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Everything posted by geisha

  1. Just get your wife to check in the hotels etc, I asked in Jomtien about 5/6 yrs ago and the boss said no, ne need for domestic travel.
  2. He could have made a lot of money over all those years. And maybe not only to bona fide students.,
  3. Hé obviously tried to cut her up and depose but couldn’t. A madman, death penalty is too good for people who do such things.
  4. I think a lot of the Russians buying in Phuket/ Thailand are doing so just in case the worse comes to the worse and they can relocate . I was recently in a 5/star Bali hotel. I spoke every breakfast time to a Russian lady with a very small baby, she hired a Balinese nanny to look after the little one. I asked the nanny if she was living in Russia with her boss, she said no, was hired in Bali and the family had been there nearly 4 months. Quite sure the Russians who have any sort of money are securing their future elsewhere. Phuket has been popular with Russians for a long time, they seem to like the beach. The ground floor apartments in Jomtien where I spent about 5/6 years were all Russian owned. But they cooked at home and the stench downstairs was awful. Whole families were there , grannies kids the lot.,
  5. You don’t need to be skinny or overweight ! Eat normal well balanced diets and exercise. You’ll be healthy, unless a medical problem. Noticed the Thai ladies are getting bigger since a good while.,Rubbish food and eating all day, soda drinks , all unhealthy.,
  6. Sorry to contradict you, but I have traveled twice this year to Thailand visa exempt, staying over the one month and have not been asked for a return / leave ticket., (I did have one to Singapore and Bali). On the other hand, each time I travel with Emirates they ask for a billet de sortie . This apparently depends on the airline, some stricter than others. I have never had any sort of’problem with immigration either , my stays usually corresponding tô EU winters.
  7. I doubt that Indian travel insurance continues paying for stolen necklaces. So why are those people taking the chance ? Maybe it’s because certain people like to show off their jewelry, lots of people do. I personally take no jewelry with me when leaving Europe. And even in Europe do not wear it evenings.
  8. Transgender has always been there. Maybe a few hundred years back they were burnt at the stake like witches, I don’t know. I do know that in Victorian society it was very common , lots of books referring to this, films etc. Some very influential people were known to be of doubtful gender. They weren’t nice times for the poor or people who were different. one would hope that today attitudes are different ! They’re not all hookers in Pattaya or the numerous back streets around the world. From what I’ve seen Thai airways employed many , compared to other airlines. Why would it bother anyone ? my brother who is 84 went to school with a « tomboy ». Poor girl was ignored in class and in life. A quiet nice person that I knew as she / he was a neighbour of my grandmother. I’ve seen an aged lady walking around our town in the south of France for nigh on 50 years. Obviously not a woman but not a man either. It’s a hard lonely life for most. Acceptance would be nice.
  9. Unless he was seen lately , he might not have even been there .
  10. Do whatever you did on your previous stays in Thailand concerning lodgings. It’s just probably a bit more expensive than 2019:. Booking somewhere for one month will be double the price of a one year lease. I think you’re getting ahead of yourself, you can’t ask prices etc when you have no dates, high season, low season, just look at all the different options online. Everyone has different likes and necessities.
  11. I was young in the 60s and 70s , had lots of friends who were mostly normal. There were plenty of drugs about in those days too, and I must say I never heard of kids selling drugs. If you wanted them they were everywhere in the nightclubs and sold by adults , not kids., Parents were a bit stricter too, you never missed a days school , didn’t talk back to the teachers or beat them up !! You might think that’s old fashioned, but now often on my way home from shopping in Thailand the bus was full of kids stuffing their faces with crap food or drinking beer ! Never seen any adult complain. How do you imagine the lives of todays youths , do you believe they’ll have all the advantages we had/ have ???
  12. The huge thing here is the boy was 16 ! Didn’t he have parents, schooling, a job, family life.? Lack of any education again, as seen all over Thailand. Anyway, odds are, he wanted to rent a place for him and his « minor » girlfriend. So they cooked up a job with a local lowlife. Something went wrong , the boy was murdered, the girl either got away on the bike, or is hidden away somewhere. The police might have found her and is keeping her safe, who knows. Other news was the two young Russian kids creating hell in a Pattaya market. Really ?? Are kids that crazy stupid these days , or do parents really not care a damn ?
  13. I think Malaysia actually refuse in / out air passengers , or they did a while back., If it’s a money problem, take a travel agency same day border hop and spend stuffy boring hours hoping the driver slows down !
