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Everything posted by geisha

  1. Women can use it too , but must have a dermatologist explain exactly how to use it. My friend had this problem due to over work/ stress and money problems. It’s medicine not a shampoo and must be used correctly. Worked very well. But she should have a blood test first as mentioned above. Vitamin deficiency in Thais is rampant, and hormone problems too, could be thyroid problems which is well known to cause hair loss. The blood test is TSH , T4 , and T3 . One blood test takes 2 mins. You’d be surprised how common thyroid problems are.
  2. Yes, Thais often eat Jok ( Thai congee) for breakfast and that’s where his nickname comes from as he’s known for eating his porridge every day ! I do too.
  3. Exactly, the title is completely contradictory to the article. The title implies that many thousands of Israelis are flocking to Thailand !!! I seriously doubt that, especially from the TAT. That El’Al are repatriating those who wish to go home rapidly, that’s quite normal for any country . So the Thai airports can’t manage the these departure’s, that strictly due to incompetence of airport immigration. After the Tsunami in Phuket thousands of tourists left every day and that wasn’t a problem for the small Phuket airport.
  4. I doubt anyone could invent this story !!! Sounds to me that the man seemed to be the owner of the shop if he managed to get the CCTV deactivated. If the story is true , which I think it is, shame on the police and everyone concerned in not helping her. The treatment of the woman and child is unbelievably horrendous even for Thailand. Those island folk stick together as we have often seen over the years .
  5. Silly question, the OP gives no details so will not get any good answers.
  6. Put your hands up those who think the Tsunami alert system in Phuket still works .
  7. Yes, I understand the propensity theory. A young man receives his money, which helps the cannabis shop’, he helps his producer of cannabis plants who then can increase his sales by building better facilities and also using publicity to sell the products !. The possibilities are never ending. And of course there are some problems, the roads and streets will be overrun by drug addicts . ( this theory also applies to alcohol ).
  8. I stayed 3 months in Kata Beach last year to visit my Thai and foreign friends. I lived there 20 years in the 80s till 2000. There was a Russian girl at the pool who blasted Russian music . One man asked her to put it off. She turned her head and ignored him. In a restaurant I used to go to in the past years, full of pushy Russians, sitting down where they want and shouting for their order, kids everywhere playing and running. They run their own businesses, private taxi runs, travel agencies, restaurants and probably online business too. They’ve bought up all the cheaper condos that they rent to family and friends , whole condos are mostly Russian, not forgetting the richer ones who buy the villas pushing up the prices even further. The same as happened in Bali. Because of them many foreign tourists will never come back. Pattaya , mostly Jomtien , will soon be in the same spot, there are far more choice of high rise condos in Jomtien for example than in Phuket. I left my condo behind the night market in Jomtien because of them , fortunately I have found one much more private which the owners will never rent/sell to Russians or Chinese .
  9. I think you are better off finding a meditation retreat . Lay people don’t « live » In monasteries. They take part in the daily routines , food, dormitories for sleeping …often full, lessons, and mostly in Thai language. They are not Hotels .
  10. « Walk with Kings , but never loose the common touch « . Helped me through life.
  11. I have a strong I have a strong suspicion that the author of The Tiger article above is carrying on his own personal vendetta against Surachat !;
  12. There’s a lot to be done on Phuket ! The whole beach town areas resemble shanty towns , mostly corrugated sheds ! It’s a crying shame that the authorities have let this happen, land goes to the highest bidder , no matter what the buildings look like or where , no planning permission, it’s all « bought ».Patong a mess, bad roads everywhere, Kata Beach and Kata center has no pavements , you walk through dust and dirt and god help you when it rains ! Last time I was there, the street lights didn’t work, at night you took you’re life in your own hands walking home , hundreds of motorbikes and cars driving like lunatics through towns. Rubbish collection ? Better get it before the dogs do. Even the lotus supermarket on the main Kata road is filthy, I couldn’t believe it. Phuket totally spoilt.. Thirty years ago and more it was a little paradise, quiet and respectful. Now with its thousands of tourists crowding the beach and restaurants, it’s chaos. Post pandemic shops etc falling down, no staff for the hotels and shops that are open. Rip off taxis that pick a fight with anyone complaining, no local bus service ( Thais need it too ) . Phuket and it’s Mai pen rai attitude has led to this mess.
  13. It could be a lovely beach if the water was clean, but with the drain run offs no chance. I’ve always had a condo with nice pool, but I often go down to the beach for a long walk on the water edge. If you’re staying in a hotel, the the Rabbit Resort is great , pool, opposite the beach, very quiet, and a five minute walk to shops and restaurants. As for weather it’s hard to predict.
  14. Listen to the intelligent answers. ( not the idiots) . Block her. Never contact her again ! I very much doubt you’ll have any problems, so don’t worry. Don’t go back to Rawai , change your destination, you don’t need to bump into her again, she’s a bad one . Thailand is big and has nicer places than Rawai.
  15. Funny how so many posters have their facts all wrong ! The bored bar brigade are having a field day . I imagine his absence of leave is necessary to sort out these allegations which are typically made without proof.
  16. As someone above stated, the fast track Imm officers have much more time to check ! They usually look through all your pages and on their computers before stamping you in. From my personal experience. VIP just spares you having to join the long queue so is faster .
  17. You think he makes the rules ??? That’s up to the government, as all laws are.
  18. Wait till the TIk Tok star gets to pattaya and PHUKET, he’ll have a heart attack when he sees the taxi rates ! The post means nothing, where did the star stop the taxi, the airport ? I don’t knock Bangkok taxi prices, they’re the cheapest in Thailand , and considering the constant traffic jams , they have a really hard job. Anyone who believes they earn a good salary is delusional. I take taxis everywhere in Bangkok and honestly haven’t had a problem. In Pattaya and Phuket the taxis won’t even take you anywhere for 300B .
  19. That’s a lot of « Nevers » . Never heard of how prominent / political /celebrity prisoners in the EU or USA are treated ? The same as Thaksin . How can you put an ex prime minister who was convicted in absence ,classed as a » white collar criminal « into a prison with murderers/serial killers/ rapists ?? Ridiculous !
  20. From a televised report the « party » was planned months ago, not by Surachate, and it had a mixture of guests , including ,as was stated a well known lawyer, photos were taken . Why do these officers from different units or anyone else in the RTP have to be a part of BJs team? Its all a lot of nit picking from police hating readers making a fuss about someone else’s salary which is none of their business. IMO , far too quick to condemn.
  21. I think most of you are assuming that Surachate is stupid . I do not think he’s stupid . Being at a party with a load of guys including a well known lawyer , photos taken ? He’s certainly angered a good few people lately, as happened before when he was demoted. Stinks of a set up . I’m not saying all the others at the party were innocent though.
  22. Yes, it does ring a bell, he was a multi millionaire in his own rights before entering politics. Surachate has had a very successful career and has steadily climbed the ladder since age 24, ( 30 years) and is married to a very successful lady. Try reading the info, it’s all online for you.
  23. You are all assuming he is stupid . I for one do not believe he is.
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