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Everything posted by geisha

  1. Quite right. Medical information is confidential . The student group can’t be that clever if they don’t know that.. Who is this SNT , all of a sudden « demanding « medical information ?? Never heard of them, and they certainly weren’t there for Pita were they ??
  2. Hopefully I’ll get to see this exhibition, I’ve seen some of Monets work lately in Monte Carlo, absolutely beautiful. It’s great that Bangkok is encouraging more of these events .
  3. Of course it’s commercial, no one’s going to invest millions of euros to loose it . Jamie Oliver’s was very good, always full , I had to reserve every time, delicious food and loads of Thais. He closed because of Covid . Shame, his staff were fantastic ! You obviously don’t know Gordon’s restaurants, I go every time when I’m in UK. Delicious, and I can promise you he does a great Thai curry or Indian . The staff is multinational. A five star cook in Bali told me he did his training there ! Most people like a change from Thai, or any other speciality cuisine. Who wants rice n noodles every day ? I’m’sure a lot of people love their « different « meals out. If you think a roast with 3 veg is the only thing Brits eat, you must never go out. I think GR will be welcomed in Thailand.
  4. If I had loads of money , the only city I could live in would be Bangkok, a beautiful apartment, lots of things to do, great restaurants and a driver on hand. But… most cities come with pollution , and I’d avoid the rainy season too, so none. I need the sea air.
  5. So are you lot of horrible people only here for the cheap sex and using the girls as and when the feeling takes you ? The answer is probably « yes » , so don’t bother. Nuff said.
  6. I have a lovely new sofa/bed I can’t get a buyer for ( new in spare room) because of its weight and having to carry it down 4 floors and up again to whoever buys it. It’s heavy because of the folding bed mécanisme. So I have to get a removal company or buy a new sofa and they then take mine for free. Nuisance, never thought of the problem when buying a few years ago.
  7. Each person has its own moral code. I’d never purposely hurt someone , I use kindle because I don’t have to carry multiple books around in my baggage, but I don’t litter or fly tip. I honor my family , I am loyal to them , my friends and partners also unless they do something to hurt me badly then I can cut them out of my life forever, so that is not forgiving, so probably immoral ? I pay all my taxes etc, but that may not be a question of morality. Each to his own.
  8. It’s hard to stop drinking, until you try. Because of my meds I’m not allowed alcohol, so I don’t drink. And although I liked my glass of good wine once or twice a week, I don’t miss it at all. I believe that much of the time, you want to drink because you’re with friends who drink, you like the social aspect. I have a friend who drank too much and stopped. After a few months he said he felt on top of the world, took up running daily, and is fighting fit. Just try.
  9. Truth, that’s because you don’t have many friends !
  10. No point at all in keeping him in hospital or prison ! I’m just waiting to see what happens once he’s out. Exciting times !
  11. Nobody reads the full story do they ? The weighing of passengers is to be carried out until October 31 st. by many airline compagnies. So why the hullabaloo? This is to have complete data on how heavy a plane really is and safety issues. They will take everything into account, food trays, baggage, staff, passengers etc. This is very important for small planes and has been done regularly on short island flights. I experienced this in the Philippines, from Manila to the islands . At first seems strange , but then quite logical when you see the amount of baggage people take and in carry on. Common sense should tell you they wouldn’t be weighing A380-800 or 747s Passenger by passenger.
  12. Quite agree. The minimum wage in Thailand is barely enough to keep a family in food and shelter. Their health and education gets neglected, how can this help them or the country ? Another reason why Thailand is stuck in the dark ages.
  13. Flying his staff, teachers, Nannie’s , cook etc around the world , does that seem normal “wealthy” to you ?? I live in the South of France, and only UAE people do these things. Read all his posts. I don’t care about his wealth and have nothing against it at all, I’m surrounded by wealth where I live. I just find that asking such advice on any forum is very strange. I don’t believe it. Nuff said !
  14. I’ve seen the havoc they caused in Sihanoukville! Drove all decent foreigners and Cambodians out, and only kept the poorest to work in construction etc. The Cambodians lost their businesses and homes. From a sleepy beach village with some lovely beaches and the main road fresh seafood restaurants, it turned into a casino/ Chinese mess. Don’t know what it looks like now but I’ve heard it’s deserted. im happy when they’re not around me. They should learn how to behave in public.
