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Everything posted by geisha

  1. It was Ziva , for me ! Fabulous food and I ate there nearly every night while on Koh Chang. I’ve heard she closed down after Covid ? Would love to hear she’s still there, lovely lady .Fab cook.,
  2. Look at booing.com loads of recommendations, depends what you want , pool, no pool, near beach or not, expensive or cheap or reasonable and when , different prices depending on months and holidays.
  3. I’m not the OP but have been regularly to KOH CHang from Pattaya, using cocodeeboo , Colin, great service , great cars and sensible experienced drivers. Look up his internet site. Another site is iamkohchang , very nice guy too, similar service and has a BNB.
  4. It’s not all about you and your psychedelic sex life , it’s for Democracy for the Thai people.
  5. Easy to see who’s side you are on! Democracy is obviously not up your alley .
  6. Thai embassy Paris refuses tourist visa if the person has spent already 180 days in Thailand.
  7. I’ve seen a lot of foreigners selling drugs on Bangkok streets , also women in the rag trade, and they are not Asian or European.
  8. I don’t find Thai hospitals that good myself for the price they charge foreigners. Unknowingly, I had a small kidney stone, thought I was dying !! Went to a hospital, waited, then put on a drip in a curtained off emergency room. The “doctor”:was in jeans and shirt . Whole families were surrounding the beds of other patients ! Shocked me. Waited till 3 am then sent home., Next day went to a different international hospital and eventually saw a real doctor who diagnosed my problem. Back in France with examinations it was confirmed.
  9. I had a friend who drank a lot. After a few months , I stopped completely as I was afraid of going the same way. Now I only drink a good glass of wine when eating out , but never in Thailand as the wine is awful. Once spent a fortune for a friends birthday in a wine shop on a good red ( one I knew from France) and is was slightly corked .Never again. So if I have a drink every few months it would be a gin tonic in Thailand.
  10. Many countries have this rule. 180 days in one year. Same with Paris Thai Embassy. Worse, for Brits coming to EU Europe there is 90 day rule in 6 months, so total 180 days in 365 a year.,
  11. Wow, just wow ! *more than reasonable* to do trade with a murderous regime and it’s crazy dictator ? Your image here has never been good and is getting worse fast . Go there, or North Korea , I’m sure you’d love it.
  12. It would be fun to see the fortunes of each leader, politicians, police, army , civil servants etc researched and printed for all to see. In western countries they do. I think it would wake up the Thais !! They are the ones who vote for them.
  13. Since when is penetration a legal procedure in a massage technique ? I’m disgusted.
  14. Reading that report , it would seem they are classing all and every one overstayer as a danger to society, criminal, damage risk to the country ! Most of them are just that, overstaying. The real baddies and criminals should stick out like a sore thumb, as did the Chinese gangs running illegal casinos and call centers! Took the police a while to sus that out didn’t it ? Any Thai reading that article will likely put all male foreigners into the same sack, the description of these foreigners is way over the top. Why not crack down on real criminals ? Why not close down or give heavy fines to landlords of condos , houses, etc who do not declare their renters. Why not check who really owns all those houses with land near beaches , and multiple businesses in cities , Bangkok for a start ?
  15. Maybe damage to forest or beach land ? Not sure, but I saw many newly built villas on Phuket , mostly on hillside near the sea. I was told by a friend who lives in Kata that they were mostly Russian owned. Same has happened in Bali .
  16. Reminds me of the food poisoning I had from spaghetti a few years back ! Almost immediately I took ill, a friend took me to his nearby house where after two days practically unconscious and 2 visits from a doctor I finally came to. Another time on a trip back to Delhi after visiting the Taj Mahal. Dropped off at my hotel after about 20 toilet stops, again I was very sick for 2 days , doctor again. I ate vegetarian all my time in India, it came from the breakfast in my 5 star hotel. So contaminated hands/ water. There are a few different degrees of food poisoning, some much worse than others. I was unlucky. Since then I have been really choosy when eating out.
  17. Every country in the western world check immigrants. We all complain of the influx of illegal immigrants in our home countries don’t we ??
  18. In your place , which I’m glad I’m not, I would spend 6 months in Cambodia where it’s quite cheap to live . Then get a visa as Brit Tim suggested .It will be worse for your future in Thailand if you get stamped refused. And yes, flying in they will see everything on their computer.
  19. I think that if there was a chance of prison, he definitely wouldn’t come back.
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