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Everything posted by geisha

  1. Yes, and when you are disabled you plan your future way of life ! You live in convenient areas, no hills etc. A well placed condo with lift and easy entrances, plenty of those . My condo in hua Hin also had a “ pulley” ( sorry don’t know the name ) to lower people into and out of the pool.Marvelous. When you absolutely need to get across a difficult road for whatever reason, you use a taxi. How often does that happen ? All down to planning. I know a gentleman who lives in Pattaya and has disabilities that are very difficult and he has a carer that comes in and does the shopping, help with shower, errands , etc , even takes him to DRs appointments and a restaurant. He also has a cleaning lady once a week. He has the choice to return to his homeland, but much prefers to stay in Pattaya where he says he is much better off. And yes, he has recently acquired a mobility scooter.
  2. Ps, question might be relevant, where are you from, national? Racism exists.
  3. I would have applied for a tourist visa straight away. Anywhere. ( Vietnam) Fly in, maybe Chiang mai if possible, keep boarding pass. Don’t say a word. Have your cash ready in hand to show if mentioned. Leave your phone in your pocket, dress nicely. Ant bother, ask very nicely to see a supervisor.
  4. Well unfortunately, this is what most foreigners see and hear about Thailand. Of course you have the odd few who have never heard of Patpong or Soi Bangla, but otherwise Thailand has quite a sleazy reputation. I don’t like it myself as I always hope it doesn’t reflect on myself. I’ve often been asked why I go to Thailand ( snowbird winters), doesn’t the sleaze and in your face prostitution bother me, even condemning adding to the bad social situation as I’m willingly supporting it!!! I must admit that over 35 years of Thailand I’m vaccinated to all this, but I still think it’s a shame that everyone seems to be tarred with the same brush, Thais and foreigners equally. There is more to Thailand and Thais than prostitution, but tourists often take home images of screaming bargirl touts, scantily clad young girls , crazy lady boys and rip off Tuc Tucs.
  5. The truth is , none of you know anything! I’m sure he’d be tickled pink by all the speculation .
  6. The problem with Thailand airports is the incompetent immigration system. Such a waste of time . Secondly, the lack of good restaurants . A bit of extra hygiene wouldn’t go amiss either , generally. If needed I make sure I have a good meal before leaving . The lounges are generally awful. On arrival, horrendous waits at the luggage belt. I fly business and my cases have come out early on one occasion only. I enquired after being told that business luggage comes first, and was told it wasn’t. If it’s Dubai, Singapore or EU countries the wait is rarely more than 15 mins. I don’t shop at airports generally, but Thai airports have very poor shopping choice. Very old fashioned mostly junk for sale. Suvarnabhumi could be a world class airport if it had good management. Maybe the bosses should all be sent to Zurich or the likes to see how they run things.
  7. One of my friends who is 74 , good health and owns his own condo gets by on 25 000 baht a month. He rarely drinks, does a lot of sport. That’s not counting his health insurance and banking his 800 000 B . Obviously he doesn’t go out much evenings and is a very good cook. Lives alone, has a motorbike. It’s his choice not a necessity. He retired at 55. It all depends on your lifestyle. And age.
  8. The whole of Thailand is a shambles. Nuff said.
  9. Sounds to me like you have a lot of anxiety. I have to control mine as I tend to panic.Im managing better and better. Such a lot of ailments can cause abdominal pain, I stopped eating too much bran fibre, no more pain, my niece stopped milk/ lactose, no more problems now 8 months. Im very sure your DR is taking advantage of you. If they haven’t found something by now then I think they’re barking up the wrong tree. Too many colonoscopies are dangerous by the way !!! Find your nearest good gastroenterologist ( maybe Sheryl will give you one in your area? ) and see him first. Make an appointment, stop worrying , and eat healthy. Cut out the grease salty sugary foods, alcohol, caffeine, get some exercise and fresh air walks. Then you’ll be feeling better. Don’t forget to show the new DR all your examinations in order and dated.
  10. It’s not been on news etc, I’m not exaggerating, a friend of mine who has never been sick in her life had the same, her husband and daughter too. I didn’t catch it from them, I caught it certainly in Venice airport in the New Year rush. I saw my doctor, enough for me and he said the hospital was fulll. You hardly hear a thing about Covid anymore. Just wear a mask in crowded places, wash hands. Up to you. ( I had Covid in March 2022 and it was like a short sniffle , 3 days).