  15. Jenkins9039, sorry , I’m sure you don’t care a fig what I say/ believe, I still don’t buy your story. Who would think Cambodia or Laos is better for “babies” than Caymans or Bahamas is probably missing something. My mother in law lived half her life in the Bahamas , she was Swiss, and there were no problems with private health care. In an emergency, where on earth would you go in Cam or Laos ? lots of countries way better if you have the choice. Of course , up to you as they say in Thailand . I personally like parts of Cambodia and even Laos , but not to live for these very reasons., if I had small children I would definitely go elsewhere. IMO only.
  16. I really believe that if the OP was as rich as he sounds, he definitely wouldn’t be asking questions like this online. He would have a financial advisor and private bank that takes care of investments etc with no need to bring in millions to a different country such as Singapore for example. Why would anyone with so much money want to live in a poverty rife country ? If I , like the OP , wanted to live in a south Asian country my only choice would be Singapore. Great education possibilities, every sort of staff you’d need, health and hygiene, beautiful homes , law abiding , great shopping and restaurants. Best airlines, plenty to holiday or visit nearby. Not Cambodia or even less Laos.
  17. Some people would prefer to be less well off in Thailand than less well off in their own country. Loads of people have around 1500€ pension. Nothing wrong in that if they can afford health insurance. Everyone can live on 45000 Baht if they wish, all included except insurance.
  18. It’s the super content you don’t need. If it’s to drink at home, take bottled water with a dash of lime juice. Very refreshing. I Ve got a flask that I carry every time I go on a longer walk etc. I put water . Or you can make your own ice tea and add a small spoon of honey. Hot or cold. Takes 2 mins. I’m no health freak but avoid sugar and too much salt. Nearly all Thai food has too much sugar added, including stir fry’s and also msg which is salt.
  19. Quite true, butchers in France are not allowed to sell ready minced meat to restaurants. Restaurants must mince it themselves. The mince meat sold in supermarkets, butchers shops on the spot, is done as you ask for it with a piece of meat in a refrigerated mince machine. The butchers usually wear gloves for this. Any business selling meat, fish, food, should abide by the laws , and risk a huge fine or closure if caught out. Especially today in the world of hundreds of allergens , where we constantly hear of people dying from this and that. Like the young girl and the sandwich from a famous sandwich / snack take away in Heathrow and died on the flight. Bad news . I only have to see the seafood « boats » outside all the Thai restaurants, and it makes my stomach turn. After a hot day in the sun, put back in ice ! The group of cleaning ladies in my condo get frequently sick, eating from the vendors passing by on their moto shop. Health advice never crosses their minds unfortunately.
  20. I can hardly believe it ! Anutin and now Chada , who is possibly one of the most dangerous to ever be in Thai Politics ! Chada’s background and inheritance speaks volumes . He is up there on the list of most corrupt politicians in the world . To complete the picture , how about Thammanat as chief of Police ?
  21. So how does the Thai government know that the Chinese built engine is no good/ faulty ?? I’m missing something. Maybe it’s not a good idea to flood the fertilizer market with Chinese poison and kill us all , as if the thai fertilizer wasn’t bad enough ? Crazy. Many food products from China are now banned in EU because of this fertilizer and food preservatives.
  22. He is not broke, has money he doesn’t want to spend on an Elite . Read the post before judging. Why do you assume the girl cant work ? A few idiots on this thread methinks !
  23. Sorry but it’s true. I’ve spent a long time in India. The poverty of Delhi and Bombay is horrifying. The cast discrimination still exists, even though many Indians deny it. I lived in Goa, which is relatively prosperous due to the large tourist trade, but which also attracts a lot of unsavory characters. I rented a lovely villa from a friend who left to join the Osho Rajneesh in Poona .Getting up very early in the morning, I often saw the lines of workers in the fields doing their “ daily business “. Also the trenches with pigs under some of the poorer shacks makeshift toilets with no water !! It’s a very poor country , and I feel bad for the downtrodden Indians who somehow manage to eat.
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