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Everything posted by geisha

  1. I could never live far from the sea. An evening walk and a sunset , the fresh air and even waves and colder weather, nothing makes me happier. For craziness, I go to Bangkok , I love it there, exciting modern and exotic all in one. A week there is great, wakes me up, I’m always discovering somewhere, a road a temple or a view.
  2. Sorry to say, but I’ve always found that Thailand has a huge problem with storing food and general hygiene. I’ve seen it too many times to count. One that shocks me the most are the buffets , where anyone can touch and breathe on , cough on , and the cutlery used for serving has been used by how many people ?? Ladies coming out of the toilets and passing the wash basins, very often !! I suppose the men’s toilets are the same . Those seafood boats where they are full of fish and shellfish all day exposed to heat, then put back in the fridges . I’ve even seen pork chops on display in phuket , wrapped in cling film on display, obviously frozen, then unsold and put back into those portable coolers with ice. Coughing sneezing and not using a tissue or the elbow ! I was recently in Bali, and in a five star hotel at breakfast, a Chinese man sneezed 10 times over the whole table , over the salt and pepper pots etc. I had to call a waitress to tell him to sanitize that table when they left , which they did. That said, I find Asians quite clean in personal hygiene, and most times look cleaner than some of the sweating tourists !
  3. A female , I’ve had numerous massages by men in Europe, especially deep tissue for lumbago etc, where the staff are medically registered for their work. What happened in that article is disgusting. But having spent a lot of time in Thailand, I would never accept a man masseur.
  4. It’s just a pass, a visa is , was, 30$ . I used to go often. Visas are done in Bangkok embassy. I think you can get them online nowadays but surely difficult since the military coup.
  5. Why sell them ? They’d only bring in a few Baht. Suggest condo reception or pubs etc where foreigner hang out. My condo had a huge selection , well looked after and tidy. Hotels usually have free books too.,
  6. I once rented a car in Bali that had a plastic sort of seat covering. Got home from my day out and ran to the shower, from my neck to behind my knees I was covered in tiny red spots. Dashed to the pharmacy and they gave me a lotion. It was agony for 2 days. Heat rash at its worse.
  7. It isn’t a * choice* , they can’t do otherwise, ie small pensions or health problems.
  8. I live in the south of France and I’d never live anywhere else. Been here and worked all my adult life. Great quality of living. I have many British friends who bought houses etc before Brexit. They had a choice of applying for residency and being taxed in France , but as most had businesses in UK , family , lovely homes, they didn’t go down that path. They chose to accept the 90 day rule, or can apply for a longer Visa at the London embassy. Most young people and all my family never wanted Brexit and regret it immensely. Lots leave for elsewhere, I have one nephew in Dubai, one in Ireland, another soon off to Australia .Many young people are bitter that the choice of working in the EU has been taken away from them., When I was 10 yrs old, my family wanted to emigrate to Australia, some of us did, but my parents and siblings had to stay in UK as my sister in law was expecting a baby . It’s wonderful to have a choice. If you really don’t mind going through all the immigration rules and willing to give up UK residency, you can still work in the EU or anywhere if you have a good education and qualifications. My nephew for example , has a special licence allowing him to drive oversized trucks, cranes etc which he’d earned in the British army.
  9. Never heard of this 2 million Euro investment. I have a niece just bought there and has residency and I know for certain she had no 2 million to invest !
  10. I stayed 2 nights with my niece, apart from the wonderful park which is worth a good visit, there was nothing to do, and very little choice in restaurants. Very quiet everywhere, even in the Historical park which was practically empty, this was a weekday before Covid.
  11. There has been inflation all over the world , not only Thailand. In Eu too, electricity and gas has been high for a good while now. Terrible for the poor who can’t pay their bills.
  12. I’d go with someone if I were you and make an offer.
  13. I had friends who had businesses in Sihanoukville and I can say that the Chinese takeover was a catastrophe ! Most locals and foreigners had leases on their businesses, the Chinese rolled in and bulldozed the small sleepy town and built their casinos , restaurants, hotels and money exchange booths. Most villagers were left penny less, the foreigners moved away and left all they had achieved. When Covid arrived they all left and the place apparently looks like a war zone. I have no more friends there to tell me what it’s like, but others in Kampot say it’s heart breaking.