  11. Not true everywhere!! It’s been very bad in lots of EU countries with the hospitals full again . I’ve had it myself, and this particular strain often affects the bronchial and lungs and it’s a bad and nasty infection. My DR says he’s getting 10 patients a day ( small village) with the same symptoms. Knocked me for six, cortisone and antibiotics to treat the lung infection.
  12. It was a mistake from the beginning, very badly thought out and no control over the outcome at all. i don’t believe in open drug sales/shops , advertising, on every street corner. It would be difficult to control in educated countries and governments in the west are wary because of this. In Thailand it’s a complete mess. I was young too through the 60s and 70s and I dread to think what would have happened if it had become a free for all. It attracted all the wrong “ tourists” / people to Thailand , I could see Thailand turning into a modern day Goa or Katmandou. Making it so easy and cheap to buy has harmed a lot of Thais in my opinion.
  13. A beret will not protect enough and it’s warm to wear, also not uva proof.
  14. Great tip. Go to any of the big Malls such as Central. Go to the men sports department nat the back usually. There you have brands like Colombia, North Face, you will find the brimmed hats you’re looking for, UVA proof, good quality you can wash and wear forever. Don’t muck with the sun on your face / head. in Bangkok there are many specialty trecking shops, online too, but better to try the hat on before buying it ! I like the Australian type myself that really are the best and made for purpose.
  15. I really don’t know why you all keep getting exasperated, upset, infuriated by this story, which has been beaten to death over 5 months. When he announced his return , it was a given that it was planned well in advance and that he wouldn’t be imprisoned. It was planned by the government . Thaksin is a billionaire in his own right, he was Prime Minister, not a common thief or murderer who was going to sit in jail. Yes, he’s been ill before returning to Thailand . By the way, Happy Birthday MR Thaksin !!
  16. They already do ask for passports.For the moment you can always find an exchange that won’t .
  17. It’s very popular all over the world. Don’t knock what you don’t like. Personally, I like the comfortable armchairs, a newspaper if I want one, spotless restrooms in or near by. Nice snacks. Wifi . Air con . Watery ? There’s all sorts of coffee , express, decaf, latte , Americano , lots. You don’t like it, don’t go. Too expensive , go elsewhere. Great ones in Bangkok ! My go to is in Gaysorn plaza, barista and all the luxury, same price as other Starbucks. Each to his own. Whatever, it’s a huge success around the world.
  18. Yes easier to take the visa run company. The Thai hustlers on the Cambodian side can be a bit overwhelming. Where are you going ?
  19. The woman actually fell down the lift shaft . What the article doesn’t say, is why, how it happened , which floor was the lift on, and from what floor she fell. Details matter.
  20. As said above the woman stuck in an ascending lift is a completely different article , added onto to the real article.
  21. Thailand should be absolutely shamed of itself and its government lack of interest. Just compare statistics of total,EU deaths per year compared to Only Thailand. There are less deaths in the whole of EU than in Thailand in one year !!( under 21000 in EU countries ). in the UK, where no one can claim it’s a country of non drinkers, in the previous 3/4 years road deaths average 1600. Government , get off your lazy backsides an d finally put an end to this daily carnage on your roads. Re create your traffic Police methods, Absolutely no more cash payments for fines , on roadside or not. Get working traffic lights and cameras, put the police back on the roads. Thailand is a total disaster, and while many foreigners gladly drive in most countries without fearing of death , driving on a simple highway in Thailand is a nightmare. Thai families left devastated and penniless after these thousands of yearly accidents , Government, this is all your fault, the total disinterest in your own people, and the tragedy they go through because of your negligence! Lack of education, then teach them. Not forgetting , if it interests you PM Srettha Thavisin, the world has been watching this for a long time. Do something to get their trust back.
  22. The only way is to put your foot down once and for all. Tell them subject closed. 2000B , no more talk, or you stop the payment completely. Don’t argue, don’t explain, and your wife must say the same thing and refuse any other exchanges on the subject.
  23. What does that mean ? She plugged her hairdryer in a faulty plug or what ?
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