no one is perfect, we all have respect for the people who work so hard to serve others. I'm quite sure being an airline hostess is a very hard job, I couldn't do it despite some perks. This lady passenger sounds like one of the nastier types with the proverbial chip on the shoulder to me. 

    Shame that the head steward couldn't have taken over from her right at the beginning of the incident, which is what I do when someone is rude to the other staff. 

  9. Most 4 star hotels charge a deposit. I've paid at Holiday Inn and Novotel, and Koh Chang, never had a problem getting it back though. By the way, Sleep with me hotel is not near Junk Ceyon, it's on the road to Phuket town on the way out of Patong, unless they've opened a new one. Not the best area for me.

  10. I'm no prude and certainly had a whale of a time partying with my friends, though not in school time I admit. I was quite shocked to see  a bunch of school kids, definitely under 16, getting on the bus after school each with their nice cool Chang. These same kids hang  out evenings with their friends, drinking smoking and blasting loud music on the beaches till late. I don't think they have a decent future to look forward to if the government and parents turn a blind eye. 

  11. I know' I keep on repeating myself, but it's all down to a lack of education. The kids here do not get good schooling, they are not taught what is right and wrong by their parents either.There are good jobs open to women in Thailand, look at the banks and secretarial offers, hotel industry ( restaurant/ cooks/ silver service ) and all the jobs that women could study and train for if they had the chance . The Thai government should get the girls into higher studies and financial help given to get them into uni.You just have to look at all the sorry looking salesgirls in the nice shopping malls, sleeping in corners, staring in their mirrors, to see that most of these girls will end up in bars or worse. The best they read is a Thai comic paper book, have you ever seen a Thai girl reading ? When you don't read, you don't learn either. For me, it's solve the lack in education that will put an end to a lot of the horrors these girls will go through otherwise. Everyone knows that the most poverty struck areas of Thailand produce the most prostitutes, so the government should open its eyes and get off its lazy backside ! 

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