  14. I add to Brit Tim’s advice, don’t fly back the same day ! A few days somewhere nice, good food,,change of air , and without enquiring looks and even questions on why you are doing this ! Plus, you will still need a visa for Cambodia or Laos, go through immigration and then back again !! maybe not for Vietnam you can check. What on earth is complicated about booking a hotel and cheap taxi ride into town , don’t understand that remark.
  15. RIP dear Joe, I asked for your help over many years and you were always there !: sincere condolences to your family, you will not be forgotten.
  16. Get your passport , Move out immediately, (!!!!) get the bank to cancel all payments Cards etc. Change phone . Get a lawyer , let him work something out that will bring you money. If no money, move to a Nice quiet beach area and chill. Don’t let her know where you are!!!!
  17. Trecking to the hill tribes 40 years ago, being stopped by opium field guards who let us go as our guide assured them we were young tourists. Sleeping in the village huts , being amazed at the beautiful people and their customs. My most frightening experience was the tsunami on Patong beach. Although I was fine, I thought everyone I knew was dead. They weren’t, but I cried for days .
  18. I think the Thai driver was turning around to go in the opp direction, which was why he he was looking for oncoming traffic and not at the two men crossing in front of him.
  19. Thousands die from overdose, « bad » quality drugs, adverse reactions, etc every day the world over. I grew up in the LSD era many people were fine taking it, quite a few died, usually from reactions after , maybe wasn’t researched a lot in those days. Classed as drug accident or overdose. , same with todays best known drug cocaine. Before you actually buy it, it could have been « mixed » many times to earn even more money. Some people take cocaine all their life! Usually hard working business people, who initially take it to manage travel/ work hours. That’s where the respected dealers come in. The ones who can usually be trusted to sell you the best quality. Millions die from drink, people eat themselves into morbid obesity, people take Valium or other « legal » opioids. Accidents happens , to everyone. It’s not a choice to be stupid, or choice to die. Nasty way of looking at things.
  20. First, why are you frowning, do you need glasses ? Secondly, how’s your body looking , do you exercise, are you eating healthy well balanced food, not drinking too much ? How’s your clothes, hair cut, teeth ? start with those for 6 months, don’t forget you’ll have to keep your face out of the sun forever, sunscreen, a hat, sunglasses. Then, and only then, if you are so unhappy about a few wrinkles, go to the best that use quality products, google it. Don’t be taken in with sales talk !!! personally if I were to want this, I’m 70 and a lady, I’d take the best qualified cosmetic experts. Anyone , can give you injections, avoid that like the pest !!! Try smiling and looking your best.
  21. Well, they’ll just have to root out the Chinese criminals from the bona fide tourists ! Stricter immigration rules, phots / fingerprints and no more crooked immigration officers.
  22. Laos Luang Prabang , Mekong river lovely temples. then to Siem Reap Cambodia to see Angkor Wat at sunrise and Sundown. Then Thailand , either Ayutthaya ot Sukhothai which ever suits you better. Chiang Mai , trecking trip or not, but not in the high pollution season ( slash and burn). A few days to end up in Bangkok and really see the historical sights, All this can be done by bus if you have time . If not ,eliminate Laos and or Cambodia. if you want to spend a few days on a gorgeous beach or small island, head to TRAT, take the ferry to Koh Chang, from there are many idyllic islands. Play Robinson Crusoe !!Easybto get to from,Cambodia or Bangkok by bus . There are flights nearly everywhere of course. All depends you’re budget and preferences.
  23. Hefty fines, a few days in the monkey house and deport the worse cases .
  24. Surely they are not asking for university degrees for cleaning staff and kitchen helps ? Most of my usual haunts have employed Burmese , excellent workers, some Cambodian but speak little Thai. All legal. One very good restaurant in Phuket has had 3 chefs in one month ! Left for no reason ! Then there’s the long hours., low pay, and huge problem, nowhere decent to live ! Every year I spend a few months in Thailand, buy my own fans as don’t like constant air cons, pots and pans ,towels. Clean pillows, hate ones that aren’t new. Then I give them to the waiters and waitresses when I leave. Ive seen plenty of awful lodgings, clean enough, but really basic shared between a few, one as a waiter I know with his whole family on the floor! same problem in lots of countries beach resorts, no decent lodgings , low pay, long hours. No staff . Have a look at some of the places for rent around Soi 5 Jomtien, or that Russian enclave further down after the temple . 10,000 Baht a month for a ….hole, and the 5000B ones forget it., The government lives in their own cosy homes with transport and good pay, they have no idea.
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