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Everything posted by geisha

  1. He’s probably not wanted there either, but he has a French passport unfortunately . We have inherited « The Serpent « as if that wasn’t bad enough. Giving interviews, making money, writing a book, gives me the shivers.
  2. Never knew this existed in the first place !! Surely it had to be plastered all over the news ??? Anyone know if Asean Now published it ?
  3. If you have time I’d say 3 weeks. Ordinarily, tourists spend 2 weeks. When my niece came, met her in Bangkok and took her around the usual, Grand Palace, wat Arun, wat Pho. River trip to Ayuthaya for a day. Then flew to Chiang Mai, more temples , the White temple and Doi Inthanon. 2 days in Sukhothai which was the most appreciated. Flew to Phuket . Then went to Krabi and Railay beach. Then to Koh Chang for the best swimming, islands snorkeling , great seafood on the beach, lots of long nature walks.and National park. She loved it there. I’ve spent a lot of time there, love it. And no crowds no big hotels and chill. We went direct from there to the airport by local taxi. Great service.
  4. You can see from the road at night. No light s on.
  5. Where has this worked out so well ? Also , there are hundreds of thousands ( numbers ?) of empty condos . How will raising the law of 49% limit to 75% attract more buyers ? i have rented two new build condos in the last 10 years , ans stayed in another just after Covid in Phuket for a few months . The three of them were badly built, flimsy walls and locked front doors you could open with a push. The one in Jomtien had all the shelves and cupboards collapse when I was watching tv giving me nearly a heart attack. Windows couldn’t close or couldn’t open. Drains were unbearable smelly, the kitchen sink and elements were built for a dwarf . In the 80s I rented a small Thai row house which was at least solid and cheap, and then I found a wonderful apartment owned by a Thai American journalist, it was the only one of my 40 years of Thailand that was well built. Unfortunately after a few years they built a little soi with bars and restaurants right under my living room view, on what was once rice fields and wandering buffaloes. So I moved . I could easily have bought something over the years but my experiences put me off . Too much trouble. I’m happy renting less than six months of the year in the dry season in a very small family run condo .
  6. Really ??Do you go out at night, do you read statistics . And yes, there are more single Thai ladies than bargirls, but they’re not looking for a foreign man. “ very few bar girls in most cities “ you are joking ?
  7. The silly lady who left 15 000 B in a bag on the bar and went outside should try and count the number of tourists that are scammed, robbed, attacked, physically hurt, run over, murdered and raped by Thais . I’m not excusing and tourist that commits any crime , but I’m quite sure her 15 000B is a drop in the ocean in comparison. Like many Thais , mostly the dimmer ones, they want the tourists money but not the tourists. For sure, Thailand was a better place before mass tourism arrived , now the damage is done, deal with it.
  8. Strange reason to post . So your problem was deciding for or against having a relationship with a transvestite, or a Thai lady ? There are many more bargirls and hookers than Thai ladies looking for a relationship. If you can’t find one go back to the trans option, they take anyone.
  9. Unbelievable! I remember this sad story well. The German guy was well known. For being a trouble maker and a bit crazy. why on earth wasn’t he stopped , arrested and jailed straight away ? Someone should pose the question to Hua Hin authorities and newspapers. This is the way they treat tourists, shame on them, what is Thailand coming to ?
  10. Normal procedure in certain cases.
  11. Yes Bob, you book it from wherever you live, ( club med is very popular in France / Switzerland etc. It’s an all inclusive holiday, flight and the club. You get everything on site. There’s even a sort of exchange buro, instead of Baht they give you pearls, each pearl has a value. For example a Club Med T shirt would cost you 4 pearls ( plastic pearls of course), they’re on a bracelet which you wear so you need no cash at all. Crazy but true. What money goes to locals , practically zero. I knew the butcher there very well, he was a friend , and French. All legal of course. It’s a huge company. They have clubs all over the world. I’d say a bit like a luxury Butlins. I lived across the rd, Kata Beach.
