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Everything posted by geisha

  1. Why would I buy anything off FB ? Surely people should be responsible for their acts . I only buy online from trusted companies, and only then if I can’t get it in the shops. FB should ban advertising, and anything dangerous for children. I once opened a post about a famous artist whom I was interested in. The content was really not for anyone’s eyes ! Why wasn’t it banned ?
  2. Let’s be honest, most tourists came to Thailand because it was so cheap. Nowadays, unless you buy an all inclusive package , it’s not cheap any more ! Just calculate a long haul flight, 14 nights hotels, meals, entertainment, attractions etc , thats double what you’d pay for staying in EU ! Imagine what a family would pay in airfares ! Add to that you’re only a 90 min/2 hr flight away , some great clean beaches and delicious food as well. No fuss of flights, insurance, language barrier, and the whole inconvenience. France Spain , Italy , Greece , for example have had a very good year, with tourists staying close to home. Thailand has also made the mistake of opening its doors to Chinese and Indian group package tours, that brings peanuts to Thai businesses. You reap what you sow. Infrastructure is catastrophic , imagine the money that the government / authorities have earned over the years from tourism and not reinvested to upgrade . many people don’t like the in your face prostitution . Yes, loads of you will say that it’s exotic and colorful and don’t come if you don’t like it. That’s not a view that will bring in more quality tourists.
  3. Snowbirds are the thousands of tourists that flee their own freezing winters for sunny shores. I was once part of a click of people that met up nearly every year on Kata beach Phuket for sunset and beers , at the time when phuket was idyllic. Myself 1984 to 2004 . We were Germans, Brit’s , Italians , Austrians all spending around 5 months in Thailand. This was the time of double entry visas , so easy for us, with a quick trip to Ranong for a border hop ( driven by our Thai friends) . We stayed in bungalows and small hotels as no condos , I think even Patong only had 2. Made lifelong friends , and even now, I try to go there every year to see the few that stayed on, and my Thai friends who were, and are still, wonderful people . We’ve grown old together.
  4. Thailand has many safety problems mainly death trap roads and condos. Before Covid I rented in a relatively new condo (5 yrs max). The pools were not maintained, but one day after an hours sunbathing early morning with my neighbor , the pool lift wasn’t working. So we went to the fire escape, Ok one flight down, ( 7 th floor) and then…locked doors !! Started to get a bit worried so called the condo office where luckily I spoke to one of the girls I know. Half an hour later the doors were unlocked by the security man. Unbelievable, we made it known how dangerous this was, another office girl from the office butted in and shouted at us . Luckily the two of us were at the end of our contract so moved out.
  5. France is also hit or miss. E Visa a huge problem here. Hence the many Visa Exempt entries.
  6. Snowbirds like myself would appreciate a 90 day Visa - Exempt entry. Why is he saying a Visa 30 days? A tourist Visa is valid 60 days. 30 days is Visa Exempt.
  7. Well, let’s just look at Thailand and the convicted criminal that Prayut choose for his government ! Haven’t seen that before, oh sorry , forgot Columbia and maybe Ecuador ? Same kettle of fish. How about the health minister and his idiotic choices and hatred of foreigners ? And while I’m at it, don’t forget the watch collector.
  8. Because Prayut wanted to send a man to the moon ?
  9. I Hope those tourists left immediately ? Those (boat ):types are uncouth, unwashed and drunk most of the time. Also, those boats have no maintenance so are unsafe as well. Put the rogue taxi and van drivers and jet ski owners into the same category. You have to choose wisely in Thailand if you value your safety. Hard words but true.
  10. There was a guy on FB ( pattaya or Phuket ) that did a month experiment on 5000 Baht. He published every day what he spent and how. He had hundreds of followers!!! ( No , I did not).
  11. 1 / Cant you read ??? 2/ His medical condition was admitted and published a long time ago. 3/ You’ve joined all the other doctors on AN .
  12. Yes, I had a passenger practically having an hysterical fit because I asked nicely if I could pass. After a minute , I told her I was in business, and that the plane wouldn’t leave without her! This nowadays is a push and shove society , lack of politeness, something honestly, didn’t exist in the past.
  13. Thaksin has reported many times his health problems. He has also been hospitalized for this well before ! Do you really think anyone would take the risk of a major urgency ?
  14. As you obviously don’t know, Thaksin was a very very rich man before entering politics ! He has given more to Thailand than the thieving Military . Lastly, any former president is not thrown into prison , and if he has had special treatment due to health problems ( which he has had for many years) the present illegal government would not take the chance of ignoring a former presidents claims, and possibly putting Thaksin in danger.
  15. That road is a race track , and the stupid intersection between Thappraya and Thepprasit and the concrete separation in the middle of the road is unbelievable. Also , Why oh why don’t people respect the red lights. Totally dangerous everywhere.
  16. France , yesterday 39c, today 42c + . The hottest in history. The heatwave has lasted 15 days now. same in Spain, Greece , Italy and elsewhere in EU, hence the fires blazing and hundreds if not thousands of deaths. In the heat wave of 2003 in France, 15 000 people died. Enough ??
  17. I know a lot of companies run by foreigners had big problems a while back in Phuket. They were closed down.
  18. 10 to 15% of Thais are from Chinese origin. That’s an awful lot to detest !
  19. I’m not against legalizing the stuff, but in a controlled / regulated way. It’s been done in some countries and you don’t see the mess it makes like in Thailand. People running riot for the business and shops opening absolutely everywhere, kids managing to buy it etc etc. Plus, the Thai potheads can’t handle it. I see big problems on the horizon.
  20. Yes, it’s nothing to do with money, he’s a very rich man. He would be stark raving mad to come back to prison , and mad he definitely is not. I think a lot of people here are clutching at straws with their predictions..
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