  14. I was in Kata beach when the taxi drivers outside the hotel resort opposite attacked a foreign tourist with bars and sticks. They beat him up ! All because the tourist parked his hire car unknowing claimed by taxis on the road leading to the beach where all the many taxis are. He would not have known they were taxis, they’re not marked and there are no signs ! His wife and children screaming and crying looking on as this happened. There were many witnesses. I believe nothing was done. That’s when I left Phuket.
  15. If you think it’s the heat rash, buy a tin of snake brand Prickly heat talc. I always have this talc it’s great in the heat. Most supermarkets or pharmacies have it. Or , You might have an allergy ? Does your wife have it too ?
  16. Personally never had a problem asking landlord/condo office to declare me and give me the proof, screenshot nowadays. ithink all landlords or condos should do this necessary by Thai law. This way makes it easy for the foreigners/ tourists to ensure their different visas or extensions are done without hassle.
  17. No, I always get the forms before hand for extension and fill in at home, ready to be presented at office with the Passport / photo etc. Phuket , and Jomtien. Why would I make that up ? As I added, I’ve never bought a property which might require blue ink and * wet* as someone above wrote . Not rubbish. Done this since the 1980s and never been asked for blue ink.
  18. OP, why don’t you have a good calm conversation with your girlfriend before ?? You’re together 5 years, surely you can ask nicely what her intentions are ?! I’m a bit surprised she doesn’t want to marry you, is there a reason ? Not being nosy, but knowing might be an indication of what is awaiting you once the baby is born ! Are you even sure the baby is yours ?? Surely your * problems* of visas is secondary to the many bridges to be crossed with a new born ? Just my honest opinion.
  19. In a famous show south Phuket, I saw a white tiger in a small glass case, walking round and round in circles. This majestic animal was so beautiful, and huge , sadly loosing his mind in such conditions. Made me crazy mad , I wrote to the local newspaper and to the Mayor office and TAT. I suppose nothing came of my actions. They also had about 30 elephants on stage . The zoo in Phuket attracts lots of very bad reviews too. I’d never go there, and wasn’t expecting this *show * to be like that. I was invited for the opening night. A shocker !
  20. Well, after spending 30 ++ yrs in Thailand as a snowbird, so have done many forms and extensions, I never knew that and nobody ever mentioned it. I do always use my own which are good quality biros. Never used *wet * ink. And I’m sure not blue either as I generally buy black. Never had a problem. I’ve never bought property though.
  21. No, not on Bora Bora or any Tahiti island. It’s very quiet and expensive, no pollution, sparkling sea water , pricey , unless you don’t mind slumming it. There isn’t much entertainment. Certain hotels put on their own local shows, very beautiful. There is more on MOOREA and it’s more affordable. It’s only valid if you go to Tahiti for diving, snorkeling, photographie, island trips , everything water based as they have truly the most perfect white sand beaches and turquoise sea water where you can swim in heaven and study the stars . Nothing like Thailand or the pollution ! The closest I’ve got to Tahiti for stunning beaches is Boracay in the Philippines. I went 30 years ago so it was just gorgeous, but a few years back they had to close the island to tourists because of pollution, I don’t know what it’s like now. Palawan is lovely too, also for the water. Manila is a dangerous place for nights out. I think Fiji is the next best to Tahiti outside school holidays and monsoon periods. Take a look at hotel prices on booking.com for ideas of prices.
  22. Well, during the big epidemic, having the vaccination wasn’t forced , your choice. Many who didn’t, a lot died, or ended up in hospital, sometimes for months with lasting problems. That’s where the test comes in. If you are worried or have a doubt, do a test, at home cheap enough or through a test center. You have to think of other people who might have very serious consequences if you infect them. Elderly parents and sick people run risks. I always tested myself before flying, or visiting a friend with cancer, this is respect and love. If I go into crowded stores/ malls now, I usually wear a mask. Hospitals and doctors also wear masks all the time here in EU. Did you miss out on this because of being housebound ?
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