  12. Sorry, forgot to say the wrong interpretation was in Bali, the good neurologist in France.
  13. My thoughts. I’ve had a few. You can get EEGs everywhere. It the interpretation that counts !!! So find yourself the best specialist is a good neurology department. I had one and the doctor failed to give mt the true conclusion. This led me to having meds prescribed that were for me and gave me huge dizzy spells. I eventually fought back and got myself into a very well known hospital . I had many tests, interviews, EEGs EKGs and the first doctor’s conclusion was proved wrong ! I had 6 months of hell for a bad interpretation. Hope you get the best treatment possible.
  14. They do, Tui has some very cheap all inclusive tours to Thailand staying in quite nice hotels albeit ones that are out of the way, so you're stuck on a nice beach in the middle of nowhere. An island tour thrown in or a trip to Krabi. I have a neighbor who used to go every year for years with his wife and come back dark brown tan and happy with the sunshine and food they liked. Or like the Club Med on Kata beach that used to be jam packed with French tourists when I lived across the road.They hardly left the club except one or two island tours. They have everything they want inside the club, bars, shows, shops, games, kids corner where you can dump them off for the day, perfect for families if that sort of holiday floats your boat. Club Med is the high class of cheap tours. Important is having a nice beach and palm trees.
  15. As fast as possible.
  16. I agree with Bob Smith on this one. Leave straight away. The little one is three years old, you have time to figure out how to get her to UK. As usual, a one time payment to the mother and a lawyer to fix the papers needed plus passport for the child before payment. Never send a single penny to this thieving family. Carry it through now, before the child is too old to move. Leave now.
  17. You might have polyps that is creating a blockage. Have a colonoscopy and they can take it / them out if necessary. I’ve had the same worries for a few weeks , I’ve also been diagnosed with diverticulitis in the past. Tomorrow I’m have a colonoscopy and endoscopy as I have bad acid reflux sometimes . X rays and a scan showed nothing . I’m in France though so cannot advise on Specialists, but I’m sure Bangkok is your best bet. You need an answer from Sheryl.
  18. Take a good look at yourselves guys ….. are you all looking like Hugh Jackman , or as sexy as Rege -Jean Page, or a silver haired Richard Gère ? No, shame . I rather think your feminine Thai dream girls are after a bit of easy living.
  19. Oh come on, that must be an Asean Now fallacy. I’m 71, and have never known a woman yet that has done that. Divorced yes, had their fair share yes.
  20. Western women that want to be “ equal” ? They mostly are . Today’s women want to study ,be successful , and are also feminine , and certainly don’t act like men, as far as I know everyone can dress as they like. That doesn’t always please men having someone their equal in their lives. Why do some here always come up with “ fat” or “obese “ , it’s like saying that all Thai girls are hookers and don’t have a brain .Thats what lots of people think. Stupid remarks.
  21. Pattaya taxis chargé much more than any Bangkok cab. As for Phuket , multiply that by at least three.,
  22. Thailand only understands one thing and that’s instant $. It was a little paradise in Asia , as was Bali, and look what happened there !!! It’s destruction and no infrastructure all stemming from greed. They can say what they like, it’s been spoilt, and there’s no going back to the old days . The world is changing fast, travel is more difficult due to rising expenses globally. I know an awful lot of people who have been to Thailand , some of them love it, some were disgusted and often disappointed. People tend to stay closer to home now , it’s cheaper, you have the western comfort and fixed prices. You have wonderful Italy , fantastic south of France, thousands of kms of coast line all around, Greece, Sicily, Capri, Sardinia, Spain , and all the culture and historical cities you could ever want. I’m sure most of the expats are fine with it all, they have their own homes and don’t usually use the tourist routes, myself I still come as I enjoy a nice condo and pool for a few months and to see my friends. But as a tourist one Thai holiday would be enough today. Too much else to enjoy.
  23. So the ATM counted the cash and waited for confirmation before swallowing it ? Sounds a bit logical ? If , for example he put in 29 000 baht. And tipped in 30 000 , the ATM checks before accepting it I suppose ? I’ve never used one myself. On the other hand shouldn’t that be recorded somewhere